Turdak's Sanctum, YASD and ramblings

The tower awaits!

Re: Turdak's Sanctum, YASD and ramblings

Postby Ferret » Sun Jan 03, 2016 5:13 pm

Oof. :( Tower:12 is a solid run though, congrats on clearing the Anomaly so quickly too. :D

Mordecai's definitely a jerk. He has two nasty debuff-on-attack abilities, and several strong attacks (two AEs) to apply them with. Bandits are usually pretty wimpy, but the extra Stuns aren't fun in the already nasty circumstances.

"Walkabout party" composition definitely seems to become more important as you climb. That I don't mind in and of itself... but I admit that if I begin to believe a single ability has become necessary for it, I will probably have to do something about that. Then again, I've been glaring a little at Cleanse/Calm/Absolution and Mind status effects in particular for a bit now, so this isn't very new thinking on my front. :) Just not sure what, if anything, I should do with them yet.

Someone will try a Twilight build someday, and I look forward to seeing it. :D Draw Wounds will probably be required.

Re: auto-explore and MaxHP, I probably need to try improving the explore algorithm again at some point... that or make MaxHP only decrease when in combat (but significantly faster.)

Affection and Devotion will be getting a mild adjustment next build. Nothing too serious, probably just dropping the 150 on their limits to 130 or so, maybe a +5 SP increase. They are really good compared to other heals right now, even with their funny mechanics.

Interesting that you had lots of training points sitting... was that normal for you before this build? I am not 100% sold on the changes I made to modified demon frequency, and one of the reasons why is that I felt like in my own playthrough it had somewhat diminished the training / matrix systems... the matrix system considerably, since most of my party came pre-modified anyway.

You definitely had a good pair of mobile bug zappers in that Aithir and Akateko :( If they had managed to live, you'd probably have been okay, Mordecai isn't a big fan of Lightning. :(

Good luck on your next run. :D
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Re: Turdak's Sanctum, YASD and ramblings

Postby wizzzargh » Sun Jan 03, 2016 10:50 pm

On the subject of things like Panic and Paralysis and Charm- on the one hand, they are more frustrating than simple debuffs like Chill because they don't just disable the character, they disable player control of the character. But I'm not sure that psychological aspect is the same as them being mechanically unfair. After all, I think my winning characters didn't bother with a Calm walkabout(though it look like both winners did at least have a healer who knew it)-they were just strong and didn't take chances like I took with Mordecai.

Also note me saying 'Moredcai' was intentional on my part-I might be misremembering, but I think that's how it is spelled in the Cynocephalus guy's link description. So there's either a typo in my memory or in some instance of Mordecai's name appearing.

I do tend to start having training points pile up around the later levels of the game, especially when I don't have any demons die, and with the extra Anomaly XP I think I reached that level a little sooner than usual- Tower 12 instead of 14, maybe? As for increased modified demons, I did feel like I was finding more than usual, especially of the sort where you get two different types of modified demon in the same pack.
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Re: Turdak's Sanctum, YASD and ramblings

Postby Ferret » Sun Jan 03, 2016 11:35 pm

Ah ha. There was a typo in Mordecai's "proper name" setting. (Proper name is only used when I want to tell the engine to refer to something by name.) Fixed, and thank you. :)

Yeah, I'm not 100% sold on there being a major issue with Mind debuffs yet. I'm worried/thinking about it, but not at the acting stage yet. You're right that the psychological issues w/ loss of player control have to be considered when taking reports about it. People tend to be far less "accepting" of Mind-related deaths than they are more straight damage based kills, and it colors feedback received on the topic.

It's expected that modified demons are roughly 50% more common than before, and also that less of those will be "sharing" a modifier, so you will get more unique modifiers / different ability rolls. Those two facts together might be a little much...? We'll see. :) Still noodling on it. I have noticed a lot more games getting to Tower:4-6 this build, but that could also be people bringing their A game trying to get to the Anomaly.

Hmm.. so you've always felt you have lots of TP at the end? Well, at least there's a negotiation related valve for it now, but it still feels like something I should take as a caution sign. I'll have to noodle on this a bit too.

Thanks again for the frequent reports and feedback. :) I've probably said that more than a few times by now, but it's worth repeating. :D
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Re: Turdak's Sanctum, YASD and ramblings

Postby wizzzargh » Wed Jan 06, 2016 8:11 am

Ugh, had a really terrible death and lost a pretty frabjous team :cry: This might be the only death so far where I think there wasn't anything I could have done to avoid it. I had just killed a summoner and was retreating from the afterparty, when a pack of Raiju showed up. My demons were already 50-90% dead and surrounded by summoner demons, so no matter who I unsummoned and summoned to protect me the Raiju just ripped through them, stunning them and then turning to me. Maybe if I had quickly trained Pink Whisper onto all my other demons, let Miaodchin, Turdak, and my Shoggoth die to the summoner leftovers while I kept running, then summoned my weaker (and still half dead, mind you) demons to Pink Whisper the Raiju, then kept fleeing as the summoner demons joined the fray leaving some of the newly upgraded Pink Whisper demons to die and cover my retreat :?... yeah, I dunno about that. I do wonder if Dash could have saved me in this scenario where Swiftness was insufficient.

Also, maybe a blizzard rune for Chill and a Curse Rune for speed down(do they give speed down?) would have been enough to outrun the Raiju in the long term, but short term they would still have been in pounce range after those runes, which was why I tried using the Heart Rune.

I was also seriously considering using a Trouble Chime to spawn monsters in between me and the Raiju- that's how bad it was.

Really, if it had been any pack that wasn't a bunch of faster than normal pouncing shock-causing enemies I think I could have escaped. The problem was just that after killing the summoner, I had 8 half dead demons and was still facing 8 enemy half-dead demons, so I just didn't have the hit points available to beat the fresh pack of raiju.

Anyway, now that I've complained about hard things being hard, I'm going to immediately do a 180 and say MAKE THE GAME HARDER!
Or less histrionically, I think there might be too many modified demons now. Unlike my matrix-less last run, I found two silver matrices by floor 1 1/2, and by Anomaly:2 I looked like this, and my log of lost demons probably has like a dozen more modifed demons in it.

I think the increased number of modifiers, plus the 3 extra anomaly floors might be too much. Matrixes at least make you give something up, but I was just drowning in special demons this game- note that I had 2 silver and 3 gold matrixes just kinda sitting around when I died. Maybe this was just a fortunate game, but man.

Anyway, I had pretty good luck with an Ukobach firing squad and Bask in the early game. When the Fiery Ukobach died I turned my Kasha into a ranged attackers as well. Having lots of fire resistant demons definitely made the Anomaly easier, though I almost got incinerated by 3 Fotia focusing Fan Flames on me and ignoring my fire resistant demons. I made great use of Low Profile on that Solid Goblin- they'd dance in front of the enemy while me and two fire flingers all flung flames. I had warmth at one point but I couldn't realy tell what it was doing, so I switched to Bask instead. I think I only finally got rid of the Goblin when I was picking up Turdak...

