Turdak's Sanctum, YASD and ramblings

The tower awaits!

Re: Turdak's Sanctum, YASD and ramblings

Postby wizzzargh » Mon Mar 11, 2019 10:08 pm

died on the last floor, adding some much needed ghosts, but not technically a 'ghost win'
The build came together around Anomaly, but it really took off once I added Haste and the Gaudia miracle into the build. With 150% base speed, mobility and swiftness, and then haste, I felt like I got to make about 5 steps or attacks for every one the enemy did, and once I had Aux power, those attacks were extremely powerful. Even before that, I easily captured pretty much every unique who had a 'defeat' me clause. Reprobus gave some trouble due to Mordecai's crippling and panicking, but once I was fully online Odun and Phoenix went down in a flash. I would have even given myself good odds at taking down Slenderman. I also almost went for a Ghost-Shock instead of a spin-slash, but I was getting in trouble with Ghost-pierce type movement when I was using regular Ghost Pierce occasionally (though occasionally it was helpful too so eh, I think I shoulda gone with ghost shock just for fun). The one thing I was missing was Leadership from Headless (failing a Kasha link gave distrust, alas) but it would have been overkill, honestly. I dropped Evade Step so I'd get hit more and proc Juggernaut more, and I think that's the right move for 'dancer' builds, to have either evade step+defenses OR juggernaut, but not both, going all in on defense or offense.

I feel like the miracles might be a little too fast to recover now especially if you put it on a few demons- felt like pretty much evry fight took place with max buffs. But then again I did have dedicated buffers so it's hard to say.

As you might expect, the only thing that could finally kill me was me, dying to status-spam against my own ghost chime on the last floor. Some fights that exploited my Body (druj nasu) or Mind(incubi) vulnerability were often sketchy as well. If I had gone for Artificial Raicho armor I probably would have had to suicide (and had a much easier time through the tower in general) but then again, the maxHP hit woulda been rough. Another easy way to survive would have been Eternal Glory, naturally, but I forgot.
My own debuffer-matter-specialist was what ultimately killed me, but the ooze was also an occasionally useful opening debuffer for fights too.
I'll put more specific brand-thoughts in the dedicated thread.

Code: Select all
Demon Party Dump File
Version 3/10/2019, Scoring Model: 3/10/2019
Dump file created at: 3/11/2019 3:51:15 PM

Summoner RedeemfistWi...
was chosen by the Titan's Fist,
selected Light as their starting element,
has earned a score of 61552,
is currently at Tower:23,
and is quite dead!

--==== Main Character ====--

Name : RedeemfistWi
Level: 31
MaxHP: 116
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 115
Magic   : 15
Vitality: 15
Agility : 57
Cunning : 25

Resist: Electricity
Weak  : Slash Impact Pierce Body Mind Matter

Soul Brand:
Co-Qu-Lif (Lv.25)
  Base Strength is 85 or more
  Agility: +17
  SP Costs: -3

Abilities Known:
1) Malleable (Type: Healing, Passive. Improves natural HP regeneration and healing received (including from the Regen status effect) by 25%. Does not affect healing received based on dealing damage.)
2) Juggernaut (Type: Defense, Passive. When your last action was movement or a movement ability, you have 25% improved defense and your next turn comes faster when damaged by enemies (excluding status effects and reactions).)
3) Spin Slash (Type: Slash, 15 SP. 70 Power attack. Also considered a movement ability.)
4) Swiftness (Type: None, Passive. Reduces the turn cost of movement and movement abilities by 20%.)
5) Bloodlust (Type: None, Passive. Restores SP per target damaged when you deal damage with Slash, Impact, or Pierce abilities. 5 SP for the first target, 4 SP for the second, etc. No further recovery after 5 targets.)
6) Mobility (Type: None, Passive. Reduces the turn cost of movement and movement abilities by 30% if no Charge abilities are on cooldown. Cooldown: Charge (0))
7) Crippler (Type: Dark, Passive. Provides a 20% chance for your Slash, Impact, and Pierce attacks to apply Hex, which reduces physical resistances (not immunity) by one level, and reduces physical damage dealt.)
8) Resolute (Type: Healing, Reactive. Reduces the remaining duration of each of your negative status effects by 20% of the current duration when damaged by attacks (excluding reactions). No effect on Shock, Stun, or Harden.)

Relic Upgrades:
Fusion Saver (Reduces the cost of Fuse Demons by 25%.)
Soul Armor (Unlocks the Soul Armor transmutation, which lets you sacrifice a demon to copy its MaxHP modifier, Speed, immunities, resistances, and weaknesses to yourself.)
Recycle (Delete Demon now grants Credits based on the number of levels the demon has gained (more levels = more Credits).)
Aux Power II (Increases damage and healing dealt by 34% and reduces SP costs and cooldowns by 17% per empty summon slot, up to a 67% increase and 34% reduction respectively. No effect when Heroic.)

2 Might gem
3 Zephyr card
5 Pain glyph
1 Ghost chime
12 Heal stone
4 Pure gem
6 Pure stone
1 Guardian gem
3 Tempest rune
2 Magic map
2 Meteor rune
1 Frost glyph
6 Chakra stone
2 Heart glyph
2 Flame glyph
1 Night rune
1 Peace offering
2 Bolt glyph
1 Calm card
1 Wind card

Ri-Qu-Na-Tra (Lv.6)
  HP equal to MaxHP
  Cunning: -7
  Agility: +18
  SP Costs: -33%
Mi-Na-Tra-Rel (Lv.8)
  No base SP cost above 10
  HP equal to MaxHP
  Cunning: -5
  Strength: +44
Ef-Co-Tra-Sur (Lv.13)
  Base Vitality is 22 or more
  HP equal to MaxHP
  SP Costs: -4
  SP per Turn: +2.2
Ri-Fr-Da (Lv.17)
  Last Used: Movement
  Vitality: -3
  SP Costs: -35%
Ri-Ef-Cl (Lv.20)
  Agility: -14
  SP per Turn: +1.9
  SP Costs: -25%
Mi-Co (Lv.21)
  SP Costs: -2
  Strength: +10
Du-Po-Na (Lv.23)
  Cunning: -4
  Magic: +14
  Vitality: +14
Ri (Lv.25)
  SP Costs: -22%
Co-Qu-Lif (Lv.25)
  Base Strength is 85 or more
  Agility: +17
  SP Costs: -3
Du-Im (Lv.28)
  Magic: -18
  Vitality: +34

Current Credits: 47627

Codex Daemonium Completion
Personal Codex : 74 / 154 (48% complete)

--==== Party Overview  ====--

Element      Users      Immune     Resistant  Normal     Weak       
Slash        2*         0          2          4          1*         
Impact       1          0          2          3          2*         
Pierce       0          0          3          3          1*         
Fire         0          0          2          3*         2         
Ice          1          1          2          3*         1         
Electricity  0          0          1*         5          1         
Body         0          1          2          2          2*         
Mind         2          1          2          3          1*         
Matter       2          1          1          4          1*         
Light        0          2          1          4*         0         
Dark         1          1          1          4*         1         

n : Number of party members counted.
* : Denotes the main character is included.

--==== Current Party ====--

Name : DoubleScarab (Imbued Scarab)
Level: 28
MaxHP: 97
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 30
Magic   : 29
Vitality: 50
Agility : 60
Cunning : 14

Immune: Light Dark
Resist: Slash Pierce
Weak  : Impact

Soul Brand:
Co-Fr (Lv.10)
  Vitality: -2
  SP Costs: -3

Abilities Known:
1) Gift of Life (Type: Healing, 10 SP. 105 Power heal. Costs HP equal to the amount healed, but cannot kill the user. Then, transfers up to 15 SP to the target. Free action. Cooldown: Cantrip (1))
2) Protect (Type: Buff, 10 SP. Improves defense by 25%.)
3) Gaudium (Type: Buff, 25 SP. Only affects allies. Increases offense, defense, accuracy, and evasion by 25% and speed by 33%. Cooldown: Miracle (1))
4) Blessweaver (Type: Buff, Passive. Reduces the SP cost of Buff abilities by 5, to a minimum of 0.)
5) Rabblerouser (Type: Buff, Passive. Your abilities that increase the offense, defense, accuracy, evasion, or speed of allies also accelerate their next turn.)
6) Vigorous (Type: None, Passive. Increases SP regeneration by 50%.)
7) Haste (Type: Buff, 35 SP. Improves speed by 33%.)
8) Hunter's Cry (Type: Buff, 35 SP. Briefly improves offense and accuracy by 25% for you and your allies. Cooldown: Presence (3))

Name : Radiant Ninkasi
Level: 30
MaxHP: 105
MaxSP: 125

Strength: 18
Magic   : 49
Vitality: 49
Agility : 58
Cunning : 32

Resist: Fire Ice Body Mind Light

Soul Brand:
Ri-Qu-Na-Tra (Lv.6)
  HP equal to MaxHP
  Cunning: -7
  Agility: +18
  SP Costs: -33%

Abilities Known:
1) Soothe (Type: Healing, 20 SP. Must target a character whose HP is more than 50% of their maximum. 105 Power heal.)
2) Alluring Gaze (Type: Mind, 20 SP. 70% chance to cause Charm, turning the target against its allies. Cooldown: Presence (4))
3) Charisma (Type: Mind, Passive. Reduces Presence cooldowns by 33% when your HP are at more than 50% of maximum.)
4) Ever Ready (Type: None, Passive. Increases SP regeneration by 200% when your SP is less than 15.)
5) Calm (Type: Healing, 15 SP. Removes Stun, Sleep, Panic, and Charm.)
6) Tireless (Type: None, Passive. Increases MaxSP by 25.)
7) Regenerate (Type: Healing, 25 SP. Bestows Regeneration, restoring health over time.)
8) Reserves (Type: None, Passive. If you would gain a time-based cooldown longer than 1 turn and do not have a Reserves cooldown, you instead gain a Reserves cooldown of the same amount. Cooldown: Reserves (0))

Name : Unicorn
Level: 29
MaxHP: 111
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 34
Magic   : 54
Vitality: 38
Agility : 20
Cunning : 30

Immune: Light
Weak  : Body Dark

Soul Brand:
Ri-Ef-Cl (Lv.20)
  Agility: -14
  SP per Turn: +1.9
  SP Costs: -25%

Abilities Known:
1) Heal Wounds (Type: Healing, 25 SP. 105 Power heal.)
2) Panacea (Type: Healing, 30 SP. Removes all negative status effects.)
3) Healing Aura (Type: Healing, Reactive. Each standard turn, grants a 10 Power heal to you and all visible allies.)
4) Lifeweaver (Type: Healing, Passive. Reduces the SP cost of Healing abilities by 5, to a minimum of 0.)
5) Calming Rain (Type: Healing, 25 SP. Removes Stun, Sleep, Panic, and Charm.)
6) Ritualist (Type: None, Passive. Reduces the SP cost of magical abilities that cost 20 or more SP by 5 if no Cantrip abilities are on cooldown. Cooldown: Cantrip (0))
7) Gaudium (Type: Buff, 25 SP. Only affects allies. Increases offense, defense, accuracy, and evasion by 25% and speed by 33%. Cooldown: Miracle (1))
8) Eternal Glory (Type: Healing, Passive. Fully restores MaxHP and then HP when HP reaches 0. Cooldown: Soul (90))

Name : Destroyer Ooze
Level: 28
MaxHP: 78
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 12
Magic   : 77
Vitality: 26
Agility : 45
Cunning : 49

Immune: Matter
Resist: Impact Pierce Body
Weak  : Fire Ice

Soul Brand:
Du-Po-Na (Lv.23)
  Cunning: -4
  Magic: +14
  Vitality: +14

Abilities Known:
1) Liquefying Touch (Type: Matter, 10 SP. 70 Power attack. Has a 70% chance to inflict Melting, causing damage over time.)
2) Consuming Touch (Type: Matter, 10 SP. 70 Power attack, +45 Power if the target is Melting. Heals the user for 66% of the damage dealt.)
3) Acidic Veil (Type: Matter, Reactive. 35% chance to Melt adjacent characters that deal damage to you, causing damage over time.)
4) Corrosive Vapor (Type: Debuff, Passive. Attempts to inflict Melting on non-immune targets also have a 50% chance to briefly reduce defense by 20%.)
5) Acid Burst (Type: Matter, 20 SP. 70% chance to inflict Melting, causing damage over time.)
6) Toxic Vapor (Type: Body, Passive. Attempts to inflict Melting on non-immune targets also have a 50% chance to briefly inflict Poison, causing damage over time (can stack three times).)
7) Acid Orb (Type: Matter, 20 SP. Attenuated 55 Power attack. Has a 50% chance to inflict Melting, causing damage over time.)
8) Ritualist (Type: None, Passive. Reduces the SP cost of magical abilities that cost 20 or more SP by 5 if no Cantrip abilities are on cooldown. Cooldown: Cantrip (0))

