There's a couple of things I hope to gain by this:
1) At the moment, I think a number of the interesting/exciting abilities you find in the mid-late game are being ill served by showing up in starting character packages. (Examples: Charm, Paralyze, Haste, spammable AE nukes/debuffs, etc.) Having them all available at the start robs them of a bit of the interest/excitement they would otherwise generate. If you want Paralyze now, you start with Vodun Mask or (probably much more rarely) Orb of Power and pick it up. You don't have to wait until the mid-game to find it, and it doesn't feel particularly noteworthy if you happen to snag it much earlier due to a random modifier. The same argument could apply to everything else I listed, as well as other things.
2) On the flip side, the early game's ability offerings tend to be overshaowed for summoner builds: you usually pick new abilities mostly to support your starting 3. There's not much reason or incentive to experiment: chances are you started with what you wanted, there's no reason to make do with anything else, no sense of growth in starting from unideal circumstances and working your way towards towards a desired build.
3) (minor) Reduce the amount of time/thinking needed up front when starting a new game. Even with only 4 choices (relic, element, element, starting ally), I feel like there would be some benefit to cutting this down: the vast, vast majority of characters die pretty much right out of the gate anyway, encouraging lots of thought about and pondering over options only to kill you in less time than you spent choosing, over and over, seems potentially counterproductive.
TLDR: I want to nerf starting ability sets, probably down to a single relatively mild ability, both to make certain concepts they current give out at the start feel more special/rare when you find them naturally in their mid or late-game levels, and to make what you find and choose to use in the early game more important. (And, to a minor degree, to de-emphasize character creation a bit since for 95% of players you'll be right back there again within several minutes at most anyway.)
Feedback and comments're welcome.