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Demon Party Dump File
Version 6/4/2021, Scoring Model: 5/31/2021
Dump file created at: 9/13/2021 3:38:09 PM
Summoner DiedToANero...
was chosen by the Titan's Fist,
selected Slash as their starting element,
has earned a score of 100998,
is currently at Tower:29,
and is still alive!
--==== Main Character ====--
Name : DiedToANero
Level: 38
MaxHP: 202
MaxSP: 100
Strength: 85
Magic : 15
Vitality: 85
Agility : 55
Cunning : 10
Resist: Body
Weak : Ice
Soul Brand:
Wa-Co (Lv.24)
SP Costs: -2
Remove Weak: Ice
Abilities Known:
1) Dive (Type: Slash, 15 SP. Must target a character. Leap to the target with a 70 Power attack. Cooldown: Charge (4))
2) Wraith Bite (Type: Pierce, 15 SP. 70 Power attack, split between HP and MaxHP damage. 66% of the MaxHP damage is drained to the user as bonus MaxHP (affected by Dark resistance).)
3) Flesheater (Type: Body, Reactive. Responds to an adjacent character's death by attacking them with a drain that heals you for 25% of their maximum HP.)
4) Gluttony (Type: Body, Passive. Provides a 50% increase in healing, SP restoration, and MaxHP bonuses from drains and abilities that heal based on damage dealt or restore SP based on SP drained.)
5) Ignore Pain (Type: Healing, Reactive. Responds to damage dealt to you with a 20 Power heal. Only works when the attack leaves you with HP greater than 50% of your maximum.)
6) Egotism (Type: None, Passive. Reduces SP costs by 10 (minimum 0) while you have bonus MaxHP.)
7) Bloodthirst (Type: Body, Passive. Heals you for 25% of the damage you deal with Slash, Impact, or Pierce abilities (affected by Body resistance). Does not work with MaxHP damage.)
8) Innocence (Type: Mind, Passive. Increases offense, defense, accuracy, and evasion by 33%, and status accuracy and status resistance by 16%, versus opponents who are at full HP. (Bonuses are affected by Mind resistance.))
Relic Upgrades:
Aux Guard I (When you have 2 or less demons summoned, reduces incoming damage and increases status resistance by 20%, for both you and your summoned demons. The bonus does not apply to Heroic targets.)
Aux Guard II (When you have 1 or less demons summoned, reduces incoming damage and increases status resistance by 20%, for both you and your summoned demons. Stacks with Aux Guard I. The bonus does not apply to Heroic targets.)
Aux Power I (When you have 2 or less demons summoned, increases damage dealt by 20% and reduces SP costs and cooldowns by 20%, for both you and your summoned demons. The bonus does not apply to Heroic targets.)
Aux Power II (When you have 1 or less demons summoned, increases damage dealt by 35% and reduces SP costs and cooldowns by 20%, for both you and your summoned demons. Stacks with Aux Power I. The bonus does not apply to Heroic targets.)
Copy Saver (Reduces the cost of Copy Ability by 33%.)
Translator (Reduces the cost of using Copy Ability on yourself by 50%.)
Capacity Up III (Grants additional storage capacity for demon allies, allowing for a total of 6 at once.)
Enemy Sense (Shows the positions of roaming enemies on the map, even if you have not fully explored the level. Also warns you about summoner corpses whose Relics still contain active demons.)