Lets see- I managed to fail the Actaeon and Artemis links- Artemis Hexed Actaeon when she showed up and the hounds started ripping into him, but then when I tried to salvage the situation by switching to Artemis SHE started getting eaten by hounds while Actaeon dodged all my attacks, and they both ended up dying. My dudes were just feasting on doggy souls so I was never in all that much danger, but man, talk about awkward...

The Buff/Debuff build I randomly started with was quite nice- I tend to ignore Protect because Angels strike me as not super desirable demons, but it was pretty good, and got even better in the late game when I could stack Protect with Juggernaut and Oppressor on my demons. I picked up the Anomaly Shoggoth again, and it just got more and more horrific as it and Miaodchaoin traded tricks and I fed a Lilim to it to remove mind resistance and so on. It had Innocence from a Cursed Fetch(my thoughts on fetches- only cool when they're demolishing your demons, underwhelming when they're on your side) for a while, which after Protecting it, made it pretty much invincible when it was closing distance. I imagined it just shapeshifted to look like the floor... :twisted:

Anyway, I was thinking about rare encounters like ghouls and shoggoths and I was thinking- how about the occasional Acheri in Tower 1 1/2, eh, eh?

Anyway, Miadchaoin was easy to recruit with a bunch of fire-dudes, and then Turdak was easy to recruit with my mighty ogre, shoggoth, and still-very-effective flame dart flinging.

Also, very minor 'bug.' Sometimes, Zaji would display as being vulnerable to fire again, but he would actually still be resistant for like, half of my action. I can only assume this is some weirdness with my turns not taking a full turn due to walking around with swiftness or Chill or something? I tried to take a screenshot but Demon actually tracks my screenshot cursor so I couldn't take a picture AND hover over Zaji to show the alleged fire vulnerability (I should have just taken a picture of the full screen, derp)

That reminds me, Preta are one of the few demons that I preferred the old sprite. That floating basketball head and it's toothy maw looked hella savage...

Code: Select all
Demon Party Dump File
Version 1/2/2016, Scoring Model: 1/1/2016
Dump file created at: 01/06/2016 00:15:57

Summoner Buffdoof...
was chosen by the Faithful Heart,
selected Debuff and Buff as their starting elements,
is currently at Tower:11,
and is quite dead!

--==== Main Character ===--

Name : Buffdoof
Level: 13
MaxHP: 86
MaxSP: 125

Strength: 4
Magic   : 36
Vitality: 20
Agility : 15
Cunning : 40

Resist: Dark
Weak  : Light

Abilities Known:
1) Hinder Host (Type: Debuff, 25 SP. 70% chance to reduce evasion by 20%.)
2) Bask (Type: Fire, 0 SP. Must target an Ignited enemy. No effect on the target, but triggers a 60 Power heal on and restores 10 SP for the user. Free action. Cooldown: Cantrip (3))
3) Protect (Type: Buff, 20 SP. Improves defense by 25%.)
4) Swiftness (Type: None, Passive. Reduces the turn cost of movement and movement abilities by 20%.)
5) Rattling Cry (Type: Debuff, 25 SP. 70% chance to briefly reduce accuracy by 20% for enemies. Cooldown: Presence (6))
6) Second Wind (Type: Healing, 0 SP. Restores 30 SP and resets Breath cooldown. Cooldown: Endure (3))
7) Tireless (Type: None, Passive. Increases MaxSP by 25.)
8) Affection (Type: Healing, 25 SP. 60-150 Power heal, based on your remaining HP (more HP = higher Power).)

4 Sage's tome
1 Blizzard rune
2 Silver matrix
1 Student's tome
3 Heal gem
6 Pure stone
3 Gold matrix
1 Pure gem
1 Curse rune
3 Chakra stone
1 Gold offering
4 Heal stone
1 Trouble chime
1 Peace offering
1 Meteor rune
1 Bolt rune

--==== Current Party ===--

Name : Lifegiver Kasha
Level: 11
MaxHP: 70
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 11
Magic   : 26
Vitality: 26
Agility : 22
Cunning : 20

Resist: Fire Light Dark
Weak  : Ice

Abilities Known:
1) Fiery Claw (Type: Slash, 10 SP. 85 Power attack split between Slash and Fire. Has a 33% chance to Ignite the target, causing damage over a short duration.)
2) Swiftness (Type: None, Passive. Reduces the turn cost of movement and movement abilities by 20%.)
3) Regenerate (Type: Healing, 25 SP. Bestows Regeneration, restoring health over time.)
4) Flame Dart (Type: Fire, 15 SP. 70 Power attack. Has a 33% chance to Ignite the target, causing damage over a short duration.)
5) Bask (Type: Fire, 0 SP. Must target an Ignited enemy. No effect on the target, but triggers a 60 Power heal on and restores 10 SP for the user. Free action. Cooldown: Cantrip (3))
6) Innocence (Type: Mind, Passive. Increases offense, defense, accuracy, and evasion by 33%, and status accuracy and status resistance by 16%, versus opponents at full HP. (Bonuses are affected by Mind resistance.))
7) Affection (Type: Healing, 25 SP. 60-150 Power heal, based on your remaining HP (more HP = higher Power).)
8) Souleater (Type: Dark, Reactive. Responds to a visible character's death by draining them, healing yourself for 7% of their maximum HP.)

Name : Trapper (Psychic Shoggoth)
Level: 19
MaxHP: 97
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 28
Magic   : 16
Vitality: 35
Agility : 21
Cunning : 45

Resist: Impact Ice Mind
Weak  : Fire

Abilities Known:
1) Eat Alive (Type: Pierce, 10 SP. 100 Power attack. 50% accuracy. Heals the user for 50% of the damage dealt (affected by Body resistance).)
2) Dazzling Veil (Type: Mind, Reactive. 20% chance to Stun adjacent characters that deal damage to you, causing them to miss their next turn.)
3) Yellow Whisper (Type: Mind, 20 SP. 65% chance to inflict Panic, causing the target's actions to sometimes be randomized. Free action. Cooldown: Presence (8))
4) Bloodthirst (Type: Body, Passive. Heals you for 25% of the damage you deal with Slash, Impact, or Pierce abilities (affected by Body resistance).)
5) Flesheater (Type: Body, Reactive. Responds to an adjacent character's death by draining them, healing yourself for 15% of their maximum HP.)
6) Juggernaut (Type: Defense, Passive. When your last action was movement or a movement ability, you have 25% improved defense and your next turn comes faster when damaged (excluding Ignite, Poison, and reactions).)
7) Oppressor (Type: Dark, Passive. Increases defense by 25% against enemies with lower HP. (Bonus is affected by Dark resistance.))
8) Mighty Roar (Type: Impact, 40 SP. 0-85 Power attack, based on the user's SP (more SP = more Power). Has a 35% chance to inflict Stun, causing the targets to miss their next turn. Cannot miss. Cooldown: Breath (8))

Name : Ehlose
Level: 14
MaxHP: 73
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 34
Magic   : 9
Vitality: 42
Agility : 15
Cunning : 20

