Save file erased itself when the power went out

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Save file erased itself when the power went out

Postby Paul » Sat Feb 22, 2020 9:47 am

I was on floor 15, my laptop shut down, i started up again and i found my save slot erased event hough im not sure there were ewas eve anything near me.

It was the one with the level 21 player with Kaw Kaw and a polar pixie in the bottom slot.

What caused this and is there anyway I can get it back? Also what key views online wraith wraths? Was curious and wanted to see if it was there and noted a cause of death.

I tried pressing the key listed in the help section but it didnt seem to work.

Edit: if I system restore might it come back? If the saves are stored onn server how would make laptop cutting out erase the save?
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Re: Save file erased itself when the power went out

Postby Ferret » Sat Feb 22, 2020 2:50 pm

Hey Paul, sorry to hear about your save file troubles.

Save games are actually stored on your machine, not on any server of mine. In a case like this, what probably happened is the power went out just as the save file was being updated, causing it to be lost. :( (If you've played console games, they often tell you not to cut off the power while they're saving, or while a certain icon is on the screen, this is the same kinda deal.)

In such an event, there would not be relic wraith since the server was never notified of the death. (There is no key to view relic wraiths, and causes of death aren't noted either, since that isn't necessary for building them.)

System Restore...might?... work? Nobody's ever tried it that I know of, but since the files were on your computer, it's possible they'd get saved.

I'd offer to try restoring the file from your save data folder if you sent it to me, but this has a pretty much 0% success rate in my experience: usually the files left behind after a power loss incident are just blank/null data. Still, if you send it, I'll take a look. is the address. On Windows, they'll be stored in a directory called Users\[accountName]\AppData\Local\FerretDev_Org\Demon\Save_10_27_19, where [accountName] is your account name on the machine. Zip up and send that entire folder to the e-mail address if you like, and let me know which save slot the game was on.

Sorry I can't be more optimistic about things, losing a game is pretty terrible. :(
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Re: Save file erased itself when the power went out

Postby Paul » Sun Feb 23, 2020 1:30 am

Thank you for the fast response. I sent it.

I didn't expect my laptop to turn itself off, normally it goes to sleep when the power is low.

Though I also didnt know the game had a "destroy hours of work" function instead of just not saving or reverting back or something. I could imagine that would cause a lot of rage when you get this on to steam or something.

I tried System Restore and no dice

Edit 2: When I pressed help in game one of the functions was viewing wraith data, but I cou;d't see the corresponding key on my keyboard or it wouldn't work right. Which is why I had the idea of checking to see if the game had converted my file into a wraith despite not being legitimately dead. And if these are stored on the server I had wondered if they could be retrieved from such. Tbh I once tried to cheat by setting multiple programs and hoping to restore my save after dying, and finding out that didn't work, so I hoped the same kind of anti cheat function could be used to restore an unfairly erased save
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Re: Save file erased itself when the power went out

Postby Ferret » Sun Feb 23, 2020 5:10 am

Ah, you meant viewing your own wraiths's kill counts! Sorry, yeah, that is possible. I thought you meant something more detailed than that. The data stored on the server for wraiths is only what is needed to make them, it wouldn't be possible to reconstruct a save game from them.

The game actually does try to keep backups, but to some degree I'm at the mercy of how operating systems work. When you tell Windows to write to a disc, it more queues it up than actually doing it right that second: it actually does it at some future point when it decides it is best to do so.

Unfortunately, it is possible for the backups to still be waiting to actually be written when the real file is being accessed: if you lose power in such an event, you end up with both wiped. I actually did make some effort to fix this vulnerability for another player who had more frequent power loss issues, the best I was able to do was provide a chance it would save the data, but it was not able to get to 100%.

I'll take another swing at it after I finish the build that's releasing next week. I understand how frustrating losing a save game is, I assure you, it has happened to me before in other games.

I haven't gotten the save files yet, if I still haven't by tomorrow I'll let you know so you can resend.
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Re: Save file erased itself when the power went out

Postby Paul » Sun Feb 23, 2020 9:25 am

Thanks. I sent it before I went to bed, but got a mailer demon error this morning (I'm in England), i'll try again
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Re: Save file erased itself when the power went out

Postby Paul » Sun Feb 23, 2020 1:56 pm

Sent. Used my google account because AOl wouldn't accept your email adress
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Re: Save file erased itself when the power went out

Postby Ferret » Sun Feb 23, 2020 3:28 pm

Hmm, still nothing. Let's try a different way: Can you use Dropbox, Google Drive, or some such to create a download link?
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Re: Save file erased itself when the power went out

Postby Paul » Sun Feb 23, 2020 6:17 pm

Yeah I checked, gmail also thought it might be a virus.

But hope this works ... a.rar?dl=0
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Re: Save file erased itself when the power went out

Postby Ferret » Sun Feb 23, 2020 6:35 pm

The download worked, but this is the Demon game files, not the save data. Save data gets stored in a location something like this:


Where [accountname] is whatever account name you use with Windows. Also, the LocalLow part might just be Local instead.

Send me that and I'll check it out. I should remind that the odds of a fix are low though, usually when they're gone they're gone. I don't mind trying though, it doesn't take long to do that.
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Re: Save file erased itself when the power went out

Postby Paul » Sun Feb 23, 2020 11:53 pm

I checked under users Paul an there wasn't a file called app data. I Searched and couldn't find it either. Is there anywhere else it might be stored?
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