Name : Rime Witch Ogun
Level: 34
MaxHP: 112
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 45
Magic   : 49
Vitality: 45
Agility : 21
Cunning : 55

Immune: Body
Resist: Slash Impact Pierce Fire Ice Mind Dark Matter
Weak  : Electricity

Soul Brand:
Ri (Lv.25)
  SP Costs: -22%

Abilities Known:
1) Rhino Charge (Type: Impact, 20 SP. Must target a character. Charge to the target with a 85 Power attack. Inflicts Stun, causing the target to miss their next turn. Cooldown: Charge (6))
2) Melting Slice (Type: Slash, 15 SP. 115 Power attack, split between Slash and Fire. Has a 35% chance to Ignite the target, causing damage over a short duration.)
3) Magma Force (Type: Slash, 25 SP. 115 Power attack, split between Slash and Fire. Has a 35% chance to Ignite the target, causing damage over a short duration.)
4) Ready Block (Type: Defense, Passive. If your last action was a Melee, Beam, or Direct range Slash, Impact, or Pierce ability, provides a 20% chance to block Slash, Impact, Pierce, Fire, Electricity, and Ice attacks.)
5) Heavy Guard (Type: Impact, Reactive. Responds to attacks by adjacent enemies that you block or parry with a 40 Power attack that has a 35% chance to inflict Stun, causing the target to miss their next turn. Cannot miss.)
6) Overpower (Type: None, Passive. Reduces the chance of opponents Blocking, Dodging, or Parrying your attacks by half.)
7) Ever Ready (Type: None, Passive. Increases SP regeneration by 200% when your SP is less than 15.)
8) Tormentor (Type: None, Passive. Restores 5 SP when you deal damage to one or more characters that have negative status effects.)

Name : Archon Yuki-onna
Level: 32
MaxHP: 128
MaxSP: 126

Strength: 26
Magic   : 60
Vitality: 47
Agility : 26
Cunning : 56

Immune: Ice Mind
Weak  : Fire

Soul Brand:
Du-In-Na (Lv.29)
  Cunning: -11
  Max SP: +26
  Vitality: +21

Abilities Known:
1) Snowstorm (Type: Ice, 40 SP. Attenuated 85 Power attack. Chills the targets, reducing their accuracy, evasion, and movement speed slightly.)
2) Wintry Touch (Type: Ice, 15 SP. 100 Power attack. Chills the target, reducing their accuracy, evasion, and movement speed slightly.)
3) Pink Whisper (Type: Mind, 25 SP. 70% chance to cause Charm, turning the target against its allies. Free action. Cooldown: Presence (6))
4) Haunt (Type: Dark, 25 SP. Must target an enemy. Warps you adjacent to the enemy, and has a 70% chance to delay the enemy's next turn. This is not considered a movement ability. Free action. Cooldown: Dark (4))
5) Tormentor (Type: None, Passive. Restores 5 SP when you deal damage to one or more characters that have negative status effects.)
6) Mind Blast (Type: Mind, 20 SP. 40 Power attack. Has a 35% chance to inflict Stun, causing the targets to miss their next turn. Cannot miss.)
7) Evil Grin (Type: Mind, 5 SP. Can be used while Muted. 70% chance to delay the next turn of the target. Reduces your Presence cooldown by 2 turns.)
8) Acid Burst (Type: Matter, 20 SP. 70% chance to inflict Melting, causing damage over time.)

--==== Recent Messages ====--

 The ooze leaps into action!
 The yuki-onna looks energized!
 RedeemfistWi looks energized!
 The ooze unleashes a burst of acidic vapor.
 You will be melting longer! Ogun begins to melt!
 You are badly poisoned!
 Your unicorn chants while pointing at you.
 You are no longer badly poisoned.
 You are no longer melting.
 Ogun slices the scarab.
 It isn't very effective.
 Ogun melts the scarab. Ogun looks refreshed.
 Using Spin Slash...
 Aim within the possible target area using
 movement keys. Press Enter to execute, Escape to
 You slash the ooze. You feel refreshed.
 You begin to melt! You are poisoned!
 Ninkasi looks more confident.
 RedeemfistWi unsummons the scarab!
 The yuki-onna blinks towards you.
 You stagger.
 The yuki-onna whispers softly at you.
 You are charmed!
 The yuki-onna freezes you.
 You feel cold!
 The yuki-onna looks refreshed.
 You leap into action!
 You feel more resolved.
 You are still charmed!
 You slash Ogun.
 It isn't very effective.
 You feel refreshed. The ooze drains you.
 It's super effective!
 Your relic struggles to keep you alive!
 The ooze looks healthier.
 You leap into action!
 You feel more resolved.
 You are still charmed!
 You miss Ogun.
 You are still charmed!
 You miss Ogun.
 Your relic struggles to keep you alive!
 Ogun is no longer regenerating.
 You are still charmed!
 You slash Ogun.
 It isn't very effective.
 You feel refreshed. The ooze drains you.
 It's super effective!
 You die...

--==== Recently Slain Allies ====--

Name : Incubus
Level: 27
MaxHP: 104
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 25
Magic   : 28
Vitality: 36
Agility : 40
Cunning : 51

Resist: Mind Dark
Weak  : Ice Light

Abilities Known:
1) Vampiric Touch (Type: Body, 15 SP. 85 Power attack. Heals the user for 66% of the damage dealt.)
2) Love Tap (Type: Impact, 15 SP. 70 Power attack. 35% chance to cause Charm, turning the target against its allies.)
3) Dominator (Type: Mind, Passive. Provides a 10% chance for your Slash, Impact, and Pierce attacks to apply Charm, turning the target against their allies.)
4) Alluring Veil (Type: Mind, Reactive. 10% chance to Charm adjacent characters that deal damage to you, turning them against their allies.)
5) ------------
6) ------------
7) ------------
8) ------------

Name : Abatwa
Level: 24
MaxHP: 120
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 23
Magic   : 5
Vitality: 67
Agility : 46
Cunning : 40

Resist: Electricity Mind
Weak  : Fire Ice Body Matter

Soul Brand:
Du-Im (Lv.28)
  Magic: -18
  Vitality: +34

Abilities Known:
1) Poison Needle (Type: Pierce, 20 SP. 70 Power attack. Has a 70% chance to inflict Poison, causing damage over time (can stack three times).)
2) Low Profile (Type: Defense, Passive. Always dodge projectiles fired by allies unless directly targeted.)
3) Swiftness (Type: None, Passive. Reduces the turn cost of movement and movement abilities by 20%.)
4) Venomous (Type: Body, Passive. Provides a 35% chance for your Slash, Impact, and Pierce attacks to apply Poison, causing damage over time (can stack three times).)
5) ------------
6) ------------
7) ------------
8) ------------

Name : Destined Yuki-onna
Level: 29
MaxHP: 116
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 30
Magic   : 58
Vitality: 30
Agility : 42
Cunning : 42

Immune: Ice
Weak  : Fire

Soul Brand:
Ri-Qu (Lv.28)
  Agility: +12
  SP Costs: -16%

Abilities Known:
1) Snowstorm (Type: Ice, 40 SP. Attenuated 85 Power attack. Chills the targets, reducing their accuracy, evasion, and movement speed slightly.)
2) Wintry Touch (Type: Ice, 15 SP. 100 Power attack. Chills the target, reducing their accuracy, evasion, and movement speed slightly.)
3) Pink Whisper (Type: Mind, 25 SP. 70% chance to cause Charm, turning the target against its allies. Free action. Cooldown: Presence (6))
4) Haunt (Type: Dark, 25 SP. Must target an enemy. Warps you adjacent to the enemy, and has a 70% chance to delay the enemy's next turn. This is not considered a movement ability. Free action. Cooldown: Dark (4))
5) Tormentor (Type: None, Passive. Restores 5 SP when you deal damage to one or more characters that have negative status effects.)
6) Hunter's Cry (Type: Buff, 35 SP. Briefly improves offense and accuracy by 25% for you and your allies. Cooldown: Presence (3))
7) Grace (Type: Buff, 25 SP. Improves accuracy and evasion by 25%.)
8) ------------

Name : Mulassa
Level: 31
MaxHP: 120
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 49
Magic   : 58
Vitality: 58
Agility : 24
Cunning : 24

Resist: Fire Body Mind
Weak  : Ice

Soul Brand:
Co-Mi (Lv.29)
  Strength: +13
  SP Costs: -2

Abilities Known:
1) Flame Blast (Type: Fire, 25 SP. 100 Power attack. Has a 35% chance to Ignite the target, causing damage over a short duration.)
2) Fire Breath (Type: Fire, 20 SP. Attenuated 0-85 Power attack, based on the user's SP (max SP = 85 Power). Has a 35% chance to Ignite the targets, causing damage over a short duration. Cooldown: Breath (4))
3) Warmth (Type: Fire, Passive. Increases HP and SP regeneration based on the number of Ignited characters you can see (more characters = larger bonus, with diminishing returns.))
4) Terrifying Cry (Type: Mind, 30 SP. 70% chance to inflict Panic on enemies, causing their actions to sometimes be randomized. Cooldown: Presence (9))
5) Dragon Soul (Type: None, Passive. Your abilities that use your current SP to determine their effect use your maximum SP instead, if this would be to your benefit.)
6) ------------
7) ------------
8) ------------

Name : Fulgur Yuki-onna
Level: 28
MaxHP: 104
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 37
Magic   : 66
Vitality: 24
Agility : 31
Cunning : 40

Immune: Ice Electricity
Weak  : Fire

Soul Brand:
Co-Mi (Lv.29)
  Strength: +13
  SP Costs: -2

Abilities Known:
1) Snowstorm (Type: Ice, 40 SP. Attenuated 85 Power attack. Chills the targets, reducing their accuracy, evasion, and movement speed slightly.)
2) Wintry Touch (Type: Ice, 15 SP. 100 Power attack. Chills the target, reducing their accuracy, evasion, and movement speed slightly.)
3) Pink Whisper (Type: Mind, 25 SP. 70% chance to cause Charm, turning the target against its allies. Free action. Cooldown: Presence (6))
4) Haunt (Type: Dark, 25 SP. Must target an enemy. Warps you adjacent to the enemy, and has a 70% chance to delay the enemy's next turn. This is not considered a movement ability. Free action. Cooldown: Dark (4))
5) Tormentor (Type: None, Passive. Restores 5 SP when you deal damage to one or more characters that have negative status effects.)
6) Electropulse (Type: Electricity, 15 SP. 70 Power attack. Has an 10% chance to inflict Shock, causing the targets to miss their next turn.)
7) Storm Strike (Type: Electricity, 20 SP. 85 Power attack. Has a 20% chance to inflict Shock, causing the targets to miss their next turn. 70% chance to hit, unaffected by accuracy and evasion.)
8) ------------

Name : Fatewarper Shikome
Level: 31
MaxHP: 115
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 16
Magic   : 55
Vitality: 25
Agility : 32
Cunning : 72

Immune: Dark
Resist: Ice Body
Weak  : Mind Light

Soul Brand:
Sh-Da (Lv.30)
  Last Used: Movement
  Cunning: +28

Abilities Known:
1) Lich Touch (Type: Dark, 25 SP. 100 Power attack, split between HP and MaxHP damage. 66% of the MaxHP damage is drained to the user as bonus MaxHP.)
2) Horrible Glare (Type: Mind, 15 SP. Only affects enemies. Four 40% chances to delay the next turn of the targets. Cooldown: Presence (6))
3) Possess (Type: Dark, 30 SP. Must target an enemy. Warps you adjacent to the enemy, and has a 70% chance to delay the enemy's next turn. This is not considered a movement ability. Free action. Cooldown: Dark (5))
4) Mobility (Type: None, Passive. Reduces the turn cost of movement and movement abilities by 30% if no Charge abilities are on cooldown. Cooldown: Charge (0))
5) Vitiate Host (Type: Debuff, 40 SP. 85% chance to reduce defense and evasion by 20%.)
6) Wither Host (Type: Debuff, 40 SP. 85% chance to reduce offense and accuracy by 20%.)
7) ------------
8) ------------

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Joined: Tue Oct 27, 2015 5:31 pm

Re: Turdak's Sanctum, YASD and ramblings

Postby Ferret » Wed Mar 13, 2019 12:42 pm

Move-attack builds tend to get *really* powerful once they have access to every possible Speed enhancement. That reminds me, I still need to add Thrones to the game...

