Turdak's Sanctum, YASD and ramblings

The tower awaits!

Re: Turdak's Sanctum, YASD and ramblings

Postby Ferret » Thu Jun 08, 2017 3:23 pm

Corpse encounters are getting a lot of kills lately. :o

Hmm... are (New!) tags showing up on nicknamed critters? That's dismaying... I'll have to look into that.

Sounds like you got a couple of good ghost recruits. :D I'm always happy to hear this, because it's one of the reasons I was hopeful Demon's ghosts would be more fun than ghosts in other roguelikes sometimes are (where they feel like very challenging, but not rewarding.)

I'm glad you had fun with a status effect build. :D Glitches are basically the "cryptid" encounter of the Anomaly: you can meet them in there, but it's very rare without using Enemy Lure.

I'll look into healing rain, it might be I need to loosen the AI on it a bit so it can be used more often.

Thanks for the report! :D
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Re: Turdak's Sanctum, YASD and ramblings

Postby wizzzargh » Thu Jun 08, 2017 8:51 pm

Ferret wrote:I'll look into healing rain, it might be I need to loosen the AI on it a bit so it can be used more often.

Well, I think the main issue is that when I'm tangled up with enemies healing rain might hit the enemies too so it doesn't get cast in combat unless the positioning of me and my allies is jusssst right

As for the New! tags- those are both demons I fused myself, so it could have something to do with fusion rather than nicknames, too
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Re: Turdak's Sanctum, YASD and ramblings

Postby Ferret » Wed Jun 14, 2017 8:41 pm

Well that's embarrassing. :P

The codex bug happens at the end of any game in "Solo" codex mode, regardless of whether you've nicknamed or modified demons, all of them show up as "new" :P

This'll be fixed in the next build. :D Thanks!
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Re: Turdak's Sanctum, YASD and ramblings

Postby wizzzargh » Sat Jun 17, 2017 1:29 pm

'Ghost Win/Suicide' on tower:23, finally got my ultimate(???) one-hit-kill build together.

It was a bit situational and I never did get a satisfying source of sleep until very late with Haunt+Hypnotic Glare, but even without Dreamstalker light/dark vulnerable packs were pretty much subject to death from me on any given turn my cooldown was ready.
If something actually did get put to sleep at full health it was almost certainly dead- only a few real brutes could survive a dreamstalker/Innocence/Snuff Out/Might/Max Magic Snuff Out/Expel. And once I got Duality from Adria I could churn out alternating Snuff Out/Expels much faster which were death sentences to most things lower level than me- I have fond memories of meeting a Yeti-Tuofei-Hob pack and instakilling everything but the Yeti with smites from full health. I had to give up Might to make room for Duality though and then rely on my filthy demons to buff me properly, and I ended up losing Might entirely later except for some dabbling with Hunters Cry.

Even with just Innocence and Snuff Out, this build was great in Anomaly. Fotia and Aeras and Gremlins could all be slain from full HP so long as I Mighted Up, which was really cool.

Despite the jolly fun times I had a somewhat hard time in the lategame because a failed Phoenix blew up Mighty Turdak and also Ninkasi(Unless she died to Cherufes later on- I think my entire party was fire vulnerable at some point) and out of a stubborn desire to not lean on Restore Demon I went without Calm for the last part of the game (though I was mind resistant so it wasn't so bad). My team is kinda halfassed stuff scrounged together on the last floors with the exception of the Fearsome Akateko (A loyal healer/Nuker I made) and the Hulking Scarab I created which was lucky enough to get Crippler. Witches' Arc came from... something on the last floor and was taught to the scarab solely as a means to finish off Tremane. I probably should have spend my loot on making my ghost nastier but woops, whatever.

Early on the game I made a Solid Carbuncle and was able to teach it the awesome combo of Accursed and Wild Frenzy from a Brutal zombie.
The multi hits, high speed/accuracy/cunning of carbuncles made Pariah a really powerful source of damage, but Wild Frenzy is finicky- the AI will only use it if there's plenty of targets, and it looks like there's still some stuff with it deciding that hitting friendlies is OK.
And honestly a few resisted 33 power hits on python aren't a big deal, but it does seem like a thing that could cause grief in less favorable circumstances...