1 Peace offering
2 Ghost chime
1 Mirror chime
3 Zephyr card
5 Heal gem
1 Pain glyph
8 Heal stone
1 Venom rune
2 Calm card
1 Night rune
2 Frost glyph
1 Heart glyph
Wa-So (Lv.4)
Is a Non-Unique Demon
Resist: Dark
Wa-Qu-Fl (Lv.5)
Last Used: Pierce
Agility: +7
Remove Weak: Elec
Wa (Lv.12)
Remove Weak: Mind
Wa (Lv.13)
Remove Weak: Matter
Mi-Wa (Lv.21)
Remove Weak: Fire
Strength: +10
Wa-Co (Lv.24)
SP Costs: -2
Remove Weak: Ice
Wa-Wa-Rel (Lv.24)
No base SP cost above 15
Remove Weak: Matter
Remove Weak: Ice
Wa-Wa-Em (Lv.27)
7 or less abilities
Remove Weak: Fire
Remove Weak: Elec
Wa-Res (Lv.31)
SP equal to MaxSP
Immune: Matter
Wa-Pa (Lv.31)
Level is 46 or higher
Immune: Fire
Ri-In-Dis (Lv.33)
Base Magic is 42 or more
Max SP: +21
SP Costs: -17%
Wa-Du (Lv.36)
Vitality: +15
Remove Weak: Dark
Current Credits: 37364
--==== Party Overview ====--
Element Users Immune Resistant Normal Weak
Slash 2* 0 2 5* 0
Impact 2 0 2 5* 0
Pierce 1* 0 2 5* 0
Fire 1 0 2 3* 2
Ice 0 0 0 5 2*
Electricity 0 1 1 4* 1
Body 1 0 4* 1 2
Mind 2 1 2 4* 0
Matter 1 0 3 4* 0
Light 1 2 1 3* 1
Dark 2 1 1 4* 1
n : Number of party members counted.
* : Denotes the main character is included.
--==== Current Party ====--
Name : Eradicator Asura
Level: 47
MaxHP: 141
MaxSP: 100
Strength: 118
Magic : 31
Vitality: 45
Agility : 43
Cunning : 43
Resist: Slash Impact Pierce Fire Body Dark Matter
Weak : Electricity
Soul Brand:
Wa-Pa (Lv.31)
Level is 46 or higher
Immune: Fire
Abilities Known:
1) Rhino Charge (Type: Impact, 20 SP. Must target a character. Charge to the target with a 85 Power attack. Inflicts Stun, causing the target to miss their next turn. Cooldown: Charge (6))
2) Double Smash (Type: Impact, 20 SP. 100 Power attack split between two Impact attacks.)
3) Accursed (Type: Dark, Passive. Provides a 35% chance for your Slash, Impact, and Pierce attacks to apply Pariah, causing the target's allies to take damage when the target does (excluding reactions).)
4) Bloodthirst (Type: Body, Passive. Heals you for 25% of the damage you deal with Slash, Impact, or Pierce abilities (affected by Body resistance). Does not work with MaxHP damage.)
5) Flesheater (Type: Body, Reactive. Responds to an adjacent character's death by attacking them with a drain that heals you for 25% of their maximum HP.)
6) Healing Aura (Type: Healing, Reactive. Each standard turn, grants a 10 Power heal to you and all visible allies.)
7) Mighty Roar (Type: Impact, 10 SP. Attenuated 0-85 Power attack, based on the user's SP (max SP = 85 Power). Has a 50% chance to inflict Stun, causing the targets to miss their next turn. Cooldown: Breath (4))
8) Ignore Pain (Type: Healing, Reactive. Responds to damage dealt to you with a 20 Power heal. Only works when the attack leaves you with HP greater than 50% of your maximum.)
Name : Power
Level: 37
MaxHP: 114
MaxSP: 100
Strength: 126
Magic : 18
Vitality: 50
Agility : 18
Cunning : 18
Immune: Light
Resist: Slash Impact Pierce Matter
Weak : Dark
Soul Brand:
Wa-So (Lv.4)
Is a Non-Unique Demon
Resist: Dark
Abilities Known:
1) Vehemence (Type: Buff, 15 SP. Briefly raises accuracy and offense by 25%. Free action. Cooldown: Cantrip (3))
2) Overpower (Type: None, Passive. Reduces the chance of opponents Blocking, Dodging, or Parrying your attacks by half.)
3) Spiny Veil (Type: Pierce, Reactive. Responds to damage dealt to you by adjacent enemies with a 20 Power attack. Cannot miss.)
4) Counterattack (Type: Slash, Reactive. 50% chance to respond to damage dealt to you by adjacent enemies with a 55 Power attack.)
5) Dominator (Type: Mind, Passive. Provides a 10% chance for your Slash, Impact, and Pierce attacks to apply Charm, turning the target against their allies.)
6) Hunter Boon (Type: Buff, Passive. While you have Accuracy Up, your attacks deal an additional 20% damage.)
7) Rend Asunder (Type: Slash, 20 SP. 100 Power attack split between two Slash attacks.)