Ghost Shock could potentially be crazy, but that would rely on being able to trigger the Shocks reliably, which would mean either more Cunning or finding some room in ability slots for Shock chance boosting abilities. You'd probably end up less damaging, but given how many chances you'd have to land Shock, you might end up being almost as damaging *and* with the ability to lock down multiple enemies per turn. :D

I purposefully went a little light on the buff/debuff miracle cooldowns, in part because the AI on using them is always going to be a bit shaky, but there might be room for a small bit of nerfing there if needed. I'm not convinced it is needed yet, but I'm keeping an eye on them for sure. That said.. that you the buff Miracle that useful *without* needing Channeler suggests there may be an issue.

Thanks for the reports, both here and in the Brand Test thread. :)
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Re: Turdak's Sanctum, YASD and ramblings

Postby wizzzargh » Wed Nov 20, 2019 7:10 am

Whew, finally had time to complete (or rather, die on tower:23) a run. Took me three sittings and a few failed attempts prior(rip early kaw kaw)- brand management probably added some time to the game. Would appreciate if you could exit out of the 'pick up brand' menu with escape as well as n, and/or have an option to destroy them right there on the ground so you don't have to later auto-explore or manually explore over them. The things I like about brands is that they make high speed possible without necessarily meaning you'll die to a mean look, and the SP ones are of course a nice addition to vigorous/tireless/tormentor etc, especially for enabling demons to do two things before hitting low SP, like buffing then attacking.

Was a pretty smooth run, though I didn't have any overleveled demons or mega-uniques to lean on. I made a Lifegiver Faerie early on who got Healing Aura and I suspect having it on 2 creatures (myself and healer) was pretty helpful, though its subtle and hard to tell in the moment. I held on to a fair few demons for a long time before their low levels finally caught up to them.

The new relic upgrade point system is pretty interesting, though I ended up staying pretty standard Crown-style for safety- fast summon and dismiss and a huge stable of demons. Soul Armor could probably have been skipped as all I did was get Gremlin Speed very late, and I only benefitted from Fusion Saver once. Probably never gonna get Recycle at 15 cost, as it mostly enables silly lategame vanity fusions rather than important things like 'more demons' or 'speed.'

Certain enemies sent me fleeing from floors-Paracelsus is never a good time, Mordecai and Reprobus are bad news, Jayle and all Titans Fists ghosts were Matter Resistant, Ogun had Eradicator Cherufes with, iirc, poison shot and the 'execution' needle spray and he was stomping the party immediately upon rhino charge anyway so.

I had a pretty good moment where I escaped from Jayle, summoned a damaged demon to rest... and they immediately got unsummoned/ Eliminated from around a corner by an unseen pack of Baleful Incubi. I ended up recruiting said Incubi, but then the rest of the pack was after me when Jayle found me again so I bailed on that level with a Baleful Manananagal in tow

In the midgame I had an interesting (albeit unreliable) source of SP for myself- shocking aura and galvanize. I also had a leadership wild frenzy acidic Brutal Aspis that was my main frontliner for a good long time and killed Madevra, and made it to level 16 before I regretfully let him go- Wild Frenzy + leadership only really works to hilarious light-speed effect when a player is doing it, I've found. Other midgame mainstays were an Aeras (emit sparks, high voltage, and galvanize is just so good...) a fairly bog standard Jiang Shi with lifesteal, block physical, and diehard that somehow managed to stay useful for a long long time, and Ruhin repurposed to healer that went to level 20 before being replaced by unicorns and ninkasi.

This was pretty much my midgame setup. Lategame I transitioned into the area of effect melter with Poison, burning, and confusion fumes (which was hilariously strong, but probably not as strong as a magic nuker and fell apart against anything resistant to matter) and got Disable Mind rather than Mind Twist so I could melt crowds and sleep individuals.

lots of these wacky brands make you wish you were playing titans fist...

speaking of, here was what finally killed me.
Initial attempts to elemental nuke this ghost failed as a near-raicho-speed Sure Shot 2-shot my dudes faster than I could close distance- slapping stats down to 1 via stat reallocation is something I hadn't thought of, but it's certainly effective. As I was going to 'ghost-win' anyway I decided to try a dirty maxHP cheese hit and run, but couldn't even get within range before dying. Of course I could have tried to pop a few essences to give my healers time to react, but I didn't really want to spend an hour doing hit and run against the TWO Hanz ghosts that appeared on the final floor, and so i died.

Code: Select all
Demon Party Dump File
Version 10/27/2019, Scoring Model: 10/27/2019
Dump file created at: 11/19/2019 11:11:43 PM

Summoner Isfrix...
was chosen by the Crown of Glory,
selected Dark as their starting element,
has earned a score of 51307,
is currently at Tower:23,
and is quite dead!

--==== Main Character ====--

Name : Isfrix
Level: 29
MaxHP: 126
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 10
Magic   : 20
Vitality: 45
Agility : 10
Cunning : 110

Resist: Electricity
Weak  : Body

Soul Brand:
Co-Ra-Pa (Lv.6)
  Level is 21 or higher
  Speed: +26%
  SP Costs: -5

Abilities Known:
1) Acid Burst (Type: Matter, 20 SP. 70% chance to inflict Melting, causing damage over time.)
2) Vigor Drain (Type: Dark, 30 SP. 70 Power attack, split between HP and MaxHP damage. 33% of the MaxHP damage is drained to the user as bonus MaxHP. Cannot miss.)
3) Might (Type: Buff, 10 SP. Improves offense by 25%.)
4) Toxic Vapor (Type: Body, Passive. Attempts to inflict Melting on non-immune targets also have a 50% chance to briefly inflict Poison, causing damage over time (can stack three times).)
5) Burning Vapor (Type: Fire, Passive. Attempts to inflict Melting on non-immune targets also have a 70% chance to briefly inflict Ignite, causing damage over time.)
6) Dizzying Vapor (Type: Mind, Passive. Attempts to inflict Melting on non-immune targets also have a 35% chance to briefly inflict Panic, causing the target's actions to sometimes be randomized.)
7) Disable Mind (Type: Mind, 30 SP. 40 Power attack. Has a 50% chance to inflict Sleep, preventing the target from acting for a few turns or until damaged. Cannot miss.)
8) Short Jaunt (Type: None, 10 SP. Warp to a random nearby position you can see. This is not considered a movement ability.)

Relic Upgrades:
Capacity Up V (Grants additional storage capacity for demon allies, allowing for a total of 8 at once.)
Fast Dismiss (Changes Dismiss to a fast action: it only takes half the time most actions do.)
Soul Armor (Unlocks the Soul Armor transmutation, which lets you sacrifice a demon to copy its MaxHP modifier, Speed, immunities, resistances, and weaknesses to yourself.)
Fast Summon (Changes Summon to a fast action: it only takes half the time most actions do.)
Fusion Saver (Reduces the cost of Fuse Demons by 25%.)

2 Heart glyph
5 Bolt glyph
5 Peace offering
2 Guardian gem
3 Flame glyph
7 Chakra stone
25 Heal stone
1 Purple essence
3 Pure gem
3 Heal gem
1 Green essence
3 Calm card
7 Pure stone
1 Venom rune
1 Chakra gem
2 Wind card
2 Magic map
1 Blizzard rune
1 Curse rune
1 Silver offering
1 Bronze offering
1 Zephyr card
1 Might gem
1 Ghost chime
1 Trouble chime

Wa-Rel (Lv.2)
  No base SP cost above 15
  Remove Weak: Dark
Ri-Pa (Lv.3)
  Level is 8 or higher
  SP Costs: -24%
Wa-Ra-Ou (Lv.3)
  Base Cunning is 12 or more
  Speed: +8%
  Remove Weak: Matter
Wa-Wa (Lv.4)
  Remove Weak: Pierce
  Remove Weak: Dark
Wa-Le (Lv.4)
  Speed: -10%
  Resist: Fire
Co-Ra-Pa (Lv.6)
  Level is 21 or higher
  Speed: +26%
  SP Costs: -5
Wa (Lv.7)
  Remove Weak: Ice
Ri-Sa-Fl-Pa (Lv.8)
  Level is 28 or higher
  Last Used: Light
  HP per Turn: +4.4% of MaxHP
  SP Costs: -54%
Wa-Du (Lv.11)
  Vitality: +7
  Remove Weak: Body
Mi-Im-Al-Er (Lv.16)
  No active abilities
  No visible allies
  Magic: -25
  Strength: +84
Sa-Ri-Cl-Fl (Lv.20)
  Last Used: Dark
  Agility: -29
  SP Costs: -28%
  HP per Turn: +2.3% of MaxHP
Wa-Na (Lv.20)
  Cunning: -29
  Resist: Light

Current Credits: 10813

Codex Daemonium Completion
Personal Codex : 61 / 156 (39% complete)

--==== Party Overview  ====--

Element      Users      Immune     Resistant  Normal     Weak       
Slash        1          0          1          8*         0         
Impact       0          0          1          8*         0         
Pierce       1          0          1          8*         0         
Fire         1          1          1          4*         3         
Ice          2          2          1          3*         3         
Electricity  2          1          2*         6          0         
Body         0          0          1          5          3*         
Mind         3*         1          2          6*         0         
Matter       1*         0          1          8*         0         
Light        2          3          0          4*         2         
Dark         4*         2          2          4*         1         

n : Number of party members counted.
* : Denotes the main character is included.

--==== Current Party ====--

Name : Ninkasi
Level: 29
MaxHP: 106
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 22
Magic   : 36
Vitality: 36
Agility : 48
Cunning : 48

Resist: Ice Body Mind
Weak  : Fire

Soul Brand:
Co-Ra-Pa (Lv.6)
  Level is 21 or higher
  Speed: +26%
  SP Costs: -5

Abilities Known:
1) Soothe (Type: Healing, 20 SP. Must target a character whose HP is more than 50% of their maximum. 105 Power heal.)
2) Rallying Cry (Type: Healing, 25 SP. Only affects allies whose HP is more than 50% of their maximum. 105 Power heal. Cooldown: Presence (4))
3) Alluring Gaze (Type: Mind, 20 SP. 70% chance to cause Charm, turning the target against its allies. Cooldown: Presence (4))
4) Charisma (Type: Mind, Passive. Reduces Presence cooldowns by 33% when your HP are at more than 50% of maximum.)
5) Ever Ready (Type: None, Passive. Increases SP regeneration by 200% when your SP is less than 15.)
6) Mending (Type: Healing, 20 SP. Cannot be used on Mended targets or enemies. 150 Power heal. Applies Mended.)
7) Relief (Type: Healing, 15 SP. Removes Blind, Melting, Harden, Stone, and Held.)
8) Diehard (Type: Defense, Passive. Prevents death, except by Ignite, Poison, or Melting damage. May trigger an Endure cooldown when activated (more damage dealt = higher chance). Cooldown: Endure (6))

Name : Sainted Jinn
Level: 30
MaxHP: 106
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 37
Magic   : 63
Vitality: 31
Agility : 25
Cunning : 51

Immune: Fire Light
Resist: Dark Matter
Weak  : Ice

Soul Brand:
Mi (Lv.16)
  Strength: +12

Abilities Known:
1) Flame Arrow (Type: Fire, 20 SP. 85 Power attack. Has a 35% chance to Ignite the target, causing damage over a short duration.)
2) Fireball (Type: Fire, 25 SP. Attenuated 70 Power attack. Has a 35% chance to Ignite the targets, causing damage over a short duration.)
3) Ritualist (Type: None, Passive. Reduces the SP cost of magical abilities that cost 20 or more SP by 5 if no Cantrip abilities are on cooldown. Cooldown: Cantrip (0))
4) Exorcism (Type: Light, 25 SP. Only affects enemies weak to Light. 10-100 Power attack, based on the target's current HP (more HP = more Power). Cannot miss. Cooldown: Light (4))
5) Twilight (Type: None, Passive. When your HP is 50% or less of your maximum, reduces the SP cost of Light and Dark abilities by 10 (to a minimum of 0), and if you start your turn with a Light or Dark cooldown of 2 or less, it is cleared.)
6) Emit Sol (Type: Light, 10 SP. 85 Power attack. Cannot miss. Cooldown: Light (2))
7) Blight (Type: Dark, 30 SP. Only affects enemies with one or more negative status effects. 62 Power attack, plus 8 Power per negative status effect on the target. Cannot miss. Cooldown: Dark (6))
8) Ember Heart (Type: Fire, Passive. Reduces the SP cost of Fire abilities by 5 if you used an Fire ability last turn.)