I had an interesting sort of mirror match with the ghost 'Lights Out' on floor 23, which had a dreamstalker/innocence build like me.
The first fight I had with Lights Out, my demons haunted in, applied sleep, and then I murdered Lights Out with an Expel followed by a Snuff Out- but since he was a hand of the dead ghost reduced to about 6 maxHP after that first brutal attack, Lights Out then ate his entire stable in one turn despite it not doing any good. I was deeply disappointed- I thought my amazing wombo combo would actually let me get demons from a Hand wraith for once but alas, the wraith AI went for a spiteful deletion of every demon it had.

The second fight with Lights Out was totally different. My vampire did put him to sleep on the second round too, but then used a dreamstalker bite on Lights Out so I couldn't instagib him with Expel, and then Lights Out had someone casting Calm. He woke up and my team instantly took a bajillion damage from Chain Lightning attacks and a Druj Nasu racked up poison and infection on my whole team. It was ugly but I managed to kill 1 demon before retreating with Haste, and had to use curse runes, pure gems, etc etc to stay alive and after resetting the fight I came back and had to bulldoze my way through with all the items I had saved. Chain lightning+innocence+Hunters Cry was pretty bad news.
Code: Select all
Demon Party Dump File
Version 5/26/2017, Scoring Model: 5/26/2017
Dump file created at: 06/17/2017 06:31:10

Summoner One SnuffMan...
was chosen by the Orb of Power,
selected Buff and Electricity as their starting elements,
has earned a score of 56999,
is currently at Tower:23,
and is quite dead!

--==== Main Character ====--

Name : One SnuffMan
Level: 29
MaxHP: 131
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 4
Magic   : 164
Vitality: 20
Agility : 11
Cunning : 11

Resist: Mind Light
Weak  : Slash Impact Pierce

Abilities Known:
1) Haste (Type: Buff, 35 SP. Improves speed by 33%.)
2) Duality (Type: None, Passive. Removes the penalty Dark cooldown received for using Light cooldown abilities, and vice versa.)
3) Snuff Out (Type: Dark, 25 SP. 130 Power attack, but misses if the damage would not be fatal. Cooldown: Dark (3))
4) Expel (Type: Light, 25 SP. 130 Power attack, but misses if the damage would not be fatal. Cooldown: Light (3))
5) Demon's Mien (Type: Dark, Passive. Your Light and Dark attacks deal 20% more damage to targets weak to Dark.)
6) Exorcist's Mien (Type: Light, Passive. Your Light and Dark attacks deal 20% more damage to targets weak to Light.)
7) Dreamstalker (Type: Mind, Passive. Your attacks deal 50% more damage to and do not wake up Sleeping targets that have full HP.)
8) Innocence (Type: Mind, Passive. Increases offense, defense, accuracy, and evasion by 33%, and status accuracy and status resistance by 16%, versus opponents at full HP. (Bonuses are affected by Mind resistance.))

Relic Upgrades:
Translator (Reduces the cost of using Copy Ability on yourself by 50%.)
Transpose Soul (Unlocks the Transpose Soul transmutation, which lets you sacrifice a demon to choose and learn one of the bonus abilities from the modifier it would pass if used with Fuse Demons.)
Recycle (Delete Demon now grants Credits based on the number of levels the demon has gained (more levels = more Credits).)
Quick Dismiss (Your first Dismiss each turn is a free action (can use Dismiss as a normal action afterwards.))
Capacity Up I (Grants additional storage capacity for demon allies, allowing for a total of 7 at once.)

1 Curse rune
1 Heart glyph
21 Heal stone
1 Flame glyph
2 Tempest rune
3 Pain glyph
7 Chakra stone
11 Pure stone
1 Pure gem
4 Venom rune
1 Magic map
1 Calm card
3 Bronze offering
1 Might gem
2 Peace offering
1 Heal gem
1 Wind card

Current Credits: 37711

Codex Daemonium Completion
Personal Codex : 53 / 135 (39% complete)

--==== Party Overview  ====--

Element      Users      Immune     Resistant  Normal     Weak       
Slash        3          0          2          5          1*         
Impact       2          0          1          5          2*         
Pierce       2          0          1          6          1*         
Fire         2          1          0          5*         2         
Ice          1          0          2          4*         2         
Electricity  1          1          1          5*         1         
Body         2          1          3          4*         0         
Mind         3          0          4*         4          0         
Light        1*         1          1*         3          3         
Dark         2*         1          3          4*         0         

n : Number of party members counted.
* : Denotes the main character is included.