8) Ignore Pain (Type: Healing, Reactive. Responds to damage dealt to you with a 20 Power heal. Only works when the attack leaves you with HP greater than 50% of your maximum.)
Name : Dominion
Level: 37
MaxHP: 110
MaxSP: 100
Strength: 23
Magic : 80
Vitality: 32
Agility : 50
Cunning : 60
Immune: Electricity Light
Resist: Body Mind
Weak : Fire
Soul Brand:
Ri-Po (Lv.36)
Magic: +15
SP Costs: -14%
Abilities Known:
1) Gaudium (Type: Buff, 40 SP. Only affects allies. Increases offense, defense, accuracy, and evasion by 25% and speed by 33%. Cooldown: Miracle (1))
2) Channeler (Type: None, Passive. Reduces the SP cost of abilities with the Miracle cooldown to 0, and reduces Miracle cooldowns by 50%.)
3) Lifeweaver (Type: Healing, Passive. Reduces the SP cost of Healing abilities by 5, to a minimum of 0.)
4) Obsession (Type: Mind, 30 SP. 50% chance to inflict Charm, turning the target against its allies.)
5) Heal Wounds (Type: Healing, 25 SP. 105 Power heal.)
6) Healing Aura (Type: Healing, Reactive. Each standard turn, grants a 10 Power heal to you and all visible allies.)
7) Panacea (Type: Healing, 30 SP. Removes all negative status effects.)
8) Mending (Type: Healing, 20 SP. Cannot be used on Mended targets or enemies. 150 Power heal. Applies Mended.)
Name : Jorogumo
Level: 40
MaxHP: 133
MaxSP: 100
Strength: 29
Magic : 59
Vitality: 29
Agility : 49
Cunning : 89
Immune: Mind
Weak : Fire Body
Soul Brand:
Mi-Wa (Lv.21)
Remove Weak: Fire
Strength: +10
Abilities Known:
1) Strangle (Type: Matter, 25 SP. 70 Power attack. Has a 70% chance to inflict Held, which reduces accuracy, evasion, and movement speed (can stack three times.) Cannot miss.)
2) Choke (Type: Body, 10 SP. Must target a Held character. 20-60 Power attack based on stacks of Held (20 per stack.) Delays target's next turn, adds 2 turns of Breath and Charge cooldowns. Cannot miss. Free action. Cooldown: Cantrip (3))
3) Alluring Gaze (Type: Mind, 5 SP. 70% chance to cause Charm, turning the target against its allies. Cooldown: Presence (4))
4) Innocence (Type: Mind, Passive. Increases offense, defense, accuracy, and evasion by 33%, and status accuracy and status resistance by 16%, versus opponents who are at full HP. (Bonuses are affected by Mind resistance.))
5) Afflicter (Type: None, Passive. Restores 5 SP for applying a new Body, Mind, Matter, Light, Dark, or Debuff status effect. (Poison or Held stacking does not count as a new effect.))
6) Held Boost (Type: Matter, Passive. Increases your chance to apply Held by 50% of the original chance.)
7) Assail Soul (Type: Dark, 20 SP. 40 Power attack. Will randomly attempt to apply one of Guilt (70%), Pariah (70%), Mute (50%), or Hex (50%). Cannot miss.)
8) Divine Fury (Type: Fire, Passive. Provides a 35% chance for your Light and Dark attacks to apply Ignite, causing damage over a short duration.)
Name : Fel Meamei
Level: 39
MaxHP: 139
MaxSP: 125
Strength: 23
Magic : 101
Vitality: 38
Agility : 39
Cunning : 54
Immune: Dark
Resist: Fire Light
Weak : Body
Soul Brand:
Wa-Du (Lv.36)
Vitality: +15
Remove Weak: Dark
Abilities Known:
1) Flame Blast (Type: Fire, 25 SP. 100 Power attack. Has a 35% chance to Ignite the target, causing damage over a short duration.)
2) Stellar Burst (Type: Light, 25 SP. Attenuated 40 Power attack, enemies only. Attenuated 60 Power heal, allies only.)