Name : Lifebender Unicorn
Level: 29
MaxHP: 132
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 27
Magic   : 62
Vitality: 50
Agility : 27
Cunning : 24

Immune: Light
Weak  : Body Dark

Soul Brand:
Ri-Le (Lv.20)
  Speed: -10%
  SP Costs: -29%

Abilities Known:
1) Heal Wounds (Type: Healing, 25 SP. 105 Power heal.)
2) Panacea (Type: Healing, 30 SP. Removes all negative status effects.)
3) Healing Aura (Type: Healing, Reactive. Each standard turn, grants a 10 Power heal to you and all visible allies.)
4) Vigorous Aura (Type: Healing, Reactive. Each standard turn, restores 1 SP to you and all visible allies.)
5) Lifeweaver (Type: Healing, Passive. Reduces the SP cost of Healing abilities by 5, to a minimum of 0.)
6) Uncurse Host (Type: Healing, 25 SP. Removes Offense Down, Defense Down, Accuracy Down, Evasion Down, and Speed Down.)
7) Absolving Aura (Type: Healing, Reactive. Each standard turn, reduce the duration of your and all visible allies' Light and Dark status effects by 0.5 turns.)
8) Crusader (Type: Light, Passive. Provides a 35% chance for your Slash, Impact, and Pierce attacks to apply Guilt, healing those who damage the target (excluding reactions).)

Name : Tlaloc
Level: 31
MaxHP: 123
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 28
Magic   : 72
Vitality: 48
Agility : 21
Cunning : 24

Immune: Ice Electricity Dark
Weak  : Fire Light

Soul Brand:
Ra-Cl (Lv.20)
  Agility: -7
  Speed: +15%

Abilities Known:
1) Snowstorm (Type: Ice, 40 SP. Attenuated 85 Power attack. Chills the targets, reducing their accuracy, evasion, and movement speed slightly.)
2) Storm Strike (Type: Electricity, 20 SP. 85 Power attack. Has a 20% chance to inflict Shock, causing the targets to miss their next turn. 70% chance to hit, unaffected by accuracy and evasion.)
3) Cleansing Rain (Type: Healing, 25 SP. Removes Poison, Infection, and Paralysis.)
4) Healing Rain (Type: Healing, 35 SP. 105 Power heal.)
5) Meditate (Type: Healing, 0 SP. Can be used while Muted. Restores 10 SP. Cooldown: Cantrip (0))
6) Vengeful (Type: None, Passive. Responds to damage dealt to you by enemies by restoring 3 SP.)
7) Ritualist (Type: None, Passive. Reduces the SP cost of magical abilities that cost 20 or more SP by 5 if no Cantrip abilities are on cooldown. Cooldown: Cantrip (0))
8) Calm (Type: Healing, 15 SP. Removes Stun, Sleep, Panic, and Charm.)

Name : Baleful Ruler
Level: 29
MaxHP: 91
MaxSP: 125

Strength: 21
Magic   : 65
Vitality: 34
Agility : 21
Cunning : 49

Immune: Light Dark
Resist: Electricity Mind

Soul Brand:
Ra (Lv.22)
  Speed: +14%

Abilities Known:
1) Wrath (Type: Light, 15 SP. 70 Power attack. Cannot miss. Cooldown: Light (2))
2) Lightning Bolt (Type: Electricity, 25 SP. 70 Power attack. Has a 10% chance to inflict Shock, causing the targets to miss their next turn.)
3) Might (Type: Buff, 10 SP. Improves offense by 25%.)
4) Cleric's Mien (Type: Light, Passive. Your Light and Dark attacks have a 50% chance to apply Mute to targets whose last action was magical ability, preventing the use of non-physical abilities.)
5) Tireless (Type: None, Passive. Increases MaxSP by 25.)
6) Vigor Drain (Type: Dark, 30 SP. 70 Power attack, split between HP and MaxHP damage. 33% of the MaxHP damage is drained to the user as bonus MaxHP. Cannot miss.)
7) Unholy Word (Type: Dark, 20 SP. Attenuated 0-85 Power attack, based on the user's SP (max SP = 85 Power). Cooldown: Breath (4))
8) Diehard (Type: Defense, Passive. Prevents death, except by Ignite, Poison, or Melting damage. May trigger an Endure cooldown when activated (more damage dealt = higher chance). Cooldown: Endure (6))

Name : Eradicator Ya-te-veo
Level: 33
MaxHP: 125
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 76
Magic   : 13
Vitality: 40
Agility : 35
Cunning : 46

Immune: Mind
Resist: Slash Impact Pierce
Weak  : Ice Body

Soul Brand:
Ri (Lv.23)
  SP Costs: -18%

Abilities Known:
1) Tangling Veil (Type: Matter, Reactive. 35% chance to inflict Held on adjacent characters that deal damage to you, which reduces accuracy, evasion, and movement speed (can stack three times.))
2) Bloodlust (Type: None, Passive. Restores SP per target damaged when you deal damage with Slash, Impact, or Pierce abilities. 5 SP for the first target, 4 SP for the second, etc. No further recovery after 5 targets.)
3) Arrow Spray (Type: Pierce, 25 SP. Attenuated 70 Power attack.)
4) Venomous (Type: Body, Passive. Provides a 35% chance for your Slash, Impact, and Pierce attacks to apply Poison, causing damage over time (can stack three times).)
5) Bloodthirst (Type: Body, Passive. Heals you for 25% of the damage you deal with Slash, Impact, or Pierce abilities (affected by Body resistance).)
6) Mind Reader (Type: Mind, Passive. Increases accuracy and evasion by 13% versus all opponents. (Bonuses are affected by Mind resistance.))
7) Calm (Type: Healing, 15 SP. Removes Stun, Sleep, Panic, and Charm.)
8) Lethal Thrust (Type: Pierce, 25 SP. 100 Power attack, enemies only.)

Name : Rakshasa
Level: 30
MaxHP: 113
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 104
Magic   : 23
Vitality: 39
Agility : 27
Cunning : 27

Resist: Fire Dark
Weak  : Ice Light

Soul Brand:
Mi-Tir (Lv.25)
  SP equal to or less than 50
  Strength: +25

Abilities Known:
1) Leap Attack (Type: Slash, 20 SP. Must target a character. Leap to the target with an 85 Power attack. Inflicts Stun, causing the target to miss their next turn. Cooldown: Charge (8))
2) Lethal Claw (Type: Slash, 15 SP. 100 Power attack.)
3) Bloodthirst (Type: Body, Passive. Heals you for 25% of the damage you deal with Slash, Impact, or Pierce abilities (affected by Body resistance).)
4) Mind Reader (Type: Mind, Passive. Increases accuracy and evasion by 13% versus all opponents. (Bonuses are affected by Mind resistance.))
5) Massacre (Type: Slash, 25 SP. 130 Power attack, if the damage would be fatal. Otherwise, 70 Power attack.)
6) Haste (Type: Buff, 35 SP. Improves speed by 33%.)
7) Diehard (Type: Defense, Passive. Prevents death, except by Ignite, Poison, or Melting damage. May trigger an Endure cooldown when activated (more damage dealt = higher chance). Cooldown: Endure (6))
8) ------------

Name : Yuki-onna
Level: 28
MaxHP: 101
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 30
Magic   : 103
Vitality: 29
Agility : 29
Cunning : 41

Immune: Ice
Weak  : Fire

Soul Brand:
Po-Le-Pa (Lv.10)
  Level is 20 or higher
  Speed: -30%
  Magic: +47

Abilities Known:
1) Snowstorm (Type: Ice, 40 SP. Attenuated 85 Power attack. Chills the targets, reducing their accuracy, evasion, and movement speed slightly.)
2) Wintry Touch (Type: Ice, 15 SP. 100 Power attack. Chills the target, reducing their accuracy, evasion, and movement speed slightly.)
3) Pink Whisper (Type: Mind, 25 SP. 70% chance to cause Charm, turning the target against its allies. Free action. Cooldown: Presence (6))
4) Haunt (Type: Dark, 25 SP. Must target an enemy. Warps you adjacent to the enemy, and has a 70% chance to delay the enemy's next turn. This is not considered a movement ability. Free action. Cooldown: Charge (4))
5) Tormentor (Type: None, Passive. Restores 5 SP when you deal damage to one or more characters that have negative status effects.)
6) Diehard (Type: Defense, Passive. Prevents death, except by Ignite, Poison, or Melting damage. May trigger an Endure cooldown when activated (more damage dealt = higher chance). Cooldown: Endure (6))
7) Vigor Drain (Type: Dark, 30 SP. 70 Power attack, split between HP and MaxHP damage. 33% of the MaxHP damage is drained to the user as bonus MaxHP. Cannot miss.)
8) ------------

--==== Recent Messages ====--

 You have too many abilities and must delete 1.
 Really delete Healing Aura? (Y or N)
 You delete Healing Aura from yourself!
 Nevermind then.
 Using Copy Ability...
 Copy Diehard to your rakshasa for 864 C? (Y or N)
 Your rakshasa receives Diehard from Ninkasi!
 Nevermind then.
 Using Dismiss...
 Nevermind then.
 Using Copy Ability...
 Copy Diehard to your yuki-onna for 888 C? (Y or
 Your yuki-onna receives Diehard from Ninkasi!
 Copy Vigor Drain to your yuki-onna for 888 C? (Y
 or N)
 Your yuki-onna receives Vigor Drain from your
 Nevermind then.
 Using Dismiss...
 Nevermind then.
 Using Dismiss...
 You unsummon your ya-te-veo!
 Using Summon...
 Aim within the possible target area using
 movement keys. Press Enter to execute, Escape to
 You summon your ruler!
 Using Dismiss...
 You unsummon your ruler!
 Using Summon...
 Aim within the possible target area using
 movement keys. Press Enter to execute, Escape to
 You summon Ninkasi!
 Using Copy Ability...
 Nevermind then.
 Swap which two hotkey buttons? (1-8)
 Swapping Vigor Drain and...
 Swap complete.
 Using Might...
 Aim within the possible target area using
 movement keys. Press Enter to execute, Escape to
 You gesture at yourself.
 You feel more powerful!
 Using Might...
 Aim within the possible target area using
 movement keys. Press Enter to execute, Escape to
 You gesture at your rakshasa.
 Your rakshasa looks more powerful!
 Using Might...
 Aim within the possible target area using
 movement keys. Press Enter to execute, Escape to
 You gesture at your yuki-onna.
 Your yuki-onna looks more powerful!
 Using Might...
 Aim within the possible target area using
 movement keys. Press Enter to execute, Escape to
 You gesture at Ninkasi.
 Ninkasi looks more powerful!
 Hanz shoots a needle at you. Hanz hits you.
 Ninkasi gestures at you. You feel better.
 Your rakshasa gestures at Ninkasi.
 Ninkasi speeds up!
 Ninkasi gestures at you. You feel better.
 Hanz shoots a needle at you. Hanz hits you.
 You are in danger!
 Using Copy Ability...
 Nevermind then.
 Your yuki-onna swaps places with Ninkasi.
 Your rakshasa gestures at himself.
 Your rakshasa speeds up!
 Hanz shoots a needle at your yuki-onna.
 Hanz hits your yuki-onna.
 You and one of your allies are in danger!
 Ninkasi gestures at your yuki-onna.
 Your yuki-onna looks healthier.
 Using Vigor Drain...
 Aim within the possible target area using
 movement keys. Press Enter to execute, Escape to
 Nevermind then.
 Ninkasi gestures at your yuki-onna.
 Your yuki-onna looks healthier.
 Hanz shoots a needle at you. Hanz hits you.
 Your relic struggles to keep you alive!
 Using Vigor Drain...
 Aim within the possible target area using
 movement keys. Press Enter to execute, Escape to
 Nevermind then.
 Your yuki-onna conjures a snowstorm.
 Your yuki-onna freezes Hanz.
 It's super effective! Hanz starts shivering!
 Hanz shoots a needle at you. Hanz hits you.
 You die...

