Game Window Too Small?

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Game Window Too Small?

Postby Maschenny1 » Fri May 19, 2023 3:45 pm

Hello, I have a question. I installed Demon in my new computer and it plays in a very small window, covering only about 30% of my laptop screen area, and I cannot seem to fix it. Even when I press F11 and make it full screen, the overall window size doesn't change and the rest of the screen is just blacked out. This is rather too small, since all texts are too tiny. Is there any way to make the screen bigger? It's different from what I remember on my previous computer, so maybe it's a device problem?

And I also wanted to say thank you Ferret sooo much for developing this game, I've been playing it since there were only 20 Tower Levels or such. Random fact: My personal favorite demon is Pele, and my favorite ones to hate are Maderva and Mordecai. Anyways, there can't possibly be another game that offers such a satisfying experience playing as a summoner, and the AI behaviour algorithm is amazing. Thanks again for your work.
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Re: Game Window Too Small?

Postby Ferret » Sat May 20, 2023 11:17 pm

Hey Maschenny, and welcome to the forum!

Hmm... what OS are you on? F11 is Demon's internal full screen button, but it doesn't always work the best on some systems. Most OSes have a separate full screen button of their own built in (Alt+Enter in Windows, for example) that sometimes works better. Try the one for your OS and lemme know how that goes. I will admit there are some systems neither seems to do well on, unfortunately, but it is worth trying both.

I'm glad you're enjoying the game, and thank you for the kind words. :) You probably have a lot of company on hating Mordecai, he has long been one of the deadlier heroes. :D
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Re: Game Window Too Small?

Postby Maschenny1 » Wed May 24, 2023 9:27 am

Hi, Alt+Enter worked for me, thank you for your solution very much.

Now I can continue to play and keep dying until I can finally reach floor 30 once more. :P
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Re: Game Window Too Small?

Postby Ferret » Fri May 26, 2023 3:18 pm

:D I'm glad it worked. I've always been frowny I needed two different full screen buttons, but it remains true that one or the other usually works and it is regrettably inconsistent which one is the "good one" for a given system/OS. :P

Good luck in the Tower! :) Floor 30 is a lofty goal. :D
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