3) Bask (Type: Fire, 0 SP. Can be used when Muted. Must target an Ignited enemy. No effect on the target, but triggers a 60 Power heal on and restores 10 SP for the user. Free action. Cooldown: Cantrip (3))
4) Firestarter (Type: Fire, Passive. Increases your chance to apply Ignite by 50% of the original chance.)
5) Tireless (Type: None, Passive. Increases MaxSP by 25.)
6) Ritualist (Type: None, Passive. Reduces the SP cost of magical abilities that cost 20 or more SP by 5 if no Cantrip abilities are on cooldown. Cooldown: Cantrip (0))
7) Assail Soul (Type: Dark, 20 SP. 40 Power attack. Will randomly attempt to apply one of Guilt (70%), Pariah (70%), Mute (50%), or Hex (50%). Cannot miss.)
8) Divine Fury (Type: Fire, Passive. Provides a 35% chance for your Light and Dark attacks to apply Ignite, causing damage over a short duration.)
Name : Grootslang
Level: 40
MaxHP: 139
MaxSP: 100
Strength: 74
Magic : 19
Vitality: 59
Agility : 19
Cunning : 74
Resist: Electricity Body Mind Matter
Weak : Ice Light
Soul Brand:
Wa-Co (Lv.24)
SP Costs: -2
Remove Weak: Ice
Abilities Known:
1) Rhino Charge (Type: Impact, 20 SP. Must target a character. Charge to the target with a 85 Power attack. Inflicts Stun, causing the target to miss their next turn. Cooldown: Charge (6))
2) Raging Combo (Type: Impact, 15 SP. Two or three (equal odds) 33 Power attacks.)
3) Heavyhanded (Type: Mind, Passive. Provides a 20% chance for your Slash, Impact, and Pierce attacks to apply Stun, causing the target to miss their next turn.)
4) Tangler (Type: Matter, Passive. Provides a 35% chance for your Slash, Impact, and Pierce attacks to inflict Held, which reduces accuracy, evasion, and movement speed (can stack three times.))
5) Tormentor (Type: None, Passive. Restores 5 SP when you deal damage to one or more characters that have negative status effects.)
6) Vitae (Type: Healing, 40 SP. Only affects allies. Removes all negative status changes, then applies a 150 Power heal and bestows Regeneration, restoring health over time. Cooldown: Miracle (2))
7) Bloodthirst (Type: Body, Passive. Heals you for 25% of the damage you deal with Slash, Impact, or Pierce abilities (affected by Body resistance). Does not work with MaxHP damage.)
8) Ignore Pain (Type: Healing, Reactive. Responds to damage dealt to you with a 20 Power heal. Only works when the attack leaves you with HP greater than 50% of your maximum.)
--==== Recent Messages ====--
Your power pierces Voloh for 4.
Your power concentrates briefly.
Your power looks more accurate!
Your power looks more powerful!
Your power is out of control!
Your power rends Voloh for 15.
Your power rends Voloh for 14.
Your dominion chants while pointing at your
Your power calms down.
Your power is no longer poisoned.
Using Wraith Bite...
Aim within the possible target area using
movement keys. Press Enter to execute, Escape to
You bite Voloh for 4. You are healed for 4.
You sap Voloh's vigor for 3!
You are invigorated for 3!
Voloh releases a burst of prismatic light.
Voloh afflicts your power for 35.
Your power is poisoned!
Voloh afflicts you for 45. You are healed for 4.
Your power pierces Voloh for 7.
Your power can be mended again.
Your power misses Voloh.
Your power rends Voloh for 17.
Your dominion gestures at your power.
Your power is healed for 37.
You look more confident.
Using heal gem...
Heal Gem can only be centered on yourself. Press
Enter to execute, Escape to cancel.
You use the heal gem. You are healed for 98.
Your power is healed for 46.
Voloh releases a burst of prismatic light.
Voloh afflicts your power for 34.
Your power loses control!
Voloh smites you for 45. You are healed for 4.
Your power is healed for 5.
Your power pierces Voloh for 6.
Your power fumbles around uselessly!
Your dominion chants while pointing at your
Your power calms down.
Your power is no longer poisoned.
Using Wraith Bite...
Aim within the possible target area using
movement keys. Press Enter to execute, Escape to
You bite Voloh for 7. You are healed for 6.
