Well, my days of worrying about melee are coming to a middle.

Though, if (almost) all Strength is the only way to do it tat-wise, that might be a problem.

Then again, Vitality-heavy "hit me" builds were one of the original memes, even if maybe not strictly "melee" by some possible definitions?
Anyway, on to what you actually posted.

Yeah, Pariah got a pretty good buff in group combat from the great combat speed up's effect on status changes. Also notable: Unlike Venomous, it doesn't have diminishing returns or an upper limit: if you can get more hits and/or have more targets, it just keeps getting better.

Of course, with more targets is implied you're in more danger, so I'm okay with that. Kinda what it's meant for.

It almost hurts seeing Ball Lightning in a screenshot with Shock Blast and Cluster Bolt.

"Babby's first lightning sprite" vs. "Hey, maybe this guy almost knows how to make an icon"

But yes, Innocence makes for a scary nuker/status mage, and it's always nice when the ghost system gives you a fun surprise.

Re: Bigfoot and the heroic link, you are correct. A "Spread Distrust" result takes place before the new link if you switch links, and can prevent the new link from forming (You even get a unique message, something like "Bigfoot rejects the link!" or something like that.)
Yeah, at 140% Speed, Turdak is basically in Raicho territory already, and they at least have craptastic resistances to cover for their high Speed + low Vitality. With Turdak's somewhat better resistances, he ends up very.. fragile.
One melee + three supports is actually how I originally figured going melee would go in Demon, way back in my original ponderings.

One of my very first thoughts about Demon was picturing a low-level melee dude running around a dungeon with three pixies (in this imagining, pixies were combination Faerie/Freybugs, and debuffs stacked like in traditional SMT, so basically all his enemies ended up massively ACC/EVD down'd while the faeries healed any damage he managed to take despite that while carving them up.)
Re: Healers: did you actually not use Absolution, or was it just missing on that Angel?
I'm actually really happy it sounds like the AI managed to use Inspire correctly. Abilities of the "I give up X to give you X" type have always been a pain in the neck for me to get right. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure Inspire and its cousins still have problems, but I'm happy when I hear about one working properly.

And yes, oh yes, the Matter build will *absolutely* be a ghost wipe.

Huh.. I'll see if I can repro that bug, should be easy enough if there's nothing else tricky about it. I admit I haven't anticipated people upgrading a relic during too many demon dialogue... I wonder what happens if you upgrade capacity in that circumstance... I should check!
Congrats on the win, and thanks as always for the report!