--==== Recently Slain Allies ====--

Name : Civatateo
Level: 28
MaxHP: 94
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 18
Magic   : 71
Vitality: 26
Agility : 29
Cunning : 41

Resist: Ice Body Light Dark
Weak  : Fire Electricity

Soul Brand:
Ra (Lv.25)
  Speed: +14%

Abilities Known:
1) Inquisition (Type: Light, 35 SP. 70% chance to inflict Guilt on enemy targets, healing those who damage the targets (excluding reactions).)
2) Life Drain (Type: Body, 25 SP. 70 Power attack. Heals the user for 50% of the damage dealt. Cannot miss.)
3) Light Veil (Type: Light, Reactive. 50% chance to respond to damage dealt to you by adjacent enemies with a 40 Power attack. Cannot miss.)
4) Ritualist (Type: None, Passive. Reduces the SP cost of magical abilities that cost 20 or more SP by 5 if no Cantrip abilities are on cooldown. Cooldown: Cantrip (0))
5) ------------
6) ------------
7) ------------
8) ------------

Name : Frenzied Shoggoth
Level: 25
MaxHP: 117
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 58
Magic   : 11
Vitality: 45
Agility : 29
Cunning : 27

Resist: Impact Ice
Weak  : Fire Mind Matter

Soul Brand:
Ri-Le (Lv.20)
  Speed: -10%
  SP Costs: -29%

Abilities Known:
1) Speedbreaker (Type: Impact, 20 SP. 70 Power attack. Has a 50% chance to reduce speed by 33%.)
2) Healing Factor (Type: Healing, Reactive. Bestows Regeneration when an attack reduces your health to 50% or less, restoring health over time. Cooldown: Factor (1))
3) Eat Alive (Type: Pierce, 10 SP. 100 Power attack. Half normal accuracy. Heals the user for 50% of the damage dealt (affected by Body resistance).)
4) Dazzling Veil (Type: Mind, Reactive. 20% chance to Stun adjacent characters that deal damage to you, causing them to miss their next turn.)
5) Massacre (Type: Slash, 25 SP. 130 Power attack, if the damage would be fatal. Otherwise, 70 Power attack.)
6) Cursebreak Cut (Type: Slash, 20 SP. 70 Power attack. Removes Offense Down, Defense Down, Accuracy Down, Evasion Down, and Speed Down from you or a nearby ally.)
7) Piercing Thrust (Type: Pierce, 15 SP. 70 Power attack, enemies only.)
8) ------------

Name : Cherufe
Level: 27
MaxHP: 95
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 29
Magic   : 78
Vitality: 43
Agility : 21
Cunning : 29

Immune: Fire
Resist: Slash Impact Electricity
Weak  : Ice

Soul Brand:
Ra-Po-Fa (Lv.25)
  SP per Turn: -3.0
  Magic: +20
  Speed: +17%

Abilities Known:
1) Burning Claw (Type: Slash, 10 SP. 100 Power attack split between Slash and Fire. Has a 35% chance to Ignite the target, causing damage over a short duration.)
2) Burning Star (Type: Fire, 30 SP. Attenuated 85 Power attack. Has a 35% chance to Ignite the targets, causing damage over a short duration.)
3) Meltdown (Type: Fire, 10 SP. Only affects Ignited characters. 25 Power attack. Free action. Cooldown: Cantrip (1))
4) Bask (Type: Fire, 0 SP. Can be used when Muted. Must target an Ignited enemy. No effect on the target, but triggers a 60 Power heal on and restores 10 SP for the user. Free action. Cooldown: Cantrip (3))
5) Ember Heart (Type: Fire, Passive. Reduces the SP cost of Fire abilities by 5 if you used an Fire ability last turn.)
6) ------------
7) ------------
8) ------------

Name : Cherufe
Level: 27
MaxHP: 95
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 29
Magic   : 58
Vitality: 43
Agility : 21
Cunning : 29

Immune: Fire
Resist: Slash Impact Electricity
Weak  : Ice

Soul Brand:
Po-Fr-Tir (Lv.25)
  SP equal to or less than 50
  Vitality: -8
  Magic: +30

Abilities Known:
1) Burning Claw (Type: Slash, 10 SP. 100 Power attack split between Slash and Fire. Has a 35% chance to Ignite the target, causing damage over a short duration.)
2) Burning Star (Type: Fire, 30 SP. Attenuated 85 Power attack. Has a 35% chance to Ignite the targets, causing damage over a short duration.)
3) Meltdown (Type: Fire, 10 SP. Only affects Ignited characters. 25 Power attack. Free action. Cooldown: Cantrip (1))
4) Bask (Type: Fire, 0 SP. Can be used when Muted. Must target an Ignited enemy. No effect on the target, but triggers a 60 Power heal on and restores 10 SP for the user. Free action. Cooldown: Cantrip (3))
5) Ember Heart (Type: Fire, Passive. Reduces the SP cost of Fire abilities by 5 if you used an Fire ability last turn.)
6) ------------
7) ------------
8) ------------

Name : Baleful Incubus
Level: 29
MaxHP: 116
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 21
Magic   : 43
Vitality: 31
Agility : 34
Cunning : 61

Immune: Dark
Resist: Mind
Weak  : Ice Light

Abilities Known:
1) Vampiric Touch (Type: Body, 15 SP. 85 Power attack. Heals the user for 66% of the damage dealt.)
2) Love Tap (Type: Impact, 15 SP. 70 Power attack. 35% chance to cause Charm, turning the target against its allies.)
3) Dominator (Type: Mind, Passive. Provides a 10% chance for your Slash, Impact, and Pierce attacks to apply Charm, turning the target against their allies.)
4) Alluring Veil (Type: Mind, Reactive. 10% chance to Charm adjacent characters that deal damage to you, turning them against their allies.)
5) Snuff Out (Type: Dark, 25 SP. 130 Power attack, but misses if the damage would not be fatal. Cooldown: Dark (3))
6) Vigor Drain (Type: Dark, 30 SP. 70 Power attack, split between HP and MaxHP damage. 33% of the MaxHP damage is drained to the user as bonus MaxHP. Cannot miss.)
7) ------------
8) ------------

Name : Mananangal
Level: 21
MaxHP: 76
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 12
Magic   : 42
Vitality: 15
Agility : 39
Cunning : 42

Immune: Dark
Resist: Mind
Weak  : Body Light

Soul Brand:
Ra (Lv.27)
  Speed: +15%

Abilities Known:
1) Slow (Type: Debuff, 25 SP. 70% chance to reduce speed by 33%.)
2) Weaken Host (Type: Debuff, 25 SP. 85% chance to reduce offense by 20%.)
3) Blight (Type: Dark, 30 SP. Only affects enemies with one or more negative status effects. 62 Power attack, plus 8 Power per negative status effect on the target. Cannot miss. Cooldown: Dark (6))
4) Witch's Mien (Type: Dark, Passive. Your Light and Dark attacks may apply Ignite, Poison, Charm, Hex, and Pariah at random to targets who have a negative status effect.)
5) ------------
6) ------------
7) ------------
8) ------------

Name : Destined Charun
Level: 28
MaxHP: 124
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 108
Magic   : 30
Vitality: 37
Agility : 29
Cunning : 14

Resist: Dark
Weak  : Electricity Light

Soul Brand:
Mi-Lim-Fre (Lv.26)
  SP above 50
  SP Costs: +30%
  Strength: +33

Abilities Known:
1) Grand Slam (Type: Impact, 15 SP. 100 Power attack.)
2) Agony (Type: Dark, 25 SP. Only affects enemies without the Agony status effect. 70 Power attack. Applies Agony. Cannot miss. Cooldown: Dark (6))
3) Reaper's Mien (Type: Dark, Passive. Your Light and Dark attacks heal you for 50% of the damage dealt to characters whose HP is 50% or less of their maximum.)
4) Oppressor (Type: Dark, Passive. Increases defense by 25% against enemies with lower HP. (Bonus is affected by Dark resistance.))
5) Haste (Type: Buff, 35 SP. Improves speed by 33%.)
6) Rabblerouser (Type: Buff, Passive. Your abilities that increase the offense, defense, accuracy, evasion, or speed of allies also accelerate their next turn.)
7) ------------
8) ------------

Name : Eradicator Leib-olmai
Level: 30
MaxHP: 99
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 128
Magic   : 30
Vitality: 37
Agility : 32
Cunning : 19

Resist: Slash Impact Pierce Ice Body Mind Matter
Weak  : Fire

Soul Brand:
Mi-Al (Lv.28)
  No visible allies
  Strength: +51

Abilities Known:
1) Rend Asunder (Type: Slash, 20 SP. 100 Power attack split between two Slash attacks.)
2) Life Pulse (Type: Healing, 20 SP. Only affects allies. 60 Power heal. Free action. Cooldown: Cantrip (5))
3) Hunter's Cry (Type: Buff, 35 SP. Briefly improves offense and accuracy by 25% for you and your allies. Cooldown: Presence (3))
4) Calming Rain (Type: Healing, 25 SP. Removes Stun, Sleep, Panic, and Charm.)
5) Ever Ready (Type: None, Passive. Increases SP regeneration by 200% when your SP is less than 15.)
6) Killing Spree (Type: Pierce, 30 SP. Attenuated 115 Power attack, if the damage would be fatal. Otherwise, attenuated 55 Power attack.)
7) Eat Alive (Type: Pierce, 10 SP. 100 Power attack. Half normal accuracy. Heals the user for 50% of the damage dealt (affected by Body resistance).)
8) ------------

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Re: Turdak's Sanctum, YASD and ramblings

Postby Ferret » Thu Nov 21, 2019 9:15 pm

Hey Wiz :D

summonerd beat you to the punch on half the Brand prompt request: there will be an option to auto-delete rejected floor Brands in the next build. But I'm a bit confused about the other half: you should already be able to hit Escape instead of N for the Y/N prompt for picking up a brand (it works for me, at any rate.) But, UI issues aside, I'm glad you're liking some of what Brands add to the game. :D

I didn't expect the point system for upgrades to change established builds too much: most of the upgrades themselves are unchanged, so if something was good before, it's still good now. But, I am hoping it gets people experimenting with upgrades that weren't worth taking. :D

The poor ya-te-veo's (not words anyone will say often) fate reminds me of those scenes in horror movies where everyone thinks they've escaped the horror and pauses to catch their breath, and *that* is when someone gets insta-gibbed. :D

84 Str on a Level 16 Brand is kinda nuts.. that's basically liking dumping 5 more per level into Strength for all those levels. :D Granted, those restrictions are also kinda horrifying. :D Even TF isn't going to enjoy "no active abilities" much, but it'd be fun to try to make it fly. (Veil tanks come to mind... Str doesn't help most Veils, but the defense is always nice.)

Being able to reshuffle stats down to 1 makes Alter Self useful to anyone, even players who don't make mistakes/adjustments in the points they spend, which is why it was able to be an upgrade. I'd have felt weird making an upgrade that was only for correcting mistakes or (much more rarely) making major mid-game shifts in strategy, but since anyone who gets it can get up to 36 stat points to play with instantly, depending on which ones that don't need, it's worth having as an upgrade, rather than a rare consumable or once every N levels or something.

DoT builds are a favorite of mine, so it was fun to see a report about one (or at least one that was one from mid-game on :D It does take a bit to start sometimes.) Thanks for the report and feedback, as always, and congrats on the ghost win :D
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Re: Turdak's Sanctum, YASD and ramblings

Postby wizzzargh » Fri Nov 22, 2019 9:12 pm

I wrote escape out of post game forgetfulness/stupidity, woops :oops:
escape does indeed work fine (I suspect I may have been trying to mash "~" in the darkness)

my actual idea for brand interface was to make brands like corpses in that they don't lock you into an interaction prompt, and allow you to just keep walking/autoexploring if you don't care to interact with them

my build was DoT in the early game too, but it lacked all the nasty Vapor effects and just had Acid Wash so I was more of a secondary Lucky Aid/DoT/distract one enemy from combat by kiting them a little while my auras and demons did all the work Vitality tank (early game when I haven't picked up free corpse abilities yet I usually just pump vitality)
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Re: Turdak's Sanctum, YASD and ramblings

Postby Ferret » Sat Nov 23, 2019 3:37 pm

Huh. I wonder why I didn't think of that. :P

Brands're a bit different from corpses under the hood, but I wonder if I can get that working. I'll investigate. :D Thanks for clarifying, if I can get that up and running without having to make a mess of the UI code, I think that answer'd make everyone happy.
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Re: Turdak's Sanctum, YASD and ramblings

Postby wizzzargh » Sat Mar 07, 2020 4:08 am

I take it back, i didn't have as much time as I thought and have only reached arcadia
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Re: Turdak's Sanctum, YASD and ramblings

Postby Ferret » Sat Mar 07, 2020 2:40 pm

:D Well, no worries, even Arcadia is a start. :) And the art is a nice bonus, thank you!
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Re: Turdak's Sanctum, YASD and ramblings

Postby wizzzargh » Fri Nov 26, 2021 8:12 am

So I lost my first run of the last version of demon- arrived at floor 30 with a bunch of relic-preserved demons at lowHP and didn't manage to sneak past the hero packs thanks to their phantoms. I probably would have been in better shape for the floor 30 surprise if I wasn't hoarding my credits maniacally and properly put on skills and brands, but I wanted to see if I could hold out for something cool at the end. I also probably could have figured out some way to use my relic points to survive but, eh, a 'win' would just have been scampering like a cockroach to the end portal anyway so I might as well leave a ghost (if there even are ghosts on tower:30....)