You sap Voloh's vigor for 7!
You are invigorated for 7!
Voloh releases a burst of prismatic light.
Voloh afflicts your power for 34.
Voloh smites you for 45. You are healed for 4.
Your power counterattacks.
Your power slashes Voloh for 20.
Your power pierces Voloh for 7.
Your power rends Voloh for 18. (x2)
Your power kills Voloh!!
You have defeated a hero, and may gain one of
their abilities.
Learn Egotism? (Y or N)
You receive Egotism from Voloh!
You have too many abilities and must delete 1.
Really delete Healing Aura? (Y or N)
You delete Healing Aura from yourself!
You chow down on Voloh for 120.
It's super effective!
You are healed for 180.
Your dominion gestures at your power.
Your power is healed for 26.
Your dominion gestures at your power.
Your power is healed for 26.
Your power can be mended again.
Your power's power returns to normal.
Your power's accuracy returns to normal.
Your dominion gestures at your power.
Your power is healed for 30.
You begin resting.
You continue resting to restore your inactive
Rest complete, but you must defeat enemies to
restore your allies' missing Maximum HP.
You pick up the heart glyph.
You swap places with your dominion.
You swap places with your power.
You swap places with your power.
Need help? Press '?' or F1 to access the game
Using Summon...
Aim within the possible target area using
movement keys. Press Enter to execute, Escape to
You summon your asura!
There is a shimmering portal to Victory here.
Press 'p', '<', or '>' to change levels.
Really win the game and start a new cycle? (Y or
You win!
--==== Recently Slain Allies ====--
Name : Drakeborn Yuki-onna
Level: 33
MaxHP: 114
MaxSP: 100
Strength: 27
Magic : 105
Vitality: 47
Agility : 27
Cunning : 37
Immune: Ice
Resist: Fire Electricity
Soul Brand:
Po-Res (Lv.28)
SP equal to MaxSP
Magic: +33
Abilities Known:
1) Snowstorm (Type: Ice, 40 SP. Attenuated 85 Power attack. Chills the targets, reducing their accuracy, evasion, and movement speed slightly.)
2) Wintry Touch (Type: Ice, 15 SP. 100 Power attack. Chills the target, reducing their accuracy, evasion, and movement speed slightly.)
3) Pink Whisper (Type: Mind, 10 SP. 70% chance to cause Charm, turning the target against its allies. Free action. Cooldown: Presence (4))
4) Haunt (Type: Dark, 25 SP. Must target an enemy. Warps you adjacent to the enemy, and has a 70% chance to delay the enemy's next turn. This is not considered a movement ability. Free action. Cooldown: Charge (4))
5) Tormentor (Type: None, Passive. Restores 5 SP when you deal damage to one or more characters that have negative status effects.)
6) Ice Breath (Type: Ice, 10 SP. Attenuated 0-85 Power attack, based on the user's SP (max SP = 85 Power). Chills the targets, reducing their accuracy, evasion, and movement speed slightly. Cooldown: Breath (3))
7) Ignore Pain (Type: Healing, Reactive. Responds to damage dealt to you with a 20 Power heal. Only works when the attack leaves you with HP greater than 50% of your maximum.)
8) ------------
Name : Succubus
Level: 36
MaxHP: 112
MaxSP: 100
Strength: 18
Magic : 77
Vitality: 27
Agility : 27
Cunning : 97
Immune: Mind Dark
Resist: Body
Weak : Ice Light
Soul Brand:
Sh (Lv.34)
Cunning: +21
Abilities Known:
1) Obsession (Type: Mind, 30 SP. 50% chance to inflict Charm, turning the target against its allies.)
2) Body Lock (Type: Body, 30 SP. 70% chance to cause Paralysis, causing the target to frequently miss their turns.)
3) Vigor Drain (Type: Dark, 30 SP. 70 Power attack, split between HP and MaxHP damage. 33% of the MaxHP damage is drained to the user as bonus MaxHP. Cannot miss.)
4) Energy Siphon (Type: Body, 0 SP. Drains the target's SP by 10%, restoring your own SP by 66% of the amount drained. Cannot miss.)
5) Heartbreak (Type: Mind, 25 SP. Must target a Charmed enemy. 130 Power attack, but misses if the damage would not be fatal.)
