This character was a Vodun Mask that started with Weigh Sin, Numbing Needle, and Regeneration, which was strong enough to pull me through losing all my early minions and basically showing up naked on floor 2 or 3. If it weren't for finding a lone Malingee I probably would've died, but after that it was just a matter of clawing my way back up through birds and fish. I ended up doubling down on the holy fish(one normal, one Blessed) because they were easy to ally with once I dealt with most of their buddies. At one point I had Numbing Needles, Blood Rot, and Venomous, meaning I'd throw a needle for a chance to paralyze, poison, and reduce offense, so even though my damage was negligible the debuffing was great.
I had a real bad time trying to close in on a centaur pack on floor 6 or 7, I think I lost 2 demons. I almost recruited a centaur but ran out of time looking for 1 more monster. The Heroic(?) buff when allying with a centaur in exchange for having no allies was quite fun though, I think if I had realized how good it was earlier I could have made that encounter go very differently.
All my holy fish were long gone by the time I entered Turdak's, so I was having a wretched time against Akateko, which absolutely ruined the Max HP of my favorite Aspis frontliner. I guess the nastiness of undead is a good argument for keeping an array of fire and holy ranged damage available.
This wasn't nearly as focused on using Veils as my first good run was, but I still really like stacking Veils on my frontline fighters. My character took a debuffing/support role this time and it seemed to work well.
Team was:
Level 7 Frigid Ukobach with Flame Touch, Freezing Touch, Poison Veil and various defenses. Was my frontliner for a while, but fell out of favor when holy attacks became common.
Level 7 Faerie- I feel like you gotta have a Faerie to teach others Healing Charm, without multiple healers to swap between it seems like you'd definitely lose demons faster than you gain them
Level 8 Aspis- Lots of hitpoints and lots of poison stacking made this guy my go-to for the front lines. Totally worth the 3 demons I had to feed to it.
Level 7 Carbuncle- Though they're certainly annoying to fight, I never saw much point in having one of these. It had some neat skills to pass around but I never really summoned it unless I just needed some fresh HP to throw into the grinder.
Level 8 Lilim- I wasn't really planning on keeping the Lilim around, but the next thing I knew she was the highest level demon i had. I used her as a sort of hybrid for healing and a defensive frontliner.
Level 5 Charged Kasha- After I lost all my sacred fish and Angel, I figured anything holy would be good to have even if it was low level, and I charged it up with one of the electric worms. Despite it all, it still felt pretty weak. I had a Lifegiver Kasha from a previous run that was really great, but I was really struggling to keep this one alive.
Level 4 Psychic Preta- another demon I didn't really want but ended up staying with me and leveling up a bit. Mainly it was helpful in hallways, where I could have myself and Aspis hold off the enemy while this guy bit them and a healer healed.
Level 7 Acheri- Picked it up in Turdak's Sanctum but never used it.
Anyway, I found this game a few days ago and have been having a blast with it and wanted to share my experiences