died on the last floor, adding some much needed ghosts, but not technically a 'ghost win'

The build came together around Anomaly, but it really took off once I added Haste and the Gaudia miracle into the build. With 150% base speed, mobility and swiftness, and then haste, I felt like I got to make about 5 steps or attacks for every one the enemy did, and once I had Aux power, those attacks were extremely powerful. Even before that, I easily captured pretty much every unique who had a 'defeat' me clause. Reprobus gave some trouble due to Mordecai's crippling and panicking, but once I was fully online Odun and Phoenix went down in a flash. I would have even given myself good odds at taking down Slenderman. I also almost went for a Ghost-Shock instead of a spin-slash, but I was getting in trouble with Ghost-pierce type movement when I was using regular Ghost Pierce occasionally (though occasionally it was helpful too so eh, I think I shoulda gone with ghost shock just for fun). The one thing I was missing was Leadership from Headless (failing a Kasha link gave distrust, alas) but it would have been overkill, honestly. I dropped Evade Step so I'd get hit more and proc Juggernaut more, and I think that's the right move for 'dancer' builds, to have either evade step+defenses OR juggernaut, but not both, going all in on defense or offense.
I feel like the miracles might be a little too fast to recover now especially if you put it on a few demons- felt like pretty much evry fight took place with max buffs. But then again I did have dedicated buffers so it's hard to say.

As you might expect, the only thing that could finally kill me was me, dying to status-spam against my own ghost chime on the last floor. Some fights that exploited my Body (druj nasu) or Mind(incubi) vulnerability were often sketchy as well. If I had gone for Artificial Raicho armor I probably would have had to suicide (and had a much easier time through the tower in general) but then again, the maxHP hit woulda been rough. Another easy way to survive would have been Eternal Glory, naturally, but I forgot.
My own debuffer-matter-specialist was what ultimately killed me, but the ooze was also an occasionally useful opening debuffer for fights too.

I'll put more specific brand-thoughts in the dedicated thread.
- Code: Select all
Demon Party Dump File
Version 3/10/2019, Scoring Model: 3/10/2019
Dump file created at: 3/11/2019 3:51:15 PM
Summoner RedeemfistWi...
was chosen by the Titan's Fist,
selected Light as their starting element,
has earned a score of 61552,
is currently at Tower:23,
and is quite dead!
--==== Main Character ====--
Name : RedeemfistWi
Level: 31
MaxHP: 116
MaxSP: 100
Strength: 115
Magic : 15
Vitality: 15
Agility : 57
Cunning : 25
Resist: Electricity
Weak : Slash Impact Pierce Body Mind Matter
Soul Brand:
Co-Qu-Lif (Lv.25)
Base Strength is 85 or more
Agility: +17
SP Costs: -3
Abilities Known:
1) Malleable (Type: Healing, Passive. Improves natural HP regeneration and healing received (including from the Regen status effect) by 25%. Does not affect healing received based on dealing damage.)
2) Juggernaut (Type: Defense, Passive. When your last action was movement or a movement ability, you have 25% improved defense and your next turn comes faster when damaged by enemies (excluding status effects and reactions).)
3) Spin Slash (Type: Slash, 15 SP. 70 Power attack. Also considered a movement ability.)
4) Swiftness (Type: None, Passive. Reduces the turn cost of movement and movement abilities by 20%.)
5) Bloodlust (Type: None, Passive. Restores SP per target damaged when you deal damage with Slash, Impact, or Pierce abilities. 5 SP for the first target, 4 SP for the second, etc. No further recovery after 5 targets.)
6) Mobility (Type: None, Passive. Reduces the turn cost of movement and movement abilities by 30% if no Charge abilities are on cooldown. Cooldown: Charge (0))
7) Crippler (Type: Dark, Passive. Provides a 20% chance for your Slash, Impact, and Pierce attacks to apply Hex, which reduces physical resistances (not immunity) by one level, and reduces physical damage dealt.)
8) Resolute (Type: Healing, Reactive. Reduces the remaining duration of each of your negative status effects by 20% of the current duration when damaged by attacks (excluding reactions). No effect on Shock, Stun, or Harden.)
Relic Upgrades:
Fusion Saver (Reduces the cost of Fuse Demons by 25%.)