Immune: Body
Resist: Ice Electricity Light Dark
Weak  : Fire

Abilities Known:
1) Mightbreaker (Type: Impact, 10 SP. 70 Power attack. Has a 50% chance to reduce offense by 20%.)
2) Warning Cry (Type: Buff, 25 SP. Briefly improves evasion by 25% for you and your allies. Cooldown: Presence (6))
3) Crusader (Type: Light, Passive. Provides a 35% chance for your Slash, Impact, and Pierce attacks to apply Guilt, healing those who damage the target (excluding reactions).)
4) Innocence (Type: Mind, Passive. Increases offense, defense, accuracy, and evasion by 33%, and status accuracy and status resistance by 16%, versus opponents at full HP. (Bonuses are affected by Mind resistance.))
5) Ghost Bite (Type: Pierce, 15 SP. 70 Power attack.)
6) Mighty Roar (Type: Impact, 40 SP. 0-85 Power attack, based on the user's SP (more SP = more Power). Has a 35% chance to inflict Stun, causing the targets to miss their next turn. Cannot miss. Cooldown: Breath (8))
7) ------------

Name : Miodchaoin
Level: 12
MaxHP: 84
MaxSP: 125

Strength: 36
Magic   : 13
Vitality: 35
Agility : 13
Cunning : 13

Resist: Body
Weak  : Fire Mind

Abilities Known:
1) Flesheater (Type: Body, Reactive. Responds to an adjacent character's death by draining them, healing yourself for 15% of their maximum HP.)
2) Juggernaut (Type: Defense, Passive. When your last action was movement or a movement ability, you have 25% improved defense and your next turn comes faster when damaged (excluding Ignite, Poison, and reactions).)
3) Oppressor (Type: Dark, Passive. Increases defense by 25% against enemies with lower HP. (Bonus is affected by Dark resistance.))
4) Second Wind (Type: Healing, 0 SP. Restores 30 SP and resets Breath cooldown. Cooldown: Endure (3))
5) Mighty Roar (Type: Impact, 40 SP. 0-85 Power attack, based on the user's SP (more SP = more Power). Has a 35% chance to inflict Stun, causing the targets to miss their next turn. Cannot miss. Cooldown: Breath (8))
6) Eat Alive (Type: Pierce, 10 SP. 100 Power attack. 50% accuracy. Heals the user for 50% of the damage dealt (affected by Body resistance).)
7) Tireless (Type: None, Passive. Increases MaxSP by 25.)
8) Pink Whisper (Type: Mind, 20 SP. 65% chance to cause Charm, turning the target against its allies. Free action. Cooldown: Presence (8))

Name : Turdak
Level: 14
MaxHP: 75
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 24
Magic   : 14
Vitality: 24
Agility : 32
Cunning : 26

Immune: Body Dark
Resist: Pierce Ice
Weak  : Impact Fire Light

Abilities Known:
1) Leap Attack (Type: Slash, 20 SP. Must target a character. Leap to the target with an 85 Power attack. Inflicts Stun, causing the target to miss their next turn. Cooldown: Charge (8))
2) Spin Slash (Type: Slash, 10 SP. 70 Power attack. Also considered a movement ability.)
3) Slash Dance (Type: Slash, 15 SP. 70 Power attack, enemies only. Also considered a movement ability. Cooldown: Breath (2))
4) Evade Step (Type: Defense, Passive. Gain a 25% chance to dodge attacks when your last action was movement or a movement ability.)
5) Numbing (Type: Body, Passive. Provides a 20% chance for your Slash, Impact, and Pierce attacks to apply Paralysis, causing the target to frequently miss their turns.)
6) Bloodthirst (Type: Body, Passive. Heals you for 25% of the damage you deal with Slash, Impact, or Pierce abilities (affected by Body resistance).)
7) Mighty Roar (Type: Impact, 40 SP. 0-85 Power attack, based on the user's SP (more SP = more Power). Has a 35% chance to inflict Stun, causing the targets to miss their next turn. Cannot miss. Cooldown: Breath (8))
8) Juggernaut (Type: Defense, Passive. When your last action was movement or a movement ability, you have 25% improved defense and your next turn comes faster when damaged (excluding Ignite, Poison, and reactions).)

--==== Recently Slain Allies ===--

Name : Violent Zombie
Level: 2
MaxHP: 51
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 23
Magic   : 4
Vitality: 21
Agility : 8
Cunning : 4

Immune: Body Mind
Resist: Ice Dark
Weak  : Fire Electricity Light

Abilities Known:
1) Infectious Bite (Type: Pierce, 10 SP. 70 Power attack. Has a 50% chance to apply to Infection, which hinders HP and SP recovery.)
2) Flesheater (Type: Body, Reactive. Responds to an adjacent character's death by draining them, healing yourself for 15% of their maximum HP.)
3) Gluttony (Type: Body, Passive. Provides a 50% increase in healing and MaxHP bonuses from drains and abilities that heal based on damage dealt.)
4) Sure Slice (Type: Slash, 15 SP. 70 Power attack. Cannot miss.)
5) Cleansing Cut (Type: Slash, 20 SP. 70 Power attack. Removes Infection, Poison, and Paralysis from you or a nearby ally.)
6) ------------
7) ------------
8) ------------

Name : Fiery Ukobach
Level: 5
MaxHP: 49
MaxSP: 125

Strength: 6
Magic   : 31
Vitality: 6
Agility : 16
Cunning : 16

Resist: Fire
Weak  : Ice Light

Abilities Known:
1) Searing Touch (Type: Fire, 5 SP. 70 Power attack. Has a 33% chance to Ignite the target, causing damage over a short duration.)
2) Flame Dart (Type: Fire, 15 SP. 70 Power attack. Has a 33% chance to Ignite the target, causing damage over a short duration.)
3) Greek Fire (Type: Fire, Passive. Increases the duration of your Ignite effects by 3 turns.)
4) Warmth (Type: Fire, Passive. Increases HP and SP regeneration based on the number of Ignited characters you can see (more characters = larger bonus, with diminishing returns.))
5) Combust (Type: Fire, 5 SP. 100% chance to Ignite the target, causing damage over a short duration. Free action. Cooldown: Cantrip (3))
6) Bask (Type: Fire, 0 SP. Must target an Ignited enemy. No effect on the target, but triggers a 60 Power heal on and restores 10 SP for the user. Free action. Cooldown: Cantrip (3))
7) Tormentor (Type: None, Passive. Restores 5 SP when you deal damage to one or more characters that have negative status effects.)
8) Tireless (Type: None, Passive. Increases MaxSP by 25.)