The most memorable moments of the run for me were as follows- first, negotiating with a Firesworn Nokken in Anomaly and getting sunk-cost-fallacy into feeding it all my demons save for my healer was a moment I felt very unsure of, but thought it could let me catch python and, with some other noncombat links, I thought I could bounce back, and I was right. I turned it into kinda a boring emit-sparker, but it held on tenaciously for quite some time, coming back from preserved status once or twice since it could be summoned in safe locations to blast away.

Key to the 'bounce back' was actually the Solid Gi I picked up. I had 2 of them, and they were the rock (hur hur) I leaned on while I tried to get other things together, like the rather questionable Gluttonous Aeras formed froma Gluttonous Healer I had earlier. Still, a solid frontline with Emit Sparks in the backline solved most problems for me- I think I actually killed Paracelsus, which isn't something I typically manage.

Into the midgame, I ran into my usual problem of having too many unique and modified demons, so I made the classic fusion of Cthonic Turdak. I think the two defensive abilities gained did a lot to keep him around, though Juggernaut probably would've been good too. Miadchaoin did good work around this time too, and I believe it was here I picked up Corrupt Host from a Druj Nasu. Vague plans of Sepsis Wave strats never really went anywhere, but infection is nice to have against certain enemies (A lucky infection application was what let my kill that axe-ninja hero later on without too much trouble.)

I didn't see too many ghosts, but Shin had left a notable one that granted me another Nokken with the Fearsome modifier, as well as a fantastic dirty needle Ehlose.

In the late-midgame, I found a Charun somewhere, and despite never planning to use it (not even giving it 8 abilities) it was a great member of the team for a long time- probably just because of it's massive strength and Oppressor keeping it safe, second wind from reaper-agony combo, and finishing power of Killing spree.

The other late-midgame fusion was a Volcanic Vishap, which was never exactly good but much like the Charun somehow was never exactly BAD either, and was a decent member of the team for a while. I probably should've just kept Pele...

Naturally, it was some of the newer content that gave me trouble. Ogun's Sanctum was very dangerous, as I fled from the titular Ogun and ran into this...
After barely escaping from the first time I did this, I foolishly thought I would be able to make links and fail them to farm infinite Asura to restore the fallen MaxHP of my demons. For my troubles I ended up almost dying, having to use the wind-card that would have saved me on floor 30 to escape from the asura who spawned around me.

A consistent trouble I had in the later game was the holy packs with Powers. Getting my own with a Bronze Offering turned the tide, but it was still grueling until I got a Shikome and taught my Power Lich Touch and gave it a rune that gave it Darkness Immunity. After I had made those two upgrades, the power was excellent, though I probably should've given it a fusion just for the bonus HP, as it would occasionally get beaten down. Very good target for the Bronze Offering though, that's for sure. Mindwatch may be my new favorite 'must have' power to get, as it really helps cut down on mental ailment cascades.

One thing I think I ended up lacking was AoE attacks- I tried to correct this with a Blue Man, but it just didn't seem to work (apart from a fight with the druidic hunterhorn summoner who I defeated via hit and run with lightning.)

Towards the real late game, I lost my healer and took revive demon to ensure I wouldn't lose the abilities, and upgraded to a stronger healer demon, the birds with Somnia and Stone. Even then , they seemed to die often- I ended up catching a new one, reviving an old dead one, and fusing them for extra survivability and even then... I had a backup healer (kinda) in the form of the Virtue, but I believe I spent about 10 heal stones this game fixing preserved healer demon max HP rather than on status removal.

I had a feeling Thor's link would be bad, so I backtracked to a portal first and whew... I was pretty sure I couldn't handle that many Jotunn, but when Thor jumped into this position I knew it was hopeless and bailed.

As for my own character, I just went for a reliable 'scarab' build- swiftness and Mobility to make sure I could flee and win chase links, with debuffs and buffs for support, and souleater and diehard for personal survival. I had regenerate for a while, swapped it to Healing Aura and regretted it, then got Haste and didn't have to worry anymore. Upgrades were just fast dismiss and summon and extra demons, but I did take Item Sense first, which is about as good as SEPI, but more exciting. I probably shoulda used the ghost and mirror chimes at some point to get fusion-fodder but was overly optimistic in how I'd look on the final floor so saved them.

I played a very 'safe' style of summoner this run, so I'll probably try something wackier with Fist or Orb next time, whenever that is. I played this run off and on for a few days, as the length of Demon has grown to the point where I can't really zoom through a run in one sitting anymore. Still, the greater length does let you savor a run for longer and actually enjoy the tier-3 modifiers instead of just seeing them for like, 3 floors at the end, and the hero boss-rush at the end was a surprise, but a welcome one with regards to Demon feeling finished now that it has a true sort of 'endgame.' Yet another big thank you, FerretDev, for creating this great roguelike from which I have gotten hours and hours of entertainment!

Code: Select all
Demon Party Dump File
Version 11/11/2021, Scoring Model: 10/26/2021
Dump file created at: 11/26/2021 12:03:57 AM

Summoner Wiz...
was chosen by the Crown of Glory,
selected Debuff as their starting element,
has earned a score of 96408,
is currently at Tower:30,
and is quite dead!

--==== Main Character ====--

Name : Wiz
Level: 38
MaxHP: 247
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 5
Magic   : 17
Vitality: 143
Agility : 11
Cunning : 69

Resist: Dark
Weak  : Light

Soul Brand:
Sa-Wa-We (Lv.1)
  Strength: -10
  Remove Weak: Light
  HP per Turn: +1.1% of MaxHP

Abilities Known:
1) Expose (Type: Debuff, 15 SP. 85% chance to reduce defense by 20%.)
2) Battle Cry (Type: Buff, 10 SP. Briefly improves offense by 25% for you and your allies. Cooldown: Presence (3))
3) Mobility (Type: None, Passive. Reduces the turn cost of movement and movement abilities by 30% if no Charge abilities are on cooldown. Cooldown: Charge (0))
4) Haste (Type: Buff, 35 SP. Improves speed by 33%.)
5) Swiftness (Type: None, Passive. Reduces the turn cost of movement and movement abilities by 20%.)
6) Diehard (Type: Defense, Passive. Stops HP from reaching 0, except by Ignite, Poison, or Melting damage. May trigger an Endure cooldown when activated (more damage = higher chance). Triggers before Relic Preservation. Cooldown: Endure (6))
7) ------------
8) ------------

Relic Upgrades:
Copy Saver (Reduces the cost of Copy Ability by 33%.)
Item Sense (Shows the positions of unattended items on the map. May also reveal additional items when searching corpses, or once a level is fully explored.)
Fast Dismiss (Changes Dismiss to a fast action: it only takes half the time most actions do.)
Capacity Up V (Grants additional storage capacity for demon allies, allowing for a total of 8 at once.)
Revive Demon (Unlocks the Revive Demon transmuation, which allows you to restore recently killed demons to life, though their MaxHP will be temporarily reduced.)

2 Venom rune
2 Night rune
3 Guardian gem
4 Pure gem
4 Calm card
5 Pure stone
2 Flame glyph
2 Heart glyph
2 Frost glyph
4 Zephyr card
4 Peace offering
1 Pain glyph
31 Heal stone
2 Ghost chime
2 Blizzard rune
5 Heal gem
2 Curse rune
3 Mirror chime
6 Chakra stone
1 Might gem
2 Magic map
1 Tempest rune
1 Gold offering
1 Chakra gem

Wa-Pa (Lv.4)
  Level is 9 or higher
  Remove Weak: Fire
Wa-Lim-Pa (Lv.4)
  Level is 24 or higher
  SP Costs: +20%
  Immune: Dark
Wa (Lv.7)
  Remove Weak: Light
Co-So (Lv.16)
  Is an Unmodified Demon
  SP Costs: -5
Qu-In-Pa (Lv.16)
  Level is 36 or higher
  Max SP: +32
  Agility: +23
Du-Ri-Na (Lv.19)
  Cunning: -28
  SP Costs: -19%
  Vitality: +15
Po-Na-Ou (Lv.20)
  Base Cunning is 29 or more
  Cunning: -29
  Magic: +25
Ra-Ab (Lv.28)
  No Defense abilities
  Speed: +22%
Ra-Co-Ex-Ev (Lv.30)
  Base Agility is 39 or more
  Max SP: -35
  SP Costs: -4
  Speed: +20%
Co-Ef-Le (Lv.32)
  Speed: -10%
  SP per Turn: +2.2
  SP Costs: -4
Ri-Fr (Lv.36)
  Vitality: -22
  SP Costs: -29%
Po-We (Lv.36)
  Strength: -45
  Magic: +35

Current Credits: 69111

Codex Daemonium Completion
Personal Codex : 82 / 198 (41% complete)

--==== Party Overview  ====--

Element      Users      Immune     Resistant  Normal     Weak       
Slash        1          0          2          5*         2         
Impact       0          0          2          5*         2         
Pierce       1          0          1          5*         3         
Fire         1          2          1          4*         2         
Ice          0          0          3          6*         0         
Electricity  0          1          1          5*         2         
Body         1          0          3          5*         1         
Mind         2          2          4          3*         0         
Matter       2          0          1          8*         0         
Light        1          2          0          4          3*         
Dark         0          1          3*         4          1         

n : Number of party members counted.
* : Denotes the main character is included.

--==== Current Party ====--

Name : Turbulent Virtue
Level: 40
MaxHP: 140
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 8
Magic   : 124
Vitality: 34
Agility : 33
Cunning : 57

Immune: Light
Resist: Fire Ice Electricity Dark
Weak  : Slash Impact Pierce

Soul Brand:
Du-We (Lv.24)
  Strength: -8
  Vitality: +19

Abilities Known:
1) Repair Flesh (Type: Healing, 30 SP. 130 Power heal.)
2) Salvation (Type: Healing, 15 SP. Only affects allies not weak to Light. 60-130 Power heal, based on the target's Light resistance (Normal = 60 Power, Resist = 105 Power, Immune = 130 Power). Cooldown: Light (4))
3) Vitae (Type: Healing, 40 SP. Only affects allies. Removes all negative status changes, then applies a 150 Power heal and bestows Regeneration, restoring health over time. Cooldown: Miracle (1))
4) Lux (Type: Light, 40 SP. Only affects enemies. Has a 70% chance to apply Guilt, and a 50% chance to apply Mute, followed by an 85 Power attack. Cannot miss. Cooldown: Miracle (1))
5) Channeler (Type: None, Passive. Reduces the SP cost of abilities with the Miracle cooldown to 0, and reduces Miracle cooldowns by 50%.)
6) Cleansing Rain (Type: Healing, 25 SP. Removes Poison, Infection, and Paralysis.)
7) Vigorous Aura (Type: Healing, Reactive. Each standard turn, restores 1 SP to you and all visible allies.)
8) Healing Aura (Type: Healing, Reactive. Each standard turn, grants a 10 Power heal to you and all visible allies.)

Name : Chthonic Leib-olmai
Level: 37
MaxHP: 143
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 74
Magic   : 36
Vitality: 78
Agility : 28
Cunning : 14

Resist: Slash Impact Ice Body Mind Matter
Weak  : Fire

Soul Brand:
Sa-Da (Lv.28)
  Last Used: Movement
  HP per Turn: +2.3% of MaxHP

Abilities Known:
1) Rend Asunder (Type: Slash, 20 SP. 100 Power attack split between two Slash attacks.)
2) Life Pulse (Type: Healing, 20 SP. Only affects allies. 60 Power heal. Free action. Cooldown: Cantrip (5))
3) Hunter's Cry (Type: Buff, 30 SP. Briefly improves offense and accuracy by 25% for you and your allies. Cooldown: Presence (3))
4) Calming Rain (Type: Healing, 25 SP. Removes Stun, Sleep, Panic, and Charm.)
5) Ever Ready (Type: None, Passive. Increases SP regeneration by 200% when your SP is less than 15.)
6) Hunter Boon (Type: Buff, Passive. While you have Accuracy Up, your attacks deal an additional 20% damage.)
7) Last Defense (Type: Defense, Passive. Increases defense by 100% when your health is at 25% or less of maximum.)
8) Ready Block (Type: Defense, Passive. If your last action was a Melee, Beam, or Direct range Slash, Impact, or Pierce ability, provides a 20% chance to block Slash, Impact, Pierce, Fire, Electricity, and Ice attacks.)