Soul Armor (Unlocks the Soul Armor transmutation, which lets you sacrifice a demon to copy its MaxHP modifier, Speed, immunities, resistances, and weaknesses to yourself.)
Recycle (Delete Demon now grants Credits based on the number of levels the demon has gained (more levels = more Credits).)
Aux Power II (Increases damage and healing dealt by 34% and reduces SP costs and cooldowns by 17% per empty summon slot, up to a 67% increase and 34% reduction respectively. No effect when Heroic.)
2 Might gem
3 Zephyr card
5 Pain glyph
1 Ghost chime
12 Heal stone
4 Pure gem
6 Pure stone
1 Guardian gem
3 Tempest rune
2 Magic map
2 Meteor rune
1 Frost glyph
6 Chakra stone
2 Heart glyph
2 Flame glyph
1 Night rune
1 Peace offering
2 Bolt glyph
1 Calm card
1 Wind card
Ri-Qu-Na-Tra (Lv.6)
HP equal to MaxHP
Cunning: -7
Agility: +18
SP Costs: -33%
Mi-Na-Tra-Rel (Lv.8)
No base SP cost above 10
HP equal to MaxHP
Cunning: -5
Strength: +44
Ef-Co-Tra-Sur (Lv.13)
Base Vitality is 22 or more
HP equal to MaxHP
SP Costs: -4
SP per Turn: +2.2
Ri-Fr-Da (Lv.17)
Last Used: Movement
Vitality: -3
SP Costs: -35%
Ri-Ef-Cl (Lv.20)
Agility: -14
SP per Turn: +1.9
SP Costs: -25%
Mi-Co (Lv.21)
SP Costs: -2
Strength: +10
Du-Po-Na (Lv.23)
Cunning: -4
Magic: +14
Vitality: +14
Ri (Lv.25)
SP Costs: -22%
Co-Qu-Lif (Lv.25)
Base Strength is 85 or more
Agility: +17
SP Costs: -3
Du-Im (Lv.28)
Magic: -18
Vitality: +34
Current Credits: 47627
Codex Daemonium Completion
Personal Codex : 74 / 154 (48% complete)
--==== Party Overview ====--
Element Users Immune Resistant Normal Weak
Slash 2* 0 2 4 1*
Impact 1 0 2 3 2*
Pierce 0 0 3 3 1*
Fire 0 0 2 3* 2
Ice 1 1 2 3* 1
Electricity 0 0 1* 5 1
Body 0 1 2 2 2*
Mind 2 1 2 3 1*
Matter 2 1 1 4 1*
Light 0 2 1 4* 0
Dark 1 1 1 4* 1
n : Number of party members counted.
* : Denotes the main character is included.
--==== Current Party ====--
Name : DoubleScarab (Imbued Scarab)
Level: 28
MaxHP: 97
MaxSP: 100
Strength: 30
Magic : 29
Vitality: 50
Agility : 60
Cunning : 14
Immune: Light Dark
Resist: Slash Pierce
Weak : Impact
Soul Brand:
Co-Fr (Lv.10)
Vitality: -2
SP Costs: -3
Abilities Known:
1) Gift of Life (Type: Healing, 10 SP. 105 Power heal. Costs HP equal to the amount healed, but cannot kill the user. Then, transfers up to 15 SP to the target. Free action. Cooldown: Cantrip (1))
2) Protect (Type: Buff, 10 SP. Improves defense by 25%.)
3) Gaudium (Type: Buff, 25 SP. Only affects allies. Increases offense, defense, accuracy, and evasion by 25% and speed by 33%. Cooldown: Miracle (1))
4) Blessweaver (Type: Buff, Passive. Reduces the SP cost of Buff abilities by 5, to a minimum of 0.)
5) Rabblerouser (Type: Buff, Passive. Your abilities that increase the offense, defense, accuracy, evasion, or speed of allies also accelerate their next turn.)
6) Vigorous (Type: None, Passive. Increases SP regeneration by 50%.)
7) Haste (Type: Buff, 35 SP. Improves speed by 33%.)