Name : Profane Ogre
Level: 4
MaxHP: 51
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 18
Magic   : 14
Vitality: 18
Agility : 7
Cunning : 13

Resist: Body Dark
Weak  : Fire Electricity Mind

Abilities Known:
1) Heavy Slash (Type: Slash, 10 SP. 85 Power attack.)
2) Flesheater (Type: Body, Reactive. Responds to an adjacent character's death by draining them, healing yourself for 15% of their maximum HP.)
3) Juggernaut (Type: Defense, Passive. When your last action was movement or a movement ability, you have 25% improved defense and your next turn comes faster when damaged (excluding Ignite, Poison, and reactions).)
4) Oppressor (Type: Dark, Passive. Increases defense by 25% against enemies with lower HP. (Bonus is affected by Dark resistance.))
5) Wraith Touch (Type: Dark, 15 SP. 70 Power attack, split between HP and MaxHP damage. 66% of the MaxHP damage is drained to the user as bonus MaxHP.)
6) Dark Omen (Type: Dark, 15 SP. 70% chance to inflict Pariah, causing the target's allies to take damage when the target does (excluding reactions).)
7) ------------
8) ------------

Name : Lilim
Level: 6
MaxHP: 48
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 6
Magic   : 19
Vitality: 13
Agility : 21
Cunning : 21

Resist: Mind Dark
Weak  : Ice Light

Abilities Known:
1) Blue Whisper (Type: Mind, 20 SP. 65% chance to cause Sleep, preventing the target from acting for several turns or until damaged. Free action. Cooldown: Presence (8))
2) Leech Touch (Type: Body, 10 SP. 70 Power attack. Heals the user for 50% of the damage dealt.)
3) Dreamstalker (Type: Mind, Passive. Your attacks deal 50% more damage to and do not wake up Sleeping targets that have full HP.)
4) Charisma (Type: Mind, Passive. Presence cooldown recovers 30% faster when your HP are at more than 50% of maximum.)
5) ------------
6) ------------

Name : Violent Jiang shi
Level: 11
MaxHP: 74
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 36
Magic   : 8
Vitality: 23
Agility : 25
Cunning : 13

Immune: Body
Resist: Ice Dark
Weak  : Fire Electricity Light

Abilities Known:
1) Leech Bite (Type: Pierce, 10 SP. 70 Power attack. Heals the user for 50% of the damage dealt (affected by Body resistance).)
2) Pounce (Type: Slash, 15 SP. Must target a character. Leap to the target with a 70 Power attack. Inflicts Stun, causing the target to miss their next turn. Cooldown: Charge (6))
3) Souleater (Type: Dark, Reactive. Responds to a visible character's death by draining them, healing yourself for 7% of their maximum HP.)
4) Bloodthirst (Type: Body, Passive. Heals you for 25% of the damage you deal with Slash, Impact, or Pierce abilities (affected by Body resistance).)
5) Slash Dance (Type: Slash, 15 SP. 70 Power attack, enemies only. Also considered a movement ability. Cooldown: Breath (2))
6) Crusader Slash (Type: Slash, 10 SP. 70 Power attack. Has a 50% chance to inflict Guilt, healing those who damage the target (excluding reactions).)
7) Gluttony (Type: Body, Passive. Provides a 50% increase in healing and MaxHP bonuses from drains and abilities that heal based on damage dealt.)
8) Stone Stance (Type: Defense, Passive. Provides a 15% chance to block Slash, Impact, Pierce, Fire, Ice, and Electricity attacks if your last action was not movement.)

Name : Hob
Level: 13
MaxHP: 72
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 18
Magic   : 30
Vitality: 26
Agility : 16
Cunning : 25

Resist: Ice
Weak  : Fire

Abilities Known:
1) Calm (Type: Healing, 15 SP. Removes Stun, Sleep, Panic, and Charm.)
2) Refresh (Type: Healing, 5 SP. Transfers up to 15 SP from the user to the target. Free action. Cooldown: Cantrip (1))
3) Soothe (Type: Healing, 20 SP. Must target a character whose HP is more than 50% of their maximum. 105 Power heal.)
4) Regenerate (Type: Healing, 25 SP. Bestows Regeneration, restoring health over time.)
5) Affection (Type: Healing, 25 SP. 60-150 Power heal, based on your remaining HP (more HP = higher Power).)
6) ------------

Name : Lifegiver Ukobach
Level: 11
MaxHP: 74
MaxSP: 125

Strength: 9
Magic   : 37
Vitality: 20
Agility : 20
Cunning : 19

Resist: Fire
Weak  : Ice Light

Abilities Known:
1) Searing Touch (Type: Fire, 5 SP. 70 Power attack. Has a 33% chance to Ignite the target, causing damage over a short duration.)
2) Flame Dart (Type: Fire, 15 SP. 70 Power attack. Has a 33% chance to Ignite the target, causing damage over a short duration.)
3) Greek Fire (Type: Fire, Passive. Increases the duration of your Ignite effects by 3 turns.)
4) Warmth (Type: Fire, Passive. Increases HP and SP regeneration based on the number of Ignited characters you can see (more characters = larger bonus, with diminishing returns.))
5) Firestarter (Type: Fire, Passive. Increases your chance to apply Ignite by 50% of the original chance.)
6) Bask (Type: Fire, 0 SP. Must target an Ignited enemy. No effect on the target, but triggers a 60 Power heal on and restores 10 SP for the user. Free action. Cooldown: Cantrip (3))
7) Tireless (Type: None, Passive. Increases MaxSP by 25.)
8) Affection (Type: Healing, 25 SP. 60-150 Power heal, based on your remaining HP (more HP = higher Power).)

Name : Kaa (Psychic Dipsas)
Level: 12
MaxHP: 65
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 16
Magic   : 18
Vitality: 14
Agility : 28
Cunning : 34

Resist: Electricity Mind
Weak  : Ice

Abilities Known:
1) Exhausting Bite (Type: Pierce, 15 SP. 70 Power attack. Reduces the target's SP by 10.)
2) Cleanse (Type: Healing, 15 SP. Removes Poison, Infection, and Paralysis.)
3) Dessication (Type: Body, Passive. Improves the effectiveness of your SP reduction effects by 50%.)
4) Hypnotic Gaze (Type: Mind, 25 SP. 65% chance to inflict Sleep, preventing the target from acting for several turns or until damaged. Cooldown: Presence (10))
5) Pink Whisper (Type: Mind, 20 SP. 65% chance to cause Charm, turning the target against its allies. Free action. Cooldown: Presence (8))
6) Charisma (Type: Mind, Passive. Presence cooldown recovers 30% faster when your HP are at more than 50% of maximum.)
7) Mob Cover (Type: Defense, Passive. Gain a 15% chance to dodge attacks when adjacent to an enemy other than the attacker.)
8) Stone Stance (Type: Defense, Passive. Provides a 15% chance to block Slash, Impact, Pierce, Fire, Ice, and Electricity attacks if your last action was not movement.)

Posts: 353
Joined: Tue Oct 27, 2015 5:31 pm

Re: Turdak's Sanctum, YASD and ramblings

Postby Ferret » Wed Jan 06, 2016 6:07 pm

Ouch. Bad Raiju, bad! The only thing I can think of you didn't mention was maybe finding a capture mechanic that could have helped you. Turning a Ludoc Centaur against the rest of his minions post-explosion is the classic example of this, though Lioth is usually far less accommodating. And yeah, curse runes do still give Speed Down. :)

I'm going to play a game myself today, just to see what's what, but I think I am going to end up agreeing with you that there's a bit too many modified demons at the moment. I already was leaning that way, and I'm seeing more and more evidence of it. When I adjust things like this, I tend to try fairly big adjustments first and then walk them back until I find a good spot. +50% modified demons was too much, so the next build will probably be +25% the old amount. :)

I think Fotia have ended up being the scary monster of the Anomaly: they're now the first smite-spammer you can meet in the game, and they aren't polite about it. Fan Flames has a high SP cost for the damage, but Bask mitigates that somewhat (while also giving them a little healing.)

