by Ferret » Mon Dec 12, 2016 5:26 am
Correct: If you use a corpse or Enemy Lure to summon a ghost, only the floor you on is used. Any ghost with that floor as its "haunt" is possible for appearance, level is ignored. On the flip side, the ghost chime only considers level of the player: what floor ghosts are "haunting" is irrelevant. (The range is fairly tight, yes, at least for now. Much is definitely subject to change about Relic Wraiths in general being both a new and somewhat controversial feature.)
But yes, currently, if you are on Tower:20 and search a corpse, or use Enemy Lure, and either result comes up "summon a ghost", *any* ghost haunting Tower:20 is possible for appearance, regardless of your level or theirs.
The spawn rates are unchanged from the post I made before, with the exception that when choosing between a server ghost or a local ghost when both are available, the odds favor server ghosts 2 to 1 (I originally planned, and almost released, with 50/50, but I'm not sure if I actually said that anywhere or not.)
Finally, Relic Wraiths are covered in the manual as "enemy summoners": they are not mentioned specifically by name, but enemy summoners and Relic Wraiths effectively act the same for all combat purposes. Everything you can do that summons them in game warns you, in fairly dramatic terms, that there is significant risk to what you are doing. It's true the manual never mentions them, but given you are warned there are enemy summoners, I think it might be okay to have a subset of them that is unusual in ways that, from a perspective of interacting with them, don't really change much.
(I suppose I could include some information on how their stats and what not are selected, but I'm hesitant to go into that much detail about a fairly esoteric subject, at least in the manual. I might could add an "advanced/more details/spoilers" type section?)
Wiz: The bug that caused poor HP was client side. If you are running the 12/12 version, any Relic Wraiths spawned in your games will have the correct HP, regardless of whether the ghost in question was from 12/11 or 12/12.