8) Hunter's Cry (Type: Buff, 35 SP. Briefly improves offense and accuracy by 25% for you and your allies. Cooldown: Presence (3))
Name : Radiant Ninkasi
Level: 30
MaxHP: 105
MaxSP: 125
Strength: 18
Magic : 49
Vitality: 49
Agility : 58
Cunning : 32
Resist: Fire Ice Body Mind Light
Soul Brand:
Ri-Qu-Na-Tra (Lv.6)
HP equal to MaxHP
Cunning: -7
Agility: +18
SP Costs: -33%
Abilities Known:
1) Soothe (Type: Healing, 20 SP. Must target a character whose HP is more than 50% of their maximum. 105 Power heal.)
2) Alluring Gaze (Type: Mind, 20 SP. 70% chance to cause Charm, turning the target against its allies. Cooldown: Presence (4))
3) Charisma (Type: Mind, Passive. Reduces Presence cooldowns by 33% when your HP are at more than 50% of maximum.)
4) Ever Ready (Type: None, Passive. Increases SP regeneration by 200% when your SP is less than 15.)
5) Calm (Type: Healing, 15 SP. Removes Stun, Sleep, Panic, and Charm.)
6) Tireless (Type: None, Passive. Increases MaxSP by 25.)
7) Regenerate (Type: Healing, 25 SP. Bestows Regeneration, restoring health over time.)
8) Reserves (Type: None, Passive. If you would gain a time-based cooldown longer than 1 turn and do not have a Reserves cooldown, you instead gain a Reserves cooldown of the same amount. Cooldown: Reserves (0))
Name : Unicorn
Level: 29
MaxHP: 111
MaxSP: 100
Strength: 34
Magic : 54
Vitality: 38
Agility : 20
Cunning : 30
Immune: Light
Weak : Body Dark
Soul Brand:
Ri-Ef-Cl (Lv.20)
Agility: -14
SP per Turn: +1.9
SP Costs: -25%
Abilities Known:
1) Heal Wounds (Type: Healing, 25 SP. 105 Power heal.)
2) Panacea (Type: Healing, 30 SP. Removes all negative status effects.)
3) Healing Aura (Type: Healing, Reactive. Each standard turn, grants a 10 Power heal to you and all visible allies.)
4) Lifeweaver (Type: Healing, Passive. Reduces the SP cost of Healing abilities by 5, to a minimum of 0.)
5) Calming Rain (Type: Healing, 25 SP. Removes Stun, Sleep, Panic, and Charm.)
6) Ritualist (Type: None, Passive. Reduces the SP cost of magical abilities that cost 20 or more SP by 5 if no Cantrip abilities are on cooldown. Cooldown: Cantrip (0))
7) Gaudium (Type: Buff, 25 SP. Only affects allies. Increases offense, defense, accuracy, and evasion by 25% and speed by 33%. Cooldown: Miracle (1))
8) Eternal Glory (Type: Healing, Passive. Fully restores MaxHP and then HP when HP reaches 0. Cooldown: Soul (90))
Name : Destroyer Ooze
Level: 28
MaxHP: 78
MaxSP: 100
Strength: 12
Magic : 77
Vitality: 26
Agility : 45
Cunning : 49
Immune: Matter
Resist: Impact Pierce Body
Weak : Fire Ice
Soul Brand:
Du-Po-Na (Lv.23)
Cunning: -4
Magic: +14
Vitality: +14
Abilities Known:
1) Liquefying Touch (Type: Matter, 10 SP. 70 Power attack. Has a 70% chance to inflict Melting, causing damage over time.)
2) Consuming Touch (Type: Matter, 10 SP. 70 Power attack, +45 Power if the target is Melting. Heals the user for 66% of the damage dealt.)
3) Acidic Veil (Type: Matter, Reactive. 35% chance to Melt adjacent characters that deal damage to you, causing damage over time.)
4) Corrosive Vapor (Type: Debuff, Passive. Attempts to inflict Melting on non-immune targets also have a 50% chance to briefly reduce defense by 20%.)
5) Acid Burst (Type: Matter, 20 SP. 70% chance to inflict Melting, causing damage over time.)
6) Toxic Vapor (Type: Body, Passive. Attempts to inflict Melting on non-immune targets also have a 50% chance to briefly inflict Poison, causing damage over time (can stack three times).)