Warmth is definitely a bit subtle, but I promise it helps. :D The effect is easiest to see if you watch your SP count carefully from turn to turn. Even just one Ignited target will make a pretty good difference, and if you have a real cookout going, it will be marvelous. It's also worth noting Warmth's HP regen boost *is* modified by Malleable, if you have it... you can almost have Regen without Regen if you can find enough demonburgers to throw on the grill. :) Of course, if you have Regen too, well...

Actaeon and Artemis: The lost episode of "When Animals Attack" :D

Buffs are pretty nice. :D Stacking defensive buffs and defense passives is definitely a good way to get some real protection in an otherwise cruel Tower, especially if you've recruited a monster out of its weight limit like the Anomaly Shoggoth. (Is this a bad time to mention there's also an Anomaly Raiju? :P)

Fetches are definitely nastier against you than they will be for you, in most parties. Their encounter groups are designed to take advantage of Void Touch not doing "damage" and Innocence giving bonuses against targets at max HP, but it takes a lot of work to make a group like that of your own. On the other hand, Innocence is a *really* good passive and they give access to it 4 or 5 floors earlier than normal so I'm okay with them being a bit mean-spirited.

I haven't gotten to the rare encounter design yet, though that is planned for the next build. :) Acheri do meet the basic requirement for inclusion in Tower: 1 & 1/2 (they are undead or have to do with corpses, that second clause being why Kasha gets to live there), but no promises. :)

I'll look into the Auraward issue. Haven't had any issues with it that I know of, but then I haven't looked at it in a long time. :)

I'll pass on the feedback about Preta to Geminimax. :)

Party commentary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9RmnuHTJI9U

Party commentary, more seriously: I'm glad you had fun with a support build. :) I always worry I'm the only one who enjoys those. :) The Shoggoth was definitely the star of the show. :D Though.. it is a little frowny he didn't have a good spammable attack. Eat Alive is a bit situational for that role due to the accuracy issues. Speedbreaker would have been really good with his Psychic-boosted Cunning. :D As good as Yellow Whisper generally is, I might have let him keep Speedbreaker over it. Only a thought though. :) Miodchaoin seems to be in a similar boat.
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Re: Turdak's Sanctum, YASD and ramblings

Postby wizzzargh » Thu Jan 07, 2016 4:13 am

Yeah, there weren't any good capture mechanics I'm afraid- Everything was either a 'chase me' or a 'kill dudes while I keep trying to kill you' or 'fight me,' none of which were very helpful. I think there might have been a 'I'll be neutral for a while' but I was already out of line of sight of most of Lioth's pack when the Raiju showed up.

I reduced Shoggoth and Miadchaoin's attacks down to Eat Alive because
1- I had Hinder Host to help their accuracy
2- I had lots of ways to Stun enemies between stunning veil and Mighty Roar and that's an auto-hit near as I can tell
3- Panic and Charmed enemies seem easier to hit as well, not sure if that's true or confirmation bias

so Eat Alive with Bloodthirst basically took care of healing and did really great damage- I felt completely alright with the lowered accuracy and the higher damage, especially when Juggernaut gave them extra attacks. I was also under the impression that speedbreaker would only affect movement, would it also have lowered the rate of enemy attack?

Also wow, that movie. :o
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Re: Turdak's Sanctum, YASD and ramblings

Postby Ferret » Thu Jan 07, 2016 4:36 am

Stun is auto-hit for almost any damage effect (exception given to things like Storm Strike and Emit Sparks, which are so hard to control even a target sitting still will still be missed sometimes.) Panic helps in that it sometimes messes up dodge/parry/block. Charm doesn't help at all because Charm is nasty enough. :D

But yeah, with Hinder Host and lots of Stunning, Eat Alive could work out okay as main attack I guess. :)

Speedbreaker is a Slow effect: the target will act less often, it affects anything you do with your turns. (Haste works the same way, incidentally, in reverse.)

And yeah, that movie is crazy. :D It was the first thing that came to mind when I saw Mighty Roar on so many demons though. :)
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Re: Turdak's Sanctum, YASD and ramblings

Postby Shadowdweller » Fri Jan 08, 2016 3:08 am

My turn for a Mordecai death. I knew better, but just had to try it :) Could barely even damage the guy tbh.
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Re: Turdak's Sanctum, YASD and ramblings

Postby Ferret » Fri Jan 08, 2016 7:19 pm

My most recent test game is still in progress, but yeah, I think I'm going to have to pull back a bit on the modified demon rate. Not all the back to where it was, but definitely running a bit hot right now. :)
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Re: Turdak's Sanctum, YASD and ramblings

Postby wizzzargh » Thu Jan 21, 2016 3:11 am

So I spent some time up in canada with a friend and we both managed to pull off a win in the modified-demon heavy build, though it was offline so no internet records (I THINK he survived Tower :17, I'll revise this if I get a shamefaced email from him).

I believe he won with the Ignite based Vodun Mask and Blight, and did well with a Jiang Shi and Vile Kasha and Vikhor and Headless pulling weight for most of the game, with many a healer. Apparently he made heavy use of Guilt, both for healing and to fuel his own Tormentor.

I had some late-game deaths to Chachapuma and Raiju and even Miaodchaoin Roaring against physical vulnerable me and Artemis after failing to link with him in time due to rune stinginess. Raiju in particular are so dangerous because it seems that if they can burn through your first three demons, they can keep going through replacements faster than you can summon them. Also, I thought I could escape when I Blue Whispered the pack with some demons and broke line of sight, but they were back after me so quickly that I wonder if one of their Electropulses just woke them all up immediately.

My winning character ended up with a great deal of roaring and elemental breathing going on amongst my party, and hey, I even got Dragon Soul in on that. As for my own character, I was a healer but I was often walking around with like +50 max HP thanks to Vigor Siphon so I was effective both in spending my SP on healing and HP on Draw Wounds. Also, upon entering Tower: 17, I saw the exit portal in sight so I just took it immediately, which led me to wonder whether points are based on turncount or experience gained.

Um, Jiangshi are really good and if I recal correctly this guy actually had two of them for quite some time. So making the overlevelled Shoggoth into a sort of Jiangshi was really good too. Overall I still think Anomaly makes the game easier, but perhaps that's just because I've gotten used to dealing with the packs and the guaranteed uber-powerful NERO healers. Though since I had Draw Wounds, I didn't really want Affection with this build. No real interesting ramblings this time I'm afraid.

Here's a better illustration of what I meant with Zaji earlier- I'm hitting him with the 100% ignite cantrip while he's displaying as being vulnerable to fire, but he's still resisting it.

Code: Select all
Demon Party Dump File
Version 1/2/2016, Scoring Model: 1/1/2016
Dump file created at: 01/16/2016 00:14:34

Summoner Happy Mask...
was chosen by the Vodun Mask,
selected Healing and Healing as their starting elements,
is currently at Tower:17,
and is still alive!

