Hi Bormoth, and welcome to the forum

I hope you're enjoying Demon

Regardless of what I end up doing here, I'm hoping to avoid worthless abilities (entirely really, not just in starting packages

) Starter ones might go a little blander... but not by much I hope. Shocking Stab is perfectly in line with what I'd want for starter abilities, so no worries there.

I don't starters to have to be replaced instantly... but I admit I also don't like them not being replaced for 50%+ of the game.
The system you propose is pretty interesting.

But, definitely a big lift, as you say.

I agree starting packages should probably matter a bit more than they do, but I still have some systems to add (including one, confusingly for this conversation, that I've also been calling Traits, but that isn't limited to just relics/player characters, and doesn't have the evolutions you describe.) that may impact it.
Evolution though... hmm..

I've got something to think about.

Thanks for the suggestion!