7) Acid Orb (Type: Matter, 20 SP. Attenuated 55 Power attack. Has a 50% chance to inflict Melting, causing damage over time.)
8) Ritualist (Type: None, Passive. Reduces the SP cost of magical abilities that cost 20 or more SP by 5 if no Cantrip abilities are on cooldown. Cooldown: Cantrip (0))
Name : Rime Witch Ogun
Level: 34
MaxHP: 112
MaxSP: 100
Strength: 45
Magic : 49
Vitality: 45
Agility : 21
Cunning : 55
Immune: Body
Resist: Slash Impact Pierce Fire Ice Mind Dark Matter
Weak : Electricity
Soul Brand:
Ri (Lv.25)
SP Costs: -22%
Abilities Known:
1) Rhino Charge (Type: Impact, 20 SP. Must target a character. Charge to the target with a 85 Power attack. Inflicts Stun, causing the target to miss their next turn. Cooldown: Charge (6))
2) Melting Slice (Type: Slash, 15 SP. 115 Power attack, split between Slash and Fire. Has a 35% chance to Ignite the target, causing damage over a short duration.)
3) Magma Force (Type: Slash, 25 SP. 115 Power attack, split between Slash and Fire. Has a 35% chance to Ignite the target, causing damage over a short duration.)
4) Ready Block (Type: Defense, Passive. If your last action was a Melee, Beam, or Direct range Slash, Impact, or Pierce ability, provides a 20% chance to block Slash, Impact, Pierce, Fire, Electricity, and Ice attacks.)
5) Heavy Guard (Type: Impact, Reactive. Responds to attacks by adjacent enemies that you block or parry with a 40 Power attack that has a 35% chance to inflict Stun, causing the target to miss their next turn. Cannot miss.)
6) Overpower (Type: None, Passive. Reduces the chance of opponents Blocking, Dodging, or Parrying your attacks by half.)
7) Ever Ready (Type: None, Passive. Increases SP regeneration by 200% when your SP is less than 15.)
8) Tormentor (Type: None, Passive. Restores 5 SP when you deal damage to one or more characters that have negative status effects.)
Name : Archon Yuki-onna
Level: 32
MaxHP: 128
MaxSP: 126
Strength: 26
Magic : 60
Vitality: 47
Agility : 26
Cunning : 56
Immune: Ice Mind
Weak : Fire
Soul Brand:
Du-In-Na (Lv.29)
Cunning: -11
Max SP: +26
Vitality: +21
Abilities Known:
1) Snowstorm (Type: Ice, 40 SP. Attenuated 85 Power attack. Chills the targets, reducing their accuracy, evasion, and movement speed slightly.)
2) Wintry Touch (Type: Ice, 15 SP. 100 Power attack. Chills the target, reducing their accuracy, evasion, and movement speed slightly.)
3) Pink Whisper (Type: Mind, 25 SP. 70% chance to cause Charm, turning the target against its allies. Free action. Cooldown: Presence (6))
4) Haunt (Type: Dark, 25 SP. Must target an enemy. Warps you adjacent to the enemy, and has a 70% chance to delay the enemy's next turn. This is not considered a movement ability. Free action. Cooldown: Dark (4))
5) Tormentor (Type: None, Passive. Restores 5 SP when you deal damage to one or more characters that have negative status effects.)
6) Mind Blast (Type: Mind, 20 SP. 40 Power attack. Has a 35% chance to inflict Stun, causing the targets to miss their next turn. Cannot miss.)
7) Evil Grin (Type: Mind, 5 SP. Can be used while Muted. 70% chance to delay the next turn of the target. Reduces your Presence cooldown by 2 turns.)
8) Acid Burst (Type: Matter, 20 SP. 70% chance to inflict Melting, causing damage over time.)
--==== Recent Messages ====--
The ooze leaps into action!
The yuki-onna looks energized!
RedeemfistWi looks energized!
The ooze unleashes a burst of acidic vapor.
You will be melting longer! Ogun begins to melt!
You are badly poisoned!
Your unicorn chants while pointing at you.
You are no longer badly poisoned.
You are no longer melting.
Ogun slices the scarab.
It isn't very effective.
Ogun melts the scarab. Ogun looks refreshed.
Using Spin Slash...