--==== Main Character ===--

Name : Happy Mask
Level: 18
MaxHP: 121
MaxSP: 125

Strength: 9
Magic   : 54
Vitality: 63
Agility : 4
Cunning : 20

Resist: Body
Weak  : Light

Abilities Known:
1) Tireless (Type: None, Passive. Increases MaxSP by 25.)
2) Regenerate (Type: Healing, 25 SP. Bestows Regeneration, restoring health over time.)
3) Draw Wounds (Type: Healing, 0 SP. 105 Power heal. Costs HP equal to the amount healed. Healing and HP cost are limited to what will not kill the user and what the target needs to reach maximum. Free action. Cooldown: Cantrip (1))
4) Vigor Siphon (Type: Dark, 30 SP. 70 Power attack, split between HP and MaxHP damage. 66% of the MaxHP damage is drained to the user as bonus MaxHP. Cannot miss.)
5) Swiftness (Type: None, Passive. Reduces the turn cost of movement and movement abilities by 20%.)
6) Healing Charm (Type: Healing, 25 SP. 80 Power heal. 25% chance of an extra, random benefit as well.)
7) Vigorous (Type: None, Passive. Increases SP regeneration by 50%.)
8) Second Wind (Type: Healing, 0 SP. Restores 30 SP and resets Breath cooldown. Cooldown: Endure (3))

4 Heal gem
5 Pure gem
1 Frost rune
1 Sage's tome
2 Pure stone
2 Silver matrix
5 Chakra stone
9 Heal stone
2 Chakra gem
1 Curse rune
1 Pain rune
1 Mind matrix
1 Venom rune

--==== Current Party ===--

Name : Charged Faerie
Level: 13
MaxHP: 73
MaxSP: 125

Strength: 9
Magic   : 40
Vitality: 9
Agility : 31
Cunning : 26

Resist: Electricity Mind
Weak  : Fire

Abilities Known:
1) Healing Charm (Type: Healing, 25 SP. 80 Power heal. 25% chance of an extra, random benefit as well.)
2) Shock Dart (Type: Electricity, 15 SP. 70 Power attack. Has a 10% chance to inflict Shock, causing the target to miss their next turn.)
3) High Voltage (Type: Electricity, Passive. Increases your chance to apply Shock by 50% of the original chance.)
4) Tireless (Type: None, Passive. Increases MaxSP by 25.)
5) Diehard (Type: Defense, Passive. Prevents death, except by Ignite or Poison damage. May trigger an Endure cooldown when activated (more damage dealt = higher chance). Cooldown: Endure (5))
6) Calm (Type: Healing, 15 SP. Removes Stun, Sleep, Panic, and Charm.)
7) Quelling Cry (Type: Debuff, 25 SP. 70% chance to briefly reduce offense by 20% for enemies. Cooldown: Presence (6))
8) Cleanse (Type: Healing, 15 SP. Removes Poison, Infection, and Paralysis.)

Name : Brutal Jiang shi
Level: 14
MaxHP: 87
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 42
Magic   : 9
Vitality: 29
Agility : 25
Cunning : 15

Immune: Body
Resist: Ice Dark
Weak  : Fire Electricity Light

Abilities Known:
1) Leech Bite (Type: Pierce, 10 SP. 70 Power attack. Heals the user for 50% of the damage dealt (affected by Body resistance).)
2) Pounce (Type: Slash, 15 SP. Must target a character. Leap to the target with a 70 Power attack. Inflicts Stun, causing the target to miss their next turn. Cooldown: Charge (6))
3) Souleater (Type: Dark, Reactive. Responds to a visible character's death by draining them, healing yourself for 7% of their maximum HP.)
4) Bloodthirst (Type: Body, Passive. Heals you for 25% of the damage you deal with Slash, Impact, or Pierce abilities (affected by Body resistance).)
5) Gluttony (Type: Body, Passive. Provides a 50% increase in healing and MaxHP bonuses from drains and abilities that heal based on damage dealt.)
6) Diehard (Type: Defense, Passive. Prevents death, except by Ignite or Poison damage. May trigger an Endure cooldown when activated (more damage dealt = higher chance). Cooldown: Endure (5))
7) Triad Ward (Type: Defense, Passive. Provides a 20% chance to block Fire, Ice, and Electricity attacks. This works even when Stunned, Paralyzed, etc.)
8) Counterattack (Type: Slash, Reactive. 50% chance to respond to damage dealt to you by adjacent enemies with a 55 Power attack.)

Name : Maj. Shoggoth
Level: 21
MaxHP: 107
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 38
Magic   : 10
Vitality: 45
Agility : 37
Cunning : 25

Resist: Impact Ice Mind
Weak  : Fire

Abilities Known:
1) Diehard (Type: Defense, Passive. Prevents death, except by Ignite or Poison damage. May trigger an Endure cooldown when activated (more damage dealt = higher chance). Cooldown: Endure (5))
2) Bloodthirst (Type: Body, Passive. Heals you for 25% of the damage you deal with Slash, Impact, or Pierce abilities (affected by Body resistance).)
3) Daring Cut (Type: Slash, 15 SP. 70 Power attack. Briefly increases your or a nearby ally's offense by 25%.)
4) Flesheater (Type: Body, Reactive. Responds to an adjacent character's death by draining them, healing yourself for 15% of their maximum HP.)
5) Counterattack (Type: Slash, Reactive. 50% chance to respond to damage dealt to you by adjacent enemies with a 55 Power attack.)
6) Leech Bite (Type: Pierce, 10 SP. 70 Power attack. Heals the user for 50% of the damage dealt (affected by Body resistance).)
7) Oppressor (Type: Dark, Passive. Increases defense by 25% against enemies with lower HP. (Bonus is affected by Dark resistance.))
8) Alluring Veil (Type: Mind, Reactive. 20% chance to Charm adjacent characters that deal damage to you, turning them against their allies.)

Name : Miodchaoin
Level: 17
MaxHP: 104
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 44
Magic   : 16
Vitality: 43
Agility : 16
Cunning : 16

Resist: Body
Weak  : Fire Mind

Abilities Known:
1) Smash (Type: Impact, 10 SP. 85 Power attack.)
2) Oppressor (Type: Dark, Passive. Increases defense by 25% against enemies with lower HP. (Bonus is affected by Dark resistance.))
3) Second Wind (Type: Healing, 0 SP. Restores 30 SP and resets Breath cooldown. Cooldown: Endure (3))
4) Mighty Roar (Type: Impact, 40 SP. 0-85 Power attack, based on the user's SP (more SP = more Power). Has a 35% chance to inflict Stun, causing the targets to miss their next turn. Cannot miss. Cooldown: Breath (8))
5) Diehard (Type: Defense, Passive. Prevents death, except by Ignite or Poison damage. May trigger an Endure cooldown when activated (more damage dealt = higher chance). Cooldown: Endure (5))
6) Bloodthirst (Type: Body, Passive. Heals you for 25% of the damage you deal with Slash, Impact, or Pierce abilities (affected by Body resistance).)
7) Parry (Type: Defense, Passive. Provides a 33% chance to parry Melee and Direct range Slash, Impact, and Pierce abilities if your last used ability was also such.)
8) Dragon Soul (Type: None, Passive. Your abilities that use your current SP to determine their effect use your maximum SP instead.)