Name : Igneus Lampad
Level: 39
MaxHP: 142
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 15
Magic   : 74
Vitality: 51
Agility : 40
Cunning : 80

Immune: Fire
Resist: Ice Mind Dark
Weak  : Light

Soul Brand:
Du (Lv.31)
  Vitality: +20

Abilities Known:
1) Dancing Flame (Type: Fire, 25 SP. 40 Power attack. Has a 35% chance to Ignite the target, causing damage over a short duration.)
2) Inspire (Type: Buff, 20 SP. Cannot target a character disabled by a status effect. Gives the target an extra turn immediately.)
3) Gift of Life (Type: Healing, 10 SP. 105 Power heal. Costs HP equal to the amount healed, but cannot kill the user. Then, transfers up to 15 SP to the target. Free action. Cooldown: Cantrip (1))
4) Inner Fire (Type: Fire, 0 SP. Can be used while Muted. 60 Power heal. Restores 10 SP. Free action. Cooldown: Heat (8))
5) Strange Aura (Type: Mind, Reactive. Each standard turn, has an 6% chance to Panic enemies, causing the target's actions to sometimes be randomized.)
6) Warmth (Type: Fire, Passive. Increases HP and SP regeneration based on the number of Ignited characters you can see (more characters = larger bonus, with diminishing returns.))
7) Magma Conjuring (Type: Fire, 35 SP. 100 Power attack. Has a 35% chance to Ignite the targets, causing damage over a short duration.)
8) Earth's Blood (Type: Fire, 50 SP. Only affects enemies. 85 Power attack. Has a 35% chance to Ignite the targets, causing damage over a short duration. Cannot miss.)

Name : Brucha
Level: 36
MaxHP: 121
MaxSP: 125

Strength: 45
Magic   : 18
Vitality: 45
Agility : 72
Cunning : 45

Resist: Slash Impact Pierce
Weak  : Electricity

Soul Brand:
In (Lv.32)
  Max SP: +25

Abilities Known:
1) Bolt Shot (Type: Pierce, 25 SP. 100 Power attack.)
2) Bolt Spray (Type: Pierce, 30 SP. Attenuated 85 Power attack.)
3) Spiny Veil (Type: Pierce, Reactive. Responds to damage dealt to you by adjacent enemies with a 20 Power attack. Cannot miss.)
4) Vitalize (Type: Healing, 5 SP. Briefly bestows Regeneration, restoring health over time. Free action. Cooldown: Cantrip (5))
5) Crippler (Type: Dark, Passive. Provides a 20% chance for your Slash, Impact, and Pierce attacks to apply Hex, which reduces physical resistances (not immunity) by one level, and reduces physical damage dealt.)
6) Hex Boost (Type: Dark, Passive. Increases your chance to apply Hex by 50% of the original chance.)
7) ------------
8) ------------

Name : Yithian
Level: 37
MaxHP: 134
MaxSP: 127

Strength: 27
Magic   : 65
Vitality: 37
Agility : 18
Cunning : 83

Resist: Mind
Weak  : Light Dark

Soul Brand:
In (Lv.35)
  Max SP: +27

Abilities Known:
1) Entropy (Type: Matter, 30 SP. 70 Power attack. 20% chance to reduce each of offense, defense, accuracy, evasion, and speed. Cannot miss.)
2) Rupture Time (Type: Matter, 40 SP. Attenuated 70 Power attack. 20% chance to reduce each of offense, defense, accuracy, evasion, and speed.)
3) Reprogram (Type: Mind, 30 SP. 40 Power attack. Has a 35% chance to inflict Charm, turning the target against its allies.)
4) Afflicter (Type: None, Passive. Restores 5 SP for applying a new Body, Mind, Matter, Light, Dark, or Debuff status effect. (Poison or Held stacking does not count as a new effect.))
5) Ritualist (Type: None, Passive. Reduces the SP cost of magical abilities that cost 20 or more SP by 5 if no Cantrip abilities are on cooldown. Cooldown: Cantrip (0))
6) Curse Mastery (Type: Debuff, Passive. Abilities that may apply Offense Down or Defense Down may also apply Hex. Abilities that may apply Accuracy Down or Evasion Down may also apply Blind. Abilities that may apply Speed Down may also apply Stun.)
7) ------------
8) ------------

Name : Savior Ibong adarna
Level: 37
MaxHP: 131
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 14
Magic   : 60
Vitality: 44
Agility : 37
Cunning : 75

Resist: Body Mind
Weak  : Pierce Electricity

Soul Brand:
Co-Ef-Le (Lv.32)
  Speed: -10%
  SP per Turn: +2.2
  SP Costs: -4

Abilities Known:
1) Heal Wounds (Type: Healing, 25 SP. 105 Power heal.)
2) Panacea (Type: Healing, 30 SP. Removes all negative status effects.)
3) Meditate (Type: Healing, 0 SP. Can be used while Muted. Restores 10 SP. Cooldown: Cantrip (0))
4) Lifeweaver (Type: Healing, Passive. Reduces the SP cost of Healing abilities by 5, to a minimum of 0.)
5) Vigorous (Type: None, Passive. Increases base SP regeneration by 50%.)
6) Ritualist (Type: None, Passive. Reduces the SP cost of magical abilities that cost 20 or more SP by 5 if no Cantrip abilities are on cooldown. Cooldown: Cantrip (0))
7) Vigorous Aura (Type: Healing, Reactive. Each standard turn, restores 1 SP to you and all visible allies.)
8) Vital Spells (Type: None, Passive. The lesser of 75% of your Vitality and 100% of your Magic is added to Magic to determine magical damage and healing.)

Name : Jorogumo
Level: 38
MaxHP: 128
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 1
Magic   : 92
Vitality: 28
Agility : 47
Cunning : 85

Immune: Mind
Weak  : Fire Body

Soul Brand:
Po-We (Lv.36)
  Strength: -45
  Magic: +35

Abilities Known:
1) Strangle (Type: Matter, 25 SP. 70 Power attack. Has a 70% chance to inflict Held, which reduces accuracy, evasion, and movement speed (can stack three times.) Cannot miss.)
2) Choke (Type: Body, 10 SP. Must target a Held character. 20-60 Power attack based on stacks of Held (20 per stack.) Delays target's next turn, adds 2 turns of Breath and Charge cooldowns. Cannot miss. Free action. Cooldown: Cantrip (3))
3) Alluring Gaze (Type: Mind, 5 SP. 70% chance to cause Charm, turning the target against its allies. Cooldown: Presence (4))
4) Innocence (Type: Mind, Passive. Increases offense, defense, accuracy, and evasion by 33%, and status accuracy and status resistance by 16%, versus opponents who are at full HP. (Bonuses are affected by Mind resistance.))
5) Afflicter (Type: None, Passive. Restores 5 SP for applying a new Body, Mind, Matter, Light, Dark, or Debuff status effect. (Poison or Held stacking does not count as a new effect.))
6) Held Boost (Type: Matter, Passive. Increases your chance to apply Held by 50% of the original chance.)
7) ------------
8) ------------

Name : Seraph
Level: 41
MaxHP: 106
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 19
Magic   : 116
Vitality: 19
Agility : 58
Cunning : 38

Immune: Fire Electricity Mind Light Dark
Resist: Body
Weak  : Slash Impact Pierce

Abilities Known:
1) Faith Healing (Type: Healing, 10 SP. Cannot target characters weak to Light. 60-130 Power heal, based on the target's Light resistance (Normal = 60 Power, Resist = 105 Power, Immune = 130 Power). Cooldown: Light (2))
2) Panacea (Type: Healing, 30 SP. Removes all negative status effects.)
3) Gift of Life (Type: Healing, 10 SP. 105 Power heal. Costs HP equal to the amount healed, but cannot kill the user. Then, transfers up to 15 SP to the target. Free action. Cooldown: Cantrip (1))
4) Meditate (Type: Healing, 0 SP. Can be used while Muted. Restores 10 SP. Cooldown: Cantrip (0))
5) Gratitude (Type: Healing, Reactive. When you are directly healed by another character, you restore 5 SP for them.)
6) Celebrant (Type: Healing, Reactive. When you are healed to full HP by a direct heal, you apply a 60 Power heal to all visible allies.)
7) Cleansing Rain (Type: Healing, 25 SP. Removes Poison, Infection, and Paralysis.)
8) Repair Flesh (Type: Healing, 30 SP. 130 Power heal.)

--==== Recent Messages ====--

 Nevermind then.
 Using Haste...
 Aim within the possible target area using
 movement keys. Press Enter to execute, Escape to
 You gesture at yourself.
 You speed up!
 The phantom blinks towards your leib-olmai.
 The phantom impales your leib-olmai for 20.
 Jeanne D'Arc invokes Strength.
 The phantom will be more powerful longer!
 Guan Yu will be more powerful longer!
 Ogboinba will be more powerful longer!
 The phantom will be more powerful longer! (x2)
 The phantom will be protected longer!
 Guan Yu will be protected longer!
 Ogboinba will be protected longer!
 The phantom will be protected longer! (x2)
 The phantom will be more accurate longer!
 Guan Yu will be more accurate longer!
 Ogboinba will be more accurate longer!
 The phantom will be more accurate longer! (x2)
 The phantom will be more evasive longer!
 Guan Yu will be more evasive longer!
 Ogboinba will be more evasive longer!
 The phantom will be more evasive longer! (x2)
 The phantom will be sped up longer!
 Guan Yu will be sped up longer!
 Ogboinba will be sped up longer!
 The phantom will be sped up longer! (x2)
 The phantom looks energized!
 Guan Yu leaps into action!
 Ogboinba leaps into action!
 The phantom leaps into action! (x2)
 Ogboinba gestures forcefully at your leib-olmai.
 Your leib-olmai's power returns to normal.
 Ogboinba rends your leib-olmai for 57.
 Your leib-olmai's defense returns to normal.
 Ogboinba rends your leib-olmai for 57.
 Your relic preserves your leib-olmai's life!
 Ogboinba gestures at you.
 You feel less accurate! You feel less evasive!
 Ogboinba is refreshed for 10 SP.
 The phantom stabs you for 12. (x2)
 The phantom blinks towards you.
 The phantom impales you for 19.
 The phantom blinks towards you.
 The phantom impales you for 19.
 Using green essence...
 Green Essence can only be aimed at yourself.
 Press Enter to execute, Escape to cancel.
 You use the green essence.
 Your accuracy returns to normal.
 Your evasion returns to normal.
 You feel less guilty.
 You are healed for 122.
 You are refreshed for 50 SP.
 Your Vitality increases by 5!
 The phantom's speed returns to normal.
 The phantom's evasion returns to normal.
 The phantom's accuracy returns to normal.
 The phantom's defense returns to normal.
 The phantom's power returns to normal.
 The phantom's speed returns to normal.
 The phantom's evasion returns to normal.
 The phantom's accuracy returns to normal.
 The phantom's defense returns to normal.
 The phantom's power returns to normal.
 Your seraph's speed returns to normal.
 Jeanne D'Arc blinks towards you.
 You feel guilty!
 Jeanne D'Arc slashes you for 54.
 Jeanne D'Arc looks serene!
 Ogboinba swaps places with the phantom.
 The phantom stabs you for 12. (x2)
 Guan Yu swaps places with the phantom.
 The phantom impales you for 15.
 Your seraph can see again.
 Ogboinba gestures at you.
 You resist.
 Guan Yu swaps places with Ogboinba.
 Jeanne D'Arc slashes you for 42.
 The phantom blinks towards you.
 The phantom stabs you for 12.
 The phantom impales you for 19.
 You refuse to die!
 You miss the phantom.
 Ogboinba swaps places with the phantom.
 Guan Yu charges you. Guan Yu hits you for 86.
 You stagger , barely staying upright!
 You are stunned!
 Jeanne D'Arc slashes you for 53.
 Your relic struggles to keep you alive!
 Ogboinba swaps places with the phantom.
 The phantom stabs you for 12.
 Your relic struggles to keep you alive!
 Ogboinba swaps places with the phantom.
 Guan Yu slashes you for 102.
 You die...