6) Charm Boost (Type: Mind, Passive. Increases your chance to apply Charm by 50% of the original chance.)
7) Pink Whisper (Type: Mind, 10 SP. 70% chance to cause Charm, turning the target against its allies. Free action. Cooldown: Presence (4))
8) Lux (Type: Light, 40 SP. Only affects enemies. Has a 70% chance to apply Guilt, and a 50% chance to apply Mute, followed by an 85 Power attack. Cannot miss. Cooldown: Miracle (2))
Name : Dominion
Level: 36
MaxHP: 108
MaxSP: 100
Strength: 22
Magic : 63
Vitality: 31
Agility : 50
Cunning : 80
Immune: Electricity Light
Resist: Body Mind
Weak : Fire
Soul Brand:
Sh (Lv.34)
Cunning: +21
Abilities Known:
1) Argent Arrow (Type: Light, 30 SP. 70 Power attack. If the attack hits, grants a 105 Power heal to you or a nearby ally.)
2) Gaudium (Type: Buff, 40 SP. Only affects allies. Increases offense, defense, accuracy, and evasion by 25% and speed by 33%. Cooldown: Miracle (1))
3) Chorus (Type: Healing, 0 SP. Restores 5 SP. Restores 10 SP if your last action was a Light or Dark ability. Restores an additional 10 SP for each visible ally whose last action with a Light or Dark ability.)
4) Mindwatch (Type: Healing, Reactive. Responds to a Mind status effect being applied to you or an ally by removing all Mind status effects from that target. Applies Mended status, and will not work on targets with Mended status.)
5) Channeler (Type: None, Passive. Reduces the SP cost of abilities with the Miracle cooldown to 0, and reduces Miracle cooldowns by 50%.)
6) Lifeweaver (Type: Healing, Passive. Reduces the SP cost of Healing abilities by 5, to a minimum of 0.)
7) Obsession (Type: Mind, 30 SP. 50% chance to inflict Charm, turning the target against its allies.)
8) Heal Wounds (Type: Healing, 25 SP. 105 Power heal.)
Name : Profane Unicorn
Level: 32
MaxHP: 124
MaxSP: 121
Strength: 30
Magic : 67
Vitality: 33
Agility : 29
Cunning : 46
Immune: Light
Resist: Dark
Weak : Body
Soul Brand:
Ri-In-Dis (Lv.33)
Base Magic is 42 or more
Max SP: +21
SP Costs: -17%
Abilities Known:
1) Heal Wounds (Type: Healing, 25 SP. 105 Power heal.)
2) Panacea (Type: Healing, 30 SP. Removes all negative status effects.)
3) Healing Aura (Type: Healing, Reactive. Each standard turn, grants a 10 Power heal to you and all visible allies.)
4) Vigorous Aura (Type: Healing, Reactive. Each standard turn, restores 1 SP to you and all visible allies.)
5) Lifeweaver (Type: Healing, Passive. Reduces the SP cost of Healing abilities by 5, to a minimum of 0.)
6) Regenerate (Type: Healing, 25 SP. Bestows Regeneration, restoring health over time.)
7) Mending (Type: Healing, 20 SP. Cannot be used on Mended targets or enemies. 150 Power heal. Applies Mended.)
8) Celebrant (Type: Healing, Reactive. When you are healed to full HP by a direct heal, you apply a 60 Power heal to all visible allies.)
Name : Fel Shikome
Level: 32
MaxHP: 118
MaxSP: 100
Strength: 16
Magic : 92
Vitality: 26
Agility : 33
Cunning : 53
Immune: Dark
Resist: Ice Body
Weak : Mind Light
Soul Brand:
Ri-Po (Lv.36)
Magic: +15
SP Costs: -14%
Abilities Known:
1) Lich Touch (Type: Dark, 25 SP. 100 Power attack, split between HP and MaxHP damage. 66% of the MaxHP damage is drained to the user as bonus MaxHP.)