--==== Current Party ====--

Name : Fearsome Akateko
Level: 25
MaxHP: 89
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 14
Magic   : 76
Vitality: 28
Agility : 38
Cunning : 19

Immune: Body
Resist: Dark
Weak  : Light

Abilities Known:
1) Affection (Type: Healing, 25 SP. 60-130 Power heal, based on your remaining HP (more HP = higher Power).)
2) Cleanse (Type: Healing, 15 SP. Removes Poison, Infection, and Paralysis.)
3) Lifeweaver (Type: Healing, Passive. Reduces the SP cost of Healing abilities by 5, to a minimum of 0.)
4) Second Wind (Type: Healing, 0 SP. Restores 30 SP and resets Breath cooldown. Free action. Cooldown: Endure (3))
5) Snowstorm (Type: Ice, 40 SP. Attenuated 85 Power attack. Chills the targets, reducing their accuracy, evasion, and movement speed by 12%.)
6) Rain of Fire (Type: Fire, 35 SP. Attenuated 85 Power attack. Has a 35% chance to Ignite the targets, causing damage over a short duration.)
7) Tormentor (Type: None, Passive. Restores 5 SP when you deal damage to one or more characters that have negative status effects.)
8) Diehard (Type: Defense, Passive. Prevents death, except by Ignite or Poison damage. May trigger an Endure cooldown when activated (more damage dealt = higher chance). Cooldown: Endure (5))

Name : Shojo
Level: 30
MaxHP: 116
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 40
Magic   : 48
Vitality: 48
Agility : 16
Cunning : 48

Resist: Ice Body
Weak  : Electricity

Abilities Known:
1) Life Bloom (Type: Healing, 30 SP. Only affects characters with the Regeneration effect. 105 Power heal.)
2) Regenerate (Type: Healing, 25 SP. Bestows Regeneration, restoring health over time.)
3) Envenom Host (Type: Body, 20 SP. 70% chance to inflict Poison, causing damage over time (can stack three times).)
4) Refresh (Type: Healing, 5 SP. Transfers up to 15 SP from the user to the target. Free action. Cooldown: Cantrip (1))
5) Meditate (Type: Healing, 0 SP. Restores 10 SP. Cooldown: Cantrip (0))
6) Vile Alchemy (Type: Body, Passive. When you apply Poison to an already Poisoned target, you always increase the Poison stack level if it is not already at the maximum.)
7) ------------
8) ------------

Name : Hulking Scarab
Level: 27
MaxHP: 96
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 45
Magic   : 24
Vitality: 49
Agility : 55
Cunning : 12

Immune: Light Dark
Resist: Slash Pierce
Weak  : Impact

Abilities Known:
1) Protect (Type: Buff, 10 SP. Improves defense by 25%.)
2) Absolution (Type: Healing, 15 SP. Removes Guilt, Mute, Pariah, and Hex.)
3) Quake Hammer (Type: Impact, 30 SP. 85 Power attack.)
4) Crippler (Type: Dark, Passive. Provides a 20% chance for your Slash, Impact, and Pierce attacks to apply Hex, which reduces physical resistances (not immunity) by one level, and reduces physical damage dealt.)
5) Bloodlust (Type: None, Passive. Restores SP per target damaged when you deal damage with Slash, Impact, or Pierce abilities. 5 SP for the first target, 4 SP for the second, etc. No further recovery after 5 targets.)
6) Silver Hand (Type: Light, Passive. Provides a 20% chance for your Slash, Impact, and Pierce attacks to apply Mute, which prevents the use of non-physical abilities.)
7) Blue Whisper (Type: Mind, 25 SP. 85% chance to cause Sleep, preventing the target from acting for a few turns or until damaged. Free action. Cooldown: Presence (6))
8) Witch's Arc (Type: Slash, 25 SP. 70 Power attack. Has a 35% chance to apply Hex, which reduces physical resistances (not immunity) by one level, and reduces physical damage dealt by 50%.)