Name : Frigid Akateko
Level: 17
MaxHP: 75
MaxSP: 125

Strength: 8
Magic   : 53
Vitality: 22
Agility : 39
Cunning : 13

Immune: Body
Resist: Ice Dark
Weak  : Light

Abilities Known:
1) Wraith Touch (Type: Dark, 15 SP. 70 Power attack, split between HP and MaxHP damage. 66% of the MaxHP damage is drained to the user as bonus MaxHP.)
2) Tireless (Type: None, Passive. Increases MaxSP by 25.)
3) Second Wind (Type: Healing, 0 SP. Restores 30 SP and resets Breath cooldown. Cooldown: Endure (3))
4) Oppressor (Type: Dark, Passive. Increases defense by 25% against enemies with lower HP. (Bonus is affected by Dark resistance.))
5) Storm Breath (Type: Electricity, 30 SP. 0-85 Power attack, based on the user's SP (more SP = more Power). Has a 12% chance to inflict Shock, causing the targets to miss their next turn. Cannot miss. Cooldown: Breath (8))
6) Bolt Chain (Type: Electricity, Passive. Shocking a target also inflicts a 55 Power attack on and has an 8% chance to Shock an adjacent enemy. Shock applied by Bolt Chain cannot trigger Bolt Chain.)
7) High Voltage (Type: Electricity, Passive. Increases your chance to apply Shock by 50% of the original chance.)
8) Dragon Soul (Type: None, Passive. Your abilities that use your current SP to determine their effect use your maximum SP instead.)

Name : Pele
Level: 18
MaxHP: 94
MaxSP: 125

Strength: 14
Magic   : 57
Vitality: 25
Agility : 25
Cunning : 19

Immune: Fire
Resist: Electricity
Weak  : Ice

Abilities Known:
1) Flame Arrow (Type: Fire, 20 SP. 85 Power attack. Has a 33% chance to Ignite the target, causing damage over a short duration.)
2) Rain of Fire (Type: Fire, 40 SP. 85 Power attack. Has a 33% chance to Ignite the targets, causing damage over a short duration.)
3) Warmth (Type: Fire, Passive. Increases HP and SP regeneration based on the number of Ignited characters you can see (more characters = larger bonus, with diminishing returns.))
4) Alluring Veil (Type: Mind, Reactive. 20% chance to Charm adjacent characters that deal damage to you, turning them against their allies.)
5) Vigorous (Type: None, Passive. Increases SP regeneration by 50%.)
6) Bask (Type: Fire, 0 SP. Must target an Ignited enemy. No effect on the target, but triggers a 60 Power heal on and restores 10 SP for the user. Free action. Cooldown: Cantrip (3))
7) Tireless (Type: None, Passive. Increases MaxSP by 25.)
8) Second Wind (Type: Healing, 0 SP. Restores 30 SP and resets Breath cooldown. Cooldown: Endure (3))

Name : Vishap
Level: 18
MaxHP: 87
MaxSP: 125

Strength: 25
Magic   : 37
Vitality: 31
Agility : 19
Cunning : 28

Immune: Electricity
Weak  : Ice

Abilities Known:
1) Shock Arrow (Type: Electricity, 20 SP. 85 Power attack. Has a 12% chance to inflict Shock, causing the target to miss their next turn.)
2) Storm Breath (Type: Electricity, 30 SP. 0-85 Power attack, based on the user's SP (more SP = more Power). Has a 12% chance to inflict Shock, causing the targets to miss their next turn. Cannot miss. Cooldown: Breath (8))
3) Poison Veil (Type: Body, Reactive. 35% chance to Poison adjacent characters that deal damage to you, causing damage over time (can stack three times).)
4) Dragon Soul (Type: None, Passive. Your abilities that use your current SP to determine their effect use your maximum SP instead.)
5) Second Wind (Type: Healing, 0 SP. Restores 30 SP and resets Breath cooldown. Cooldown: Endure (3))
6) Tireless (Type: None, Passive. Increases MaxSP by 25.)
7) ------------

Name : Foul Bonnachon
Level: 18
MaxHP: 100
MaxSP: 125

Strength: 31
Magic   : 22
Vitality: 31
Agility : 11
Cunning : 45

Resist: Fire Body
Weak  : Ice Mind

Abilities Known:
1) Smash (Type: Impact, 10 SP. 85 Power attack.)
2) Putrid Breath (Type: Body, 35 SP. 0-85 Power attack, based on the user's SP (more SP = more Power). Has a 50% chance to inflict Infection, hindering HP and SP recovery. Cannot miss. Cooldown: Breath (8))
3) Expose Host (Type: Debuff, 25 SP. 70% chance to reduce defense by 20%.)
4) Slow (Type: Debuff, 25 SP. 50% chance to reduce speed by 33%.)
5) Haste (Type: Buff, 35 SP. Improves speed by 33%.)
6) Warning Cry (Type: Buff, 25 SP. Briefly improves evasion by 25% for you and your allies. Cooldown: Presence (6))
7) Tireless (Type: None, Passive. Increases MaxSP by 25.)

--==== Recently Slain Allies ===--

Name : Ruhin
Level: 6
MaxHP: 48
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 6
Magic   : 13
Vitality: 16
Agility : 21
Cunning : 24

Immune: Body
Resist: Mind
Weak  : Electricity

Abilities Known:
1) Focus (Type: Buff, 20 SP. Improves accuracy by 25%.)
2) Alert (Type: Buff, 20 SP. Improves evasion by 25%.)
3) Calm (Type: Healing, 15 SP. Removes Stun, Sleep, Panic, and Charm.)
4) Blessweaver (Type: Buff, Passive. Reduces the SP cost of Buff abilities by 5, to a minimum of 0.)
5) Souleater (Type: Dark, Reactive. Responds to a visible character's death by draining them, healing yourself for 7% of their maximum HP.)
6) ------------

Name : Brutal Red cap
Level: 6
MaxHP: 59
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 29
Magic   : 7
Vitality: 20
Agility : 10
Cunning : 14

Resist: Body
Weak  : Electricity Light

Abilities Known:
1) Feral Claw (Type: Slash, 5 SP. 70 Power attack.)
2) Throw Rock (Type: Impact, 5 SP. 70 Power attack. Cooldown: Luck (3))
3) Intent (Type: Buff, 5 SP. Briefly improves accuracy by 25%. Free action. Cooldown: Cantrip (5))
4) Dash (Type: None, 20 SP. Move to the target position instantly. Cooldown: Charge (8))
5) Tackle (Type: Impact, 10 SP. 70 Power attack. Has a 50% chance to delay the next turn of the target.)
6) Crusader (Type: Light, Passive. Provides a 35% chance for your Slash, Impact, and Pierce attacks to apply Guilt, healing those who damage the target (excluding reactions).)
7) Shocking Stab (Type: Pierce, 10 SP. 85 Power attack, split between Pierce and Electricity. Has a 10% chance to inflict Shock, causing the target to miss their next turn.)
8) Leech Bite (Type: Pierce, 10 SP. 70 Power attack. Heals the user for 50% of the damage dealt (affected by Body resistance).)