2) Horrible Glare (Type: Mind, 10 SP. Only affects enemies. Four 40% chances to delay the next turn of the targets. Cooldown: Presence (4))
3) Possess (Type: Dark, 30 SP. Must target an enemy. Warps you adjacent to the enemy, and has a 70% chance to delay the enemy's next turn. This is not considered a movement ability. Free action. Cooldown: Charge (5))
4) Swiftness (Type: None, Passive. Reduces the turn cost of movement and movement abilities by 20%.)
5) Delay Boost (Type: None, Passive. Increases your chance to delay an enemy's turn by 50% of the original chance.)
6) Furious Rage (Type: None, Passive. Increases SP regeneration by 200% when your health is at 50% or less of maximum and your last action was a damaging ability.)
7) Assail Soul (Type: Dark, 20 SP. 40 Power attack. Will randomly attempt to apply one of Guilt (70%), Pariah (70%), Mute (50%), or Hex (50%). Cannot miss.)
8) Divine Fury (Type: Fire, Passive. Provides a 35% chance for your Light and Dark attacks to apply Ignite, causing damage over a short duration.)
Name : Sacred Virtue
Level: 37
MaxHP: 125
MaxSP: 100
Strength: 14
Magic : 113
Vitality: 14
Agility : 22
Cunning : 67
Immune: Light
Resist: Fire Electricity Dark
Weak : Slash Impact Pierce
Abilities Known:
1) Repair Flesh (Type: Healing, 30 SP. 130 Power heal.)
2) Salvation (Type: Healing, 15 SP. Only affects allies not weak to Light. 60-130 Power heal, based on the target's Light resistance (Normal = 60 Power, Resist = 105 Power, Immune = 130 Power). Cooldown: Light (4))
3) Grace (Type: Buff, 25 SP. Improves accuracy and evasion by 25%.)
4) Vitae (Type: Healing, 40 SP. Only affects allies. Removes all negative status changes, then applies a 150 Power heal and bestows Regeneration, restoring health over time. Cooldown: Miracle (1))
5) Channeler (Type: None, Passive. Reduces the SP cost of abilities with the Miracle cooldown to 0, and reduces Miracle cooldowns by 50%.)
6) Solar Nova (Type: Light, 45 SP. Attenuated 70 Power attack, enemies only. Attenuated 105 Power heal, allies only.)
7) Holy Prophet (Type: Light, Passive. Increases evasion by 25% versus all opponents. (Bonuses are affected by Light resistance.))
8) Regenerate (Type: Healing, 25 SP. Bestows Regeneration, restoring health over time.)
I started with Heavy Slash, Homunculus, and the Titan's Fist relic. +2 STR, +2 VIT, +1 AGI every level up. The abilities that pretty much carry through the early levels are Fleasheater, Gluttony, and Bloodthirst. You can get all three before tower 5. You can see that I still had these skills when I finished the game. These abilities carry hard. I got REALLY lucky and found Wraith Bite on a summoner corpse. The MaxHP drain worked wonders with the passives I listed above. A decent alternative which is easily obtainable would be Leech Bite. You won't get the MaxHP but you still get heals. Leech Bite can be found on the lvl 2 Jiang Shi. With this combo I was able to steamroll to tower 20+. Around tower 20 I linked with an early Asura via Bronze Offering and he basically carried me to tower 25 where things got a bit hectic. I made the unfortunate mistake of trying to link with a Succubus inside Ammit's Sanctum. (Ammit has a WAY better MaxHP melee ability that I was not able to obtain). My Asura went down along with my healer, but fortunately I picked up a Power from a hostile Summoner Xavier. The Power helped me get back on track and eventually led me to the win. So thanks for the Power, Xavier.

One thing to note is, I never picked up Soul Armor, which can be very powerful if you can afford it. I personally just picked up a brand that removed weak to ice and that was it for my resistances. If you could get immune to mind from Soul Armor the later levels will be much easier. I almost got demolished by Charm and Sleep packs.
For early demons, Headless and Vikhor are very good options. I prefer headless because he accelerates turns and if you take leadership you can accelerate his turns and shred through packs. Make sure you save a copy of Fleasheater, Gluttony, and Bloodthirst to throw on him. Aside from that, make sure you have a healer with Calm and Cleanse before going into the Anomoly and you should do fine.
After anomoly for upgrades you're looking for str/vit demons to replace headless. Midochaoin is a really good option if you can find him.