Name : Frenzied Cherufe
Level: 29
MaxHP: 113
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 47
Magic   : 51
Vitality: 46
Agility : 26
Cunning : 25

Immune: Fire
Resist: Slash Impact Electricity
Weak  : Ice

Abilities Known:
1) Burning Claw (Type: Slash, 10 SP. 100 Power attack split between Slash and Fire. Has a 35% chance to Ignite the target, causing damage over a short duration.)
2) Burning Star (Type: Fire, 30 SP. Attenuated 85 Power attack. Has a 35% chance to Ignite the targets, causing damage over a short duration.)
3) Meltdown (Type: Fire, 10 SP. Only affects Ignited characters. 25 Power attack. Free action. Cooldown: Cantrip (1))
4) Bask (Type: Fire, 0 SP. Can be used when Muted. Must target an Ignited enemy. No effect on the target, but triggers a 60 Power heal on and restores 10 SP for the user. Free action. Cooldown: Cantrip (3))
5) Ember Heart (Type: Fire, Passive. Reduces the SP cost of Fire abilities by 5 if you used an Fire ability last turn.)
6) Witch's Arc (Type: Slash, 25 SP. 70 Power attack. Has a 35% chance to apply Hex, which reduces physical resistances (not immunity) by one level, and reduces physical damage dealt by 50%.)
7) Infectious (Type: Body, Passive. Provides a 35% chance for your Slash, Impact, and Pierce attacks to apply Infection, which prevents most HP and SP recovery.)
8) Tormentor (Type: None, Passive. Restores 5 SP when you deal damage to one or more characters that have negative status effects.)

Name : Incubus
Level: 28
MaxHP: 108
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 26
Magic   : 30
Vitality: 38
Agility : 42
Cunning : 54

Resist: Mind Dark
Weak  : Ice Light

Abilities Known:
1) Vampiric Touch (Type: Body, 15 SP. 85 Power attack. Heals the user for 50% of the damage dealt.)
2) Love Tap (Type: Impact, 15 SP. 70 Power attack. 35% chance to cause Charm, turning the target against its allies.)
3) Dominator (Type: Mind, Passive. Provides a 20% chance for your Slash, Impact, and Pierce attacks to apply Charm, turning the target against their allies.)
4) Alluring Veil (Type: Mind, Reactive. 20% chance to Charm adjacent characters that deal damage to you, turning them against their allies.)
5) Hypnotic Glare (Type: Mind, 25 SP. 70% chance to inflict Sleep on enemies, preventing them from acting for a few turns or until damaged. Cooldown: Presence (9))
6) ------------
7) ------------
8) ------------

Name : Vampire
Level: 28
MaxHP: 102
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 34
Magic   : 30
Vitality: 34
Agility : 46
Cunning : 46

Resist: Body Mind Dark
Weak  : Fire Light

Abilities Known:
1) Vampiric Bite (Type: Pierce, 15 SP. 85 Power attack. Heals the user for 50% of the damage dealt (affected by Body resistance).)
2) Fade (Type: Buff, 5 SP. Briefly improves evasion by 25%. Free action. Cooldown: Cantrip (3))
3) Dreamstalker (Type: Mind, Passive. Your attacks deal 50% more damage to and do not wake up Sleeping targets that have full HP.)
4) Hypnotic Glare (Type: Mind, 25 SP. 70% chance to inflict Sleep on enemies, preventing them from acting for a few turns or until damaged. Cooldown: Presence (9))
5) Blue Whisper (Type: Mind, 25 SP. 85% chance to cause Sleep, preventing the target from acting for a few turns or until damaged. Free action. Cooldown: Presence (6))
6) Haunt (Type: Dark, 25 SP. Must target an enemy. Warps you adjacent to the enemy, and has a 70% chance to delay the enemy's next turn. This is not considered a movement ability. Free action. Cooldown: Dark (4))
7) ------------
8) ------------

Name : Tremane Bane (Stormborn Leib-olmai)
Level: 29
MaxHP: 112
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 55
Magic   : 38
Vitality: 42
Agility : 34
Cunning : 26

Immune: Electricity
Resist: Ice Body Mind
Weak  : Fire

Abilities Known:
1) Rend Asunder (Type: Slash, 20 SP. 100 Power attack split between two Slash attacks.)
2) Life Pulse (Type: Healing, 20 SP. Only affects allies. 60 Power heal. Free action. Cooldown: Cantrip (5))
3) Hunter's Cry (Type: Buff, 35 SP. Briefly improves offense and accuracy by 25% for you and your allies. Cooldown: Presence (3))
4) Calming Rain (Type: Healing, 25 SP. Removes Stun, Sleep, Panic, and Charm.)
5) Ever Ready (Type: None, Passive. Increases SP regeneration by 200% when your SP is less than 15.)
6) Storm Breath (Type: Electricity, 20 SP. Attenuated 0-85 Power attack, based on the user's SP (max SP = 85 Power). Has a 10% chance to inflict Shock, causing the targets to miss their next turn. Cooldown: Breath (4))
7) Ionic Spear (Type: Pierce, 25 SP. 115 Power attack, split between Pierce and Electricity. Has a 10% chance to inflict Shock, causing the targets to miss their next turn. Enemies only.)
8) ------------