Name : Solid Ruhin
Level: 6
MaxHP: 58
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 5
Magic   : 10
Vitality: 29
Agility : 17
Cunning : 19

Immune: Body
Resist: Mind
Weak  : Electricity

Abilities Known:
1) Focus (Type: Buff, 20 SP. Improves accuracy by 25%.)
2) Alert (Type: Buff, 20 SP. Improves evasion by 25%.)
3) Calm (Type: Healing, 15 SP. Removes Stun, Sleep, Panic, and Charm.)
4) Blessweaver (Type: Buff, Passive. Reduces the SP cost of Buff abilities by 5, to a minimum of 0.)
5) Block Slash (Type: Defense, Passive. Provides a 33% chance to block Slash attacks.)
6) Heavy Guard (Type: Impact, Reactive. Responds to blocking and parrying attacks by adjacent enemies with a 40 Power attack that has a 35% chance to inflict Stun, causing the target to miss their next turn. Cannot miss.)
7) ------------
8) ------------

Name : Headless
Level: 7
MaxHP: 69
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 21
Magic   : 6
Vitality: 35
Agility : 12
Cunning : 11

Immune: Body
Resist: Ice Dark
Weak  : Electricity Light

Abilities Known:
1) Inspiring Cut (Type: Slash, 15 SP. 70 Power attack. Briefly increases your or a nearby ally's accuracy by 25%.)
2) Daring Cut (Type: Slash, 15 SP. 70 Power attack. Briefly increases your or a nearby ally's offense by 25%.)
3) Flesheater (Type: Body, Reactive. Responds to an adjacent character's death by draining them, healing yourself for 15% of their maximum HP.)
4) Diehard (Type: Defense, Passive. Prevents death, except by Ignite or Poison damage. May trigger an Endure cooldown when activated (more damage dealt = higher chance). Cooldown: Endure (5))
5) Tormentor (Type: None, Passive. Restores 5 SP when you deal damage to one or more characters that have negative status effects.)
6) Bloodthirst (Type: Body, Passive. Heals you for 25% of the damage you deal with Slash, Impact, or Pierce abilities (affected by Body resistance).)
7) Souleater (Type: Dark, Reactive. Responds to a visible character's death by draining them, healing yourself for 7% of their maximum HP.)
8) Counterattack (Type: Slash, Reactive. 50% chance to respond to damage dealt to you by adjacent enemies with a 55 Power attack.)

Name : Lilim
Level: 6
MaxHP: 48
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 6
Magic   : 19
Vitality: 13
Agility : 21
Cunning : 21

Resist: Mind Dark
Weak  : Ice Light

Abilities Known:
1) Blue Whisper (Type: Mind, 20 SP. 65% chance to cause Sleep, preventing the target from acting for several turns or until damaged. Free action. Cooldown: Presence (8))
2) Leech Touch (Type: Body, 10 SP. 70 Power attack. Heals the user for 50% of the damage dealt.)
3) Dreamstalker (Type: Mind, Passive. Your attacks deal 50% more damage to and do not wake up Sleeping targets that have full HP.)
4) Charisma (Type: Mind, Passive. Presence cooldown recovers 30% faster when your HP are at more than 50% of maximum.)
5) Ice Breath (Type: Ice, 30 SP. 0-85 Power attack, based on the user's SP (more SP = more Power). Chills the targets, reducing their accuracy, evasion, and movement speed by 12%. Cannot miss. Cooldown: Breath (8))
6) ------------

Name : Akateko
Level: 12
MaxHP: 56
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 8
Magic   : 34
Vitality: 22
Agility : 33
Cunning : 13

Immune: Body
Resist: Dark
Weak  : Light

Abilities Known:
1) Vampiric Touch (Type: Body, 15 SP. 85 Power attack. Heals the user for 50% if the damage dealt.)
2) Wraith Touch (Type: Dark, 15 SP. 70 Power attack, split between HP and MaxHP damage. 66% of the MaxHP damage is drained to the user as bonus MaxHP.)
3) Swiftness (Type: None, Passive. Reduces the turn cost of movement and movement abilities by 20%.)
4) Evade Step (Type: Defense, Passive. Gain a 25% chance to dodge attacks when your last action was movement or a movement ability.)
5) ------------
6) ------------

Name : Cursed Acheri
Level: 12
MaxHP: 74
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 7
Magic   : 18
Vitality: 14
Agility : 21
Cunning : 50

Immune: Body
Resist: Ice Dark
Weak  : Fire Electricity Light

Abilities Known:
1) Vile Dance (Type: Body, 25 SP. 50% chance to apply Infection to enemies, which hinders HP and SP recovery. Also considered a movement ability. Cooldown: Breath (4))
2) Retch (Type: Body, 10 SP. Must target a character with Infection, Poison, or Paralysis. 40 Power attack. Delays the target's next turn, and adds 2 turns of Breath cooldown. Cannot miss. Free action. Cooldown: Cantrip (3))
3) Weaken (Type: Debuff, 15 SP. 70% chance to reduce offense by 20%.)
4) Quelling Cry (Type: Debuff, 25 SP. 70% chance to briefly reduce offense by 20% for enemies. Cooldown: Presence (6))
5) Rattling Cry (Type: Debuff, 25 SP. 70% chance to briefly reduce accuracy by 20% for enemies. Cooldown: Presence (6))
6) Numbing Touch (Type: Body, 15 SP. 70 Power attack. Has a 35% chance to inflict Paralysis, causing the target to frequently miss their turns.)
7) ------------
8) ------------

Name : Charged Dipsas
Level: 13
MaxHP: 69
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 16
Magic   : 30
Vitality: 15
Agility : 33
Cunning : 21

Resist: Electricity
Weak  : Ice

Abilities Known:
1) Exhausting Bite (Type: Pierce, 15 SP. 70 Power attack. Reduces the target's SP by 10.)
2) Cleanse (Type: Healing, 15 SP. Removes Poison, Infection, and Paralysis.)
3) Swiftness (Type: None, Passive. Reduces the turn cost of movement and movement abilities by 20%.)
4) Storm Breath (Type: Electricity, 30 SP. 0-85 Power attack, based on the user's SP (more SP = more Power). Has a 12% chance to inflict Shock, causing the targets to miss their next turn. Cannot miss. Cooldown: Breath (8))
5) Bolt Chain (Type: Electricity, Passive. Shocking a target also inflicts a 55 Power attack on and has an 8% chance to Shock an adjacent enemy. Shock applied by Bolt Chain cannot trigger Bolt Chain.)
6) Arresting Gaze (Type: Body, 25 SP. 65% chance to cause Paralysis, causing the target to frequently miss their turns. Cooldown: Presence (10))
7) High Voltage (Type: Electricity, Passive. Increases your chance to apply Shock by 50% of the original chance.)
8) Second Wind (Type: Healing, 0 SP. Restores 30 SP and resets Breath cooldown. Cooldown: Endure (3))

Posts: 353
Joined: Tue Oct 27, 2015 5:31 pm


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