--==== Recently Slain Allies ====--

Name : Basilisk
Level: 31
MaxHP: 88
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 16
Magic   : 74
Vitality: 16
Agility : 64
Cunning : 52

Resist: Electricity
Weak  : Ice

Soul Brand:
Po (Lv.35)
  Magic: +22

Abilities Known:
1) Lethal Gaze (Type: Mind, 10 SP. 85 Power attack. Cannot miss. Cooldown: Presence (3))
2) Toxic Touch (Type: Body, 20 SP. 100 Power attack. Has a 70% chance to apply Poison, causing damage over time (can stack three times).)
3) Vile Alchemy (Type: Body, Passive. When you apply Poison to an already Poisoned target, you always increase the Poison stack level if it is not already at the maximum.)
4) Poison Boost (Type: Body, Passive. Increases your chance to apply Poison by 50% of the original chance.)
5) Low Profile (Type: Defense, Passive. Always dodge projectiles fired by allies unless directly targeted.)
6) Mobility (Type: None, Passive. Reduces the turn cost of movement and movement abilities by 30% if no Charge abilities are on cooldown. Cooldown: Charge (0))
7) ------------
8) ------------

Name : Incubus
Level: 27
MaxHP: 98
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 29
Magic   : 29
Vitality: 26
Agility : 68
Cunning : 43

Resist: Mind Dark
Weak  : Ice Light

Soul Brand:
Qu-Fr (Lv.34)
  Vitality: -10
  Agility: +25

Abilities Known:
1) Vampiric Touch (Type: Body, 15 SP. 85 Power attack. Heals the user for 66% of the damage dealt.)
2) Love Tap (Type: Impact, 15 SP. 70 Power attack. 35% chance to cause Charm, turning the target against its allies.)
3) Dominator (Type: Mind, Passive. Provides a 10% chance for your Slash, Impact, and Pierce attacks to apply Charm, turning the target against their allies.)
4) Alluring Veil (Type: Mind, Reactive. 10% chance to Charm adjacent characters that deal damage to you, turning them against their allies.)
5) Celebrant (Type: Healing, Reactive. When you are healed to full HP by a direct heal, you apply a 60 Power heal to all visible allies.)
6) ------------
7) ------------
8) ------------

Name : Shojo
Level: 26
MaxHP: 103
MaxSP: 127

Strength: 35
Magic   : 42
Vitality: 42
Agility : 14
Cunning : 42

Resist: Ice Body
Weak  : Electricity

Soul Brand:
In (Lv.35)
  Max SP: +27

Abilities Known:
1) Life Bloom (Type: Healing, 30 SP. Only affects characters with the Regeneration effect. 105 Power heal.)
2) Regenerate (Type: Healing, 25 SP. Bestows Regeneration, restoring health over time.)
3) Envenom Host (Type: Body, 20 SP. 70% chance to inflict Poison, causing damage over time (can stack three times).)
4) Refresh (Type: Healing, 5 SP. Transfers up to 15 SP from the user to the target. Free action. Cooldown: Cantrip (1))
5) Meditate (Type: Healing, 0 SP. Can be used while Muted. Restores 10 SP. Cooldown: Cantrip (0))
6) ------------
7) ------------
8) ------------

Name : Couril
Level: 32
MaxHP: 104
MaxSP: 127

Strength: 16
Magic   : 41
Vitality: 16
Agility : 66
Cunning : 66

Immune: Mind
Resist: Body
Weak  : Light Dark Matter

Soul Brand:
In (Lv.35)
  Max SP: +27

Abilities Known:
1) Energy Steal (Type: Body, 10 SP. Drains the target's SP by 20%, restoring your own SP by 66% of the amount drained. Cannot miss.)
2) Wild Dance (Type: Body, 10 SP. Only affects enemies. Reduces targets' SP by 25%. This is considered a movement ability. Cooldown: Breath (4))
3) Obsession (Type: Mind, 30 SP. 50% chance to inflict Charm, turning the target against its allies.)
4) Somnia Wave (Type: Mind, 30 SP. Only affects characters with 25 or less SP. Inflicts Sleep, preventing the targets from acting for a few turns or until damaged.)
5) Second Wind (Type: Healing, 0 SP. Can be used while Muted. Restores 30 SP and resets your Breath and Charge cooldowns. Free action. Cooldown: Endure (4))
6) Innocence (Type: Mind, Passive. Increases offense, defense, accuracy, and evasion by 33%, and status accuracy and status resistance by 16%, versus opponents who are at full HP. (Bonuses are affected by Mind resistance.))
7) ------------
8) ------------

Name : Ijiraq
Level: 38
MaxHP: 122
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 33
Magic   : 37
Vitality: 33
Agility : 37
Cunning : 95

Immune: Matter
Resist: Ice Mind
Weak  : Fire Electricity

Soul Brand:
Wa (Lv.35)
  Remove Weak: Elec

Abilities Known:
1) Haunt (Type: Dark, 25 SP. Must target an enemy. Warps you adjacent to the enemy, and has a 70% chance to delay the enemy's next turn. This is not considered a movement ability. Free action. Cooldown: Charge (4))
2) Wintry Touch (Type: Ice, 15 SP. 100 Power attack. Chills the target, reducing their accuracy, evasion, and movement speed slightly.)
3) Mind Blank (Type: Mind, 10 SP. Four 40% chances to delay the next turn of the target.)
4) Fearsome Aura (Type: Mind, Reactive. Each standard turn, has a 15% chance to delay enemies' next turns.)
5) Strange Aura (Type: Mind, Reactive. Each standard turn, has an 6% chance to Panic enemies, causing the target's actions to sometimes be randomized.)
6) Evasion (Type: Defense, Passive. Provides a 10% chance to dodge attacks.)
7) ------------
8) ------------

Name : Ibong adarna
Level: 37
MaxHP: 119
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 18
Magic   : 36
Vitality: 52
Agility : 46
Cunning : 93

Resist: Body Mind
Weak  : Pierce Electricity

Soul Brand:
Du-Im (Lv.34)
  Magic: -10
  Vitality: +25

Abilities Known:
1) Heal Wounds (Type: Healing, 25 SP. 105 Power heal.)
2) Stone (Type: Matter, 30 SP. 50% chance to inflict Harden, which quickly turns the target to Stone.)
3) Panacea (Type: Healing, 30 SP. Removes all negative status effects.)
4) Meditate (Type: Healing, 0 SP. Can be used while Muted. Restores 10 SP. Cooldown: Cantrip (0))
5) Lifeweaver (Type: Healing, Passive. Reduces the SP cost of Healing abilities by 5, to a minimum of 0.)
6) Vigorous (Type: None, Passive. Increases base SP regeneration by 50%.)
7) Ritualist (Type: None, Passive. Reduces the SP cost of magical abilities that cost 20 or more SP by 5 if no Cantrip abilities are on cooldown. Cooldown: Cantrip (0))
8) Vigorous Aura (Type: Healing, Reactive. Each standard turn, restores 1 SP to you and all visible allies.)

Name : Night-gaunt
Level: 38
MaxHP: 94
MaxSP: 127

Strength: 62
Magic   : 18
Vitality: 33
Agility : 61
Cunning : 61

Immune: Mind
Resist: Dark
Weak  : Light

Soul Brand:
In (Lv.35)
  Max SP: +27

Abilities Known:
1) Rend Asunder (Type: Slash, 20 SP. 100 Power attack split between two Slash attacks.)
2) Dive (Type: Slash, 15 SP. Must target a character. Leap to the target with a 70 Power attack. Cooldown: Charge (4))
3) Steal Touch (Type: Body, 10 SP. Drains the target's SP by 30%, restoring your own SP by 66% of the amount drained.)
4) Terrifying (Type: Mind, Passive. Provides a 20% chance for your Slash, Impact, and Pierce attacks to apply Panic, causing the target's actions to sometimes be randomized.)
5) Fearsome Aura (Type: Mind, Reactive. Each standard turn, has a 15% chance to delay enemies' next turns.)
6) Swiftness (Type: None, Passive. Reduces the turn cost of movement and movement abilities by 20%.)
7) ------------
8) ------------

Name : Power
Level: 37
MaxHP: 114
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 126
Magic   : 18
Vitality: 50
Agility : 18
Cunning : 18

Immune: Light
Resist: Slash Impact Pierce Matter
Weak  : Dark

Soul Brand:
Wa-Lim-Pa (Lv.4)
  Level is 24 or higher
  SP Costs: +20%
  Immune: Dark

Abilities Known:
1) Lethal Thrust (Type: Pierce, 25 SP. 100 Power attack, enemies only.)
2) Rhino Charge (Type: Impact, 20 SP. Must target a character. Charge to the target with a 85 Power attack. Inflicts Stun, causing the target to miss their next turn. Cooldown: Charge (6))
3) Warrior Boon (Type: Buff, Passive. While you have Offense Up, reduces the SP cost of your abilities by 10.)
4) Bloodlust (Type: None, Passive. Restores SP per target damaged when you deal damage with Slash, Impact, or Pierce abilities. 5 SP for the first target, 4 SP for the second, etc. No further recovery after 5 targets.)
5) Bloodthirst (Type: Body, Passive. Heals you for 25% of the damage you deal with Slash, Impact, or Pierce abilities (affected by Body resistance). Does not work with MaxHP damage.)
6) Heavyhanded (Type: Mind, Passive. Provides a 20% chance for your Slash, Impact, and Pierce attacks to apply Stun, causing the target to miss their next turn.)
7) Lich Touch (Type: Dark, 25 SP. 100 Power attack, split between HP and MaxHP damage. 66% of the MaxHP damage is drained to the user as bonus MaxHP.)
8) Mindwatch (Type: Healing, Reactive. Responds to a Mind status effect being applied to you or an ally by removing all Mind status effects from that target. Applies Mended status, and will not work on targets with Mended status.)

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Joined: Tue Oct 27, 2015 5:31 pm

Re: Turdak's Sanctum, YASD and ramblings

Postby Ferret » Sat Nov 27, 2021 5:37 pm

Welcome back to the forum, it's good to see another report from you. :D I think you're probably one of the earliest players who has played recently now: you started this thread back in 2015! I don't remember at this point if that was actually your first post or if this came later, but that's still a fairly big ways back. :D

Anyway, on to the report. :)

Tower:30 can have ghosts for sure, so never fear, you're now haunting it. :P

OOD negotiations are some of my favorite gameplay because they're very... Demon. I don't know of many other roguelikes where you get the option of basically giving up everything in exchange for a hugely powerful.. and yet not win-the-game-alone-capable... goodie. (Okay, Nethack probably offers it by some means because almost anything is possible in that game, but you'd have to spend hours reading a Wiki to figure out how to do it. :P )

Funny you mention Infection: I feel like it doesn't get used nearly as much as it should for what it does, but both you and a friend of mine recently praised it (he actually thinks it might be brokenly powerful; not sure I'd go THAT far, but I agree it is strong in appropriate circumstances.)

Getting cool demons from ghosts is also something I like to see. I sometimes wish I stored more data on what killed a given player though: sometimes I see ghosts' demons/builds and wonder what on earth could have possibly killed them. :P

That Charun looks pretty nice actually. :D Nightbringer might be my only grump with it, since it'd stop using Agony once it put something to sleep. But regardless, I can understand how it managed to do some good work. The Vishap's a bit less obvious, it looks like it mostly was just a double-elementalist, though I guess even that gives good coverage for hitting weaknesses since elemental weaknesses are common.

The Asura/Sura captures have become notorious as some of the most difficult in the game. They're doable, but if you aren't built for heavy sustained area effect damage and healing, expect to spend a lot of items or probably find yourself in big trouble.

I'm glad you liked Mindwatch: I've tried over the years to give a larger variety of ways to deal with status conditions so that even if it was required to have *something* to deal with them, it didn't necessarily have to be Calm/Panacea and that there were trade-offs between the various options. :D

Thor... isn't very bright, sadly. :P He sees Jotunn and he just can't help but dive right in at the first opportunity. Even hallways are of limited help, he can still end up surrounded by five of them. Crowd control tends to be the key on his: you need to be able to shut down the ones he chooses to surround himself with to help limit the damage, even the most healer-minded teams usually aren't going to be able to just heal through it. I think part of why protect captures are so difficult in the current meta is that there isn't heavy use of "full screen" AEs or crowd control. Protect captures are designed to reward those sorts of builds specifically, and the late games ones especially aren't shy about throwing you into situations that more or less demand it.

:D You're welcome, and I'm happy I was able to make a roguelike that you and others have gotten so much fun out of. :) Hopefully my next project will prove at least equally interesting. :D Thank you for your effort over the years to spread the word to others, and for the reports you've posted so many of here. And of course, good luck on your next run. :)
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