Aim within the possible target area using
movement keys. Press Enter to execute, Escape to
You slash the ooze. You feel refreshed.
You begin to melt! You are poisoned!
Ninkasi looks more confident.
RedeemfistWi unsummons the scarab!
The yuki-onna blinks towards you.
You stagger.
The yuki-onna whispers softly at you.
You are charmed!
The yuki-onna freezes you.
You feel cold!
The yuki-onna looks refreshed.
You leap into action!
You feel more resolved.
You are still charmed!
You slash Ogun.
It isn't very effective.
You feel refreshed. The ooze drains you.
It's super effective!
Your relic struggles to keep you alive!
The ooze looks healthier.
You leap into action!
You feel more resolved.
You are still charmed!
You miss Ogun.
You are still charmed!
You miss Ogun.
Your relic struggles to keep you alive!
Ogun is no longer regenerating.
You are still charmed!
You slash Ogun.
It isn't very effective.
You feel refreshed. The ooze drains you.
It's super effective!
You die...
--==== Recently Slain Allies ====--
Name : Incubus
Level: 27
MaxHP: 104
MaxSP: 100
Strength: 25
Magic : 28
Vitality: 36
Agility : 40
Cunning : 51
Resist: Mind Dark
Weak : Ice Light
Abilities Known:
1) Vampiric Touch (Type: Body, 15 SP. 85 Power attack. Heals the user for 66% of the damage dealt.)
2) Love Tap (Type: Impact, 15 SP. 70 Power attack. 35% chance to cause Charm, turning the target against its allies.)
3) Dominator (Type: Mind, Passive. Provides a 10% chance for your Slash, Impact, and Pierce attacks to apply Charm, turning the target against their allies.)
4) Alluring Veil (Type: Mind, Reactive. 10% chance to Charm adjacent characters that deal damage to you, turning them against their allies.)
5) ------------
6) ------------
7) ------------
8) ------------
Name : Abatwa
Level: 24
MaxHP: 120
MaxSP: 100
Strength: 23
Magic : 5
Vitality: 67
Agility : 46
Cunning : 40
Resist: Electricity Mind
Weak : Fire Ice Body Matter
Soul Brand:
Du-Im (Lv.28)
Magic: -18
Vitality: +34
Abilities Known:
1) Poison Needle (Type: Pierce, 20 SP. 70 Power attack. Has a 70% chance to inflict Poison, causing damage over time (can stack three times).)
2) Low Profile (Type: Defense, Passive. Always dodge projectiles fired by allies unless directly targeted.)
3) Swiftness (Type: None, Passive. Reduces the turn cost of movement and movement abilities by 20%.)
4) Venomous (Type: Body, Passive. Provides a 35% chance for your Slash, Impact, and Pierce attacks to apply Poison, causing damage over time (can stack three times).)
5) ------------
6) ------------
7) ------------
8) ------------
Name : Destined Yuki-onna
Level: 29
MaxHP: 116
MaxSP: 100
Strength: 30
Magic : 58
Vitality: 30
Agility : 42
Cunning : 42
Immune: Ice
Weak : Fire
Soul Brand:
Ri-Qu (Lv.28)
Agility: +12
SP Costs: -16%
Abilities Known:
1) Snowstorm (Type: Ice, 40 SP. Attenuated 85 Power attack. Chills the targets, reducing their accuracy, evasion, and movement speed slightly.)
2) Wintry Touch (Type: Ice, 15 SP. 100 Power attack. Chills the target, reducing their accuracy, evasion, and movement speed slightly.)
3) Pink Whisper (Type: Mind, 25 SP. 70% chance to cause Charm, turning the target against its allies. Free action. Cooldown: Presence (6))
4) Haunt (Type: Dark, 25 SP. Must target an enemy. Warps you adjacent to the enemy, and has a 70% chance to delay the enemy's next turn. This is not considered a movement ability. Free action. Cooldown: Dark (4))
5) Tormentor (Type: None, Passive. Restores 5 SP when you deal damage to one or more characters that have negative status effects.)
6) Hunter's Cry (Type: Buff, 35 SP. Briefly improves offense and accuracy by 25% for you and your allies. Cooldown: Presence (3))
7) Grace (Type: Buff, 25 SP. Improves accuracy and evasion by 25%.)
8) ------------
Name : Mulassa
Level: 31
MaxHP: 120
MaxSP: 100
Strength: 49
Magic : 58
Vitality: 58
Agility : 24
Cunning : 24
Resist: Fire Body Mind
Weak : Ice
Soul Brand:
Co-Mi (Lv.29)
Strength: +13
SP Costs: -2
Abilities Known:
1) Flame Blast (Type: Fire, 25 SP. 100 Power attack. Has a 35% chance to Ignite the target, causing damage over a short duration.)
2) Fire Breath (Type: Fire, 20 SP. Attenuated 0-85 Power attack, based on the user's SP (max SP = 85 Power). Has a 35% chance to Ignite the targets, causing damage over a short duration. Cooldown: Breath (4))
3) Warmth (Type: Fire, Passive. Increases HP and SP regeneration based on the number of Ignited characters you can see (more characters = larger bonus, with diminishing returns.))
4) Terrifying Cry (Type: Mind, 30 SP. 70% chance to inflict Panic on enemies, causing their actions to sometimes be randomized. Cooldown: Presence (9))
5) Dragon Soul (Type: None, Passive. Your abilities that use your current SP to determine their effect use your maximum SP instead, if this would be to your benefit.)
6) ------------
7) ------------
8) ------------
Name : Fulgur Yuki-onna
Level: 28
MaxHP: 104
MaxSP: 100
Strength: 37
Magic : 66
Vitality: 24
Agility : 31
Cunning : 40
Immune: Ice Electricity
Weak : Fire
Soul Brand:
Co-Mi (Lv.29)
Strength: +13
SP Costs: -2
Abilities Known:
1) Snowstorm (Type: Ice, 40 SP. Attenuated 85 Power attack. Chills the targets, reducing their accuracy, evasion, and movement speed slightly.)
2) Wintry Touch (Type: Ice, 15 SP. 100 Power attack. Chills the target, reducing their accuracy, evasion, and movement speed slightly.)
3) Pink Whisper (Type: Mind, 25 SP. 70% chance to cause Charm, turning the target against its allies. Free action. Cooldown: Presence (6))
4) Haunt (Type: Dark, 25 SP. Must target an enemy. Warps you adjacent to the enemy, and has a 70% chance to delay the enemy's next turn. This is not considered a movement ability. Free action. Cooldown: Dark (4))
5) Tormentor (Type: None, Passive. Restores 5 SP when you deal damage to one or more characters that have negative status effects.)
6) Electropulse (Type: Electricity, 15 SP. 70 Power attack. Has an 10% chance to inflict Shock, causing the targets to miss their next turn.)
7) Storm Strike (Type: Electricity, 20 SP. 85 Power attack. Has a 20% chance to inflict Shock, causing the targets to miss their next turn. 70% chance to hit, unaffected by accuracy and evasion.)
8) ------------
Name : Fatewarper Shikome
Level: 31
MaxHP: 115
MaxSP: 100
Strength: 16
Magic : 55
Vitality: 25
Agility : 32
Cunning : 72
Immune: Dark
Resist: Ice Body
Weak : Mind Light
Soul Brand:
Sh-Da (Lv.30)
Last Used: Movement
Cunning: +28
Abilities Known:
1) Lich Touch (Type: Dark, 25 SP. 100 Power attack, split between HP and MaxHP damage. 66% of the MaxHP damage is drained to the user as bonus MaxHP.)
2) Horrible Glare (Type: Mind, 15 SP. Only affects enemies. Four 40% chances to delay the next turn of the targets. Cooldown: Presence (6))
3) Possess (Type: Dark, 30 SP. Must target an enemy. Warps you adjacent to the enemy, and has a 70% chance to delay the enemy's next turn. This is not considered a movement ability. Free action. Cooldown: Dark (5))
4) Mobility (Type: None, Passive. Reduces the turn cost of movement and movement abilities by 30% if no Charge abilities are on cooldown. Cooldown: Charge (0))
5) Vitiate Host (Type: Debuff, 40 SP. 85% chance to reduce defense and evasion by 20%.)
6) Wither Host (Type: Debuff, 40 SP. 85% chance to reduce offense and accuracy by 20%.)
7) ------------
8) ------------