--==== Recent Messages ====--

 Your scarab looks refreshed.
 Tremane looks more resolved.
 Tremane is no longer on fire.
 Your cherufe is no longer stunned.
 Your cherufe misses Tremane.
 Tremane smites your cherufe.
 Your cherufe is stunned!
 Your scarab whispers softly at Tremane.
 Tremane falls asleep!
 Your scarab's speed returns to normal.
 One of your allies is in danger!
 Using Snuff Out...
 Aim within the possible target area using
 movement keys. Press Enter to execute,
 Escape to cancel.
 You eliminate Tremane.
 It's super effective!
 You kill Tremane!!
 You have defeated a hero, and may gain one
 of their abilities.
 Are you sure you don't wish to gain an
 ability? (Y or N)
 Your shojo reaches Level 30!
 Your cherufe's defense returns to normal.
 Your cherufe is no longer stunned.
 You begin resting.
 Your scarab's defense returns to normal.
 Your leib-olmai's defense returns to normal.
 Your leib-olmai radiates healing energy.
 Your cherufe looks healthier.
 Your defense returns to normal.
 Your leib-olmai radiates healing energy.
 Your cherufe looks healthier.
 Your leib-olmai radiates healing energy.
 Your cherufe looks healthier.
 Rest complete.
 You swap places with your leib-olmai.
 Travel halted.
 There is a shimmering portal to Victory
 here. Press 'p', '<', or '>' to change
 Using magic map...
 Magic Map can only be aimed at yourself.
 Press Enter to execute, Escape to cancel.
 You use the magic map.
 Save and exit? (Y or N)
 Alright then.
 Are you sure you want to abandon the current
 game? If so, re-enter your summoner's name.
 You quit...

--==== Recently Slain Allies ====--

Name : Jinn
Level: 24
MaxHP: 95
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 27
Magic   : 48
Vitality: 34
Agility : 27
Cunning : 34

Immune: Fire
Resist: Dark
Weak  : Ice Light

Abilities Known:
1) Flame Arrow (Type: Fire, 20 SP. 85 Power attack. Has a 35% chance to Ignite the target, causing damage over a short duration.)
2) Fireball (Type: Fire, 25 SP. Attenuated 70 Power attack. Has a 35% chance to Ignite the targets, causing damage over a short duration.)
3) Disable Mind (Type: Mind, 30 SP. 40 Power attack. Has a 50% chance to inflict Sleep, preventing the target from acting for a few turns or until damaged. Cannot miss.)
4) Fiery Veil (Type: Fire, Reactive. Responds to damage dealt to you by adjacent characters with a 20 Power attack that has a 10% chance to Ignite the target, causing damage over a short duration. Cannot miss.)
5) Ritualist (Type: None, Passive. Reduces the SP cost of magical abilities that cost 20 or more SP by 5 if no Cantrip abilities are on cooldown. Cooldown: Cantrip (0))
6) ------------
7) ------------
8) ------------

Name : Leib-olmai
Level: 29
MaxHP: 107
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 68
Magic   : 37
Vitality: 45
Agility : 30
Cunning : 15

Resist: Ice Body Mind
Weak  : Fire

Abilities Known:
1) Rend Asunder (Type: Slash, 20 SP. 100 Power attack split between two Slash attacks.)
2) Life Pulse (Type: Healing, 20 SP. Only affects allies. 60 Power heal. Free action. Cooldown: Cantrip (5))
3) Hunter's Cry (Type: Buff, 35 SP. Briefly improves offense and accuracy by 25% for you and your allies. Cooldown: Presence (3))
4) Calming Rain (Type: Healing, 25 SP. Removes Stun, Sleep, Panic, and Charm.)
5) Ever Ready (Type: None, Passive. Increases SP regeneration by 200% when your SP is less than 15.)
6) ------------
7) ------------
8) ------------

Name : Ninkasi
Level: 27
MaxHP: 100
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 21
Magic   : 36
Vitality: 36
Agility : 46
Cunning : 46

Resist: Ice Body Mind
Weak  : Fire

Abilities Known:
1) Might (Type: Buff, 10 SP. Improves offense by 25%.)
2) Soothe (Type: Healing, 20 SP. Must target a character whose HP is more than 50% of their maximum. 105 Power heal.)
3) Alluring Gaze (Type: Mind, 20 SP. 70% chance to cause Charm, turning the target against its allies. Cooldown: Presence (6))
4) Charisma (Type: Mind, Passive. Reduces Presence cooldowns by 33% when your HP are at more than 50% of maximum.)
5) Ever Ready (Type: None, Passive. Increases SP regeneration by 200% when your SP is less than 15.)
6) Lifeweaver (Type: Healing, Passive. Reduces the SP cost of Healing abilities by 5, to a minimum of 0.)
7) Mending (Type: Healing, 20 SP. Cannot be used on Mended targets or enemies. 150 Power heal. Applies Mended.)
8) Ritualist (Type: None, Passive. Reduces the SP cost of magical abilities that cost 20 or more SP by 5 if no Cantrip abilities are on cooldown. Cooldown: Cantrip (0))

Name : Immortal Leib-olmai
Level: 29
MaxHP: 114
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 55
Magic   : 30
Vitality: 65
Agility : 33
Cunning : 12

Resist: Slash Impact Pierce Ice Body Mind
Weak  : Fire

Abilities Known:
1) Rend Asunder (Type: Slash, 20 SP. 100 Power attack split between two Slash attacks.)
2) Life Pulse (Type: Healing, 20 SP. Only affects allies. 60 Power heal. Free action. Cooldown: Cantrip (5))
3) Hunter's Cry (Type: Buff, 35 SP. Briefly improves offense and accuracy by 25% for you and your allies. Cooldown: Presence (3))
4) Calming Rain (Type: Healing, 25 SP. Removes Stun, Sleep, Panic, and Charm.)
5) Ever Ready (Type: None, Passive. Increases SP regeneration by 200% when your SP is less than 15.)
6) Low Profile (Type: Defense, Passive. Always dodge projectiles fired by allies unless directly targeted.)
7) Lucky Dodge (Type: Defense, Passive. Provides a 20% chance to dodge attacks. This works even when Stunned, Paralyzed, etc. Triggers a Luck cooldown when activated. Cooldown: Luck (3))
8) ------------

Name : Fatewarper Yuki-onna
Level: 27
MaxHP: 110
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 24
Magic   : 45
Vitality: 24
Agility : 24
Cunning : 68

Immune: Ice
Weak  : Fire

Abilities Known:
1) Snowstorm (Type: Ice, 40 SP. Attenuated 85 Power attack. Chills the targets, reducing their accuracy, evasion, and movement speed by 12%.)
2) Wintry Touch (Type: Ice, 20 SP. 100 Power attack. Chills the target, reducing their accuracy, evasion, and movement speed by 12%.)
3) Pink Whisper (Type: Mind, 25 SP. 70% chance to cause Charm, turning the target against its allies. Free action. Cooldown: Presence (6))
4) Haunt (Type: Dark, 25 SP. Must target an enemy. Warps you adjacent to the enemy, and has a 70% chance to delay the enemy's next turn. This is not considered a movement ability. Free action. Cooldown: Dark (4))
5) Tormentor (Type: None, Passive. Restores 5 SP when you deal damage to one or more characters that have negative status effects.)
6) Wither Host (Type: Debuff, 40 SP. 85% chance to reduce offense and accuracy by 20%.)
7) Vitiate Host (Type: Debuff, 40 SP. 85% chance to reduce defense and evasion by 20%.)
8) ------------

Name : Basilisk
Level: 30
MaxHP: 87
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 16
Magic   : 52
Vitality: 16
Agility : 64
Cunning : 52

Resist: Electricity
Weak  : Ice

Abilities Known:
1) Lethal Gaze (Type: Mind, 15 SP. 85 Power attack. Cannot miss. Cooldown: Presence (3))
2) Toxic Touch (Type: Body, 20 SP. 100 Power attack. Has a 70% chance to apply Poison, causing damage over time (can stack three times).)
3) Vile Alchemy (Type: Body, Passive. When you apply Poison to an already Poisoned target, you always increase the Poison stack level if it is not already at the maximum.)
4) Low Profile (Type: Defense, Passive. Always dodge projectiles fired by allies unless directly targeted.)
5) ------------
6) ------------
7) ------------
8) ------------

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Joined: Tue Oct 27, 2015 5:31 pm

Re: Turdak's Sanctum, YASD and ramblings

Postby Ferret » Sun Jun 18, 2017 12:32 pm

Well, this is definitely making me re-consider if I should add enemy-all versions of Snuff Out and Expel. :D

Somehow it never occured to me that Dreamstalker might get paired with those. :) Probably because Dreamstalker requires full health and instant-death spells (at least suggest) much lower health. :D Granted, having pretty much maximum Magic is also a factor... and is the one reason I don't have to nerf this necessarily, since your Relic Wraith will have far less Magic.

I'll look at Wild Frenzy again. Something weird definitely going on there, in general.

Definitely going to put a stop to the "spite Consuming" going on, but we discussed that elsewhere already. :D

Congrats on the win, particularly with a new (at least as far as I remember) sort of build. :D Thanks for the report!
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Re: Turdak's Sanctum, YASD and ramblings

Postby Ferret » Thu Jun 22, 2017 3:39 pm

grumble. Still 0 luck reproing the Wild Frenzy bug, and staring at the code until my eyes bleed hasn't produced it either :( I don't doubt it's there, but I'm going to have to let it go for this build. :( Worst case, I may eventually just make it a little less "wild" and have it not hit allies anymore. :P
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Re: Turdak's Sanctum, YASD and ramblings

Postby wizzzargh » Fri Jun 23, 2017 9:45 pm

Ferret wrote:grumble. Still 0 luck reproing the Wild Frenzy bug, and staring at the code until my eyes bleed hasn't produced it either :( I don't doubt it's there, but I'm going to have to let it go for this build. :( Worst case, I may eventually just make it a little less "wild" and have it not hit allies anymore. :P

I'd like to test it more myself (It's been in my head since i first noted the unfriendly fire in experimental) but it's a rare ability, so..
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Re: Turdak's Sanctum, YASD and ramblings

Postby Ferret » Sat Jun 24, 2017 3:21 am

Maybe I can come up with a new unique that uses it to seed it into the game a bit. :D
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Re: Turdak's Sanctum, YASD and ramblings

Postby wizzzargh » Thu Jul 06, 2017 5:10 am

Died to Mordecai. Just the usual sort of 'lose actions to Panic and stun and then fall into the 'he kills demons faster than you can summon them' thing. Probably woulda been fine if I had put points into VIT or had at least gotten Glacial Shell (and of course Quick Dismiss) but I was being all gimmicky. Truly Mordecai is my new Turdak.

I didn't get any currency relic upgrades, just to see what being poor was like. It wasn't too terrible, but I couldn't make vanity fusions and teach all the skills I wanted to all the overlevelled Raiju I had, and I had a mediocre spending spree on Revelation on a Raiju that only gave Stormcaller as anything that wasn't from tier 1. Also revive demon wasn't a great option any more either. And deleting things like level 11 Buruburu was more disappointing without Recycle giving me cash back. I had 2 Raiju from Ccoa's sanctum though, so I can't really speak to the actual difficulty of playing with less currency because 2 Raiju facerolled most things.

Refresh was useful with this character(I had extra SP due to Tormentor, Censure, and Vigorous being my usual actions), as was draw wounds(due to Guilt and Souleater). I think dismissing Kings Mien for VIgor Siphon was a mistake, and I forgot to get Twilight from Aithir. Ah well.

I already posted the character in the bug report thread and they didn't have anything superbly interesting going on, so yeh. Nowhere NEAR as cool as OneSnuffMan.
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Re: Turdak's Sanctum, YASD and ramblings

Postby wizzzargh » Thu Jul 06, 2017 10:39 am

Busted out a quick lame win


Started out with some hairbrained block physical/heavy guard build+high vit build that was pretty tough but also pretty terrible at killing things. Best defense is a strong offense and all that. Ended up giving up on Vit and becoming a sudden chiller nuker, only without the extreme magic it wasn't as effective. However I was still pretty tanky with all that vit and an Aurawarded Aithir Soul Armor and, Glacial Shell. Have I mentioned I think the block physical/element wards could maybe use a buff? I think I did. They just don't seem to stack up well compared to Defense Ups like oppressor, juggernaut, etc.
Dark and Light packs had a nasty tendency to smite my demons though since I was immune, and them focusing fire blew up quite a few of my demons.

It was late and I was tired and I ended up walking into early midgame with nothing but a Solid Blob that knew last defense. But I rallied for a complete win, so hey. I stabilized pretty quick in Turdak's sanctum (using Shock Dart spread among some acheri and junk to take him out). A lifegiver healer he had was actually really nice, since all my demons had splattered about.
When I was trying to recover from one sequence of bad play I used a mirror chime to try to get certain demons back. I didn't get my solid blob, but I deleted my old Lifegiver Acheri for the new lifegiver acheri. Mirror chimes are an interesting way to 'revive' your demons I think.

Turdak and my healers died a lot, and once I got recycle I could revive them a lot, and it was just terrible no-good sloppy play. I picked up Phoenix with a gold offering, but then decided to just charge for the victory portal since I wasn't going to leave an interesting ghost with all those uniques and a bog standard magic AoE build. I fought the wraith Lights Out twice on floor 21- the first time Ninkasi charmed him and the fight wasn't so bad, the second time my demons were dying left and right and I was too tired to think straight and then a deathworm pack obliterated some more demons so I ended up just running though the last 4-5 floors with 3 demons (or rather, a series of Heroic Links). If you didn't follow the chain of events there you aren't alone, I barely even know what happened myself. Latenight sleepless roguelike marathons!

Oh, I have been meaning to say that Buruburu/Ogre links are really great. Not as great as the headless link but close.

and, one last word, I used enemy lure in anomaly and Vikhor and a bunch of Profane Aeras with Bane appeared while my entire team was weak to Dark due to being Anomaly nerds. That was pretty great.

Code: Select all
Demon Party Dump File
Version 6/25/2017, Scoring Model: 5/26/2017
Dump file created at: 07/06/2017 04:16:46

Summoner Iron Mong...
was chosen by the Titan's Fist,
selected Defense and Defense as their starting elements,
has earned a score of 48082,
is currently at Tower:23,
and is still alive!

--==== Main Character ====--

Name : Iron Mong
Level: 27
MaxHP: 151
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 16
Magic   : 75
Vitality: 75
Agility : 13
Cunning : 6

Immune: Body Light Dark
Weak  : Fire Ice Electricity

Abilities Known:
1) Sudden Chill (Type: Ice, 25 SP. Only affects enemies. 40 Power attack. Chills all targets, reducing their accuracy, evasion, and movement speed by 12%. Cannot miss.)
2) Witch Cut (Type: Slash, 15 SP. 70 Power attack. Has a 50% chance to apply Hex, which reduces physical resistances (not immunity) by one level, and reduces physical damage dealt by 50%.)
3) Ritualist (Type: None, Passive. Reduces the SP cost of magical abilities that cost 20 or more SP by 5 if no Cantrip abilities are on cooldown. Cooldown: Cantrip (0))
4) Auraward (Type: Defense, Passive. If your last action was a Fire, Electricity, or Ice ability, you gain Resist against all three of these types.)
5) Frozen Heart (Type: Ice, Passive. Reduces the SP cost of Ice abilities by 5 if you used an Ice ability last turn.)
6) Glacial Shell (Type: Ice, Passive. Provides a 100% chance to block Slash, Impact, Pierce, Fire, Electricity, and Ice attacks. This works even when Stunned, Paralyzed, etc. Triggers a Cold cooldown when activated. Cooldown: Cold (4))
7) Counterattack (Type: Slash, Reactive. 50% chance to respond to damage dealt to you by adjacent enemies with a 55 Power attack.)
8) Diehard (Type: Defense, Passive. Prevents death, except by Ignite or Poison damage. May trigger an Endure cooldown when activated (more damage dealt = higher chance). Cooldown: Endure (5))

Relic Upgrades:
Fusion Saver (Reduces the cost of Fuse Demons by 25%.)
Soul Armor (Unlocks the Soul Armor transmutation, which lets you sacrifice a demon to copy its MaxHP modifier, Speed, immunities, resistances, and weaknesses to yourself.)
Enemy Lure (Unlocks the Enemy Lure transmutation, which allows you to reveal hidden demons in your surroundings. Some demons are very hard to find without this technique, but using it is not without risk...)
Recycle (Delete Demon now grants Credits based on the number of levels the demon has gained (more levels = more Credits).)
Quick Dismiss (Your first Dismiss each turn is a free action (can use Dismiss as a normal action afterwards.))

3 Bolt glyph
1 Gold offering
1 Zephyr card
2 Trouble chime
7 Heal gem
1 Red essence
2 Ghost chime
1 Orange essence
6 Pure stone
16 Heal stone
2 Peace offering
3 Frost glyph
2 Guardian gem
4 Chakra stone
1 Venom rune
2 Pain glyph
1 Mirror chime
1 Purple essence
1 Meteor rune
4 Pure gem
3 Chakra gem
1 Flame glyph
1 