Read Me First!

Discussions about possible changes and new features that might happen someday.

Read Me First!

Postby Ferret » Fri Oct 14, 2016 11:31 pm

Hi! :D

Think of this forum like a sort of "reverse suggestions" forum. :P

I'll post stuff here basically as a Request for Comments from players. :D I've locked topic creation to me only: if you want to make suggestions or have feedback, please use the old Feedback and Suggestions forum like always. :)

Finally, one important note: The only thing me posting something here means is that I want to hear thoughts/opinions about it. It doesn't mean that thing will happen soon, or even at all. I just wanted a place where I could more easily organize discussions around certain ideas I have about things I might want to change/add in the future.

Thank you for your help in making Demon awesome, and good luck in the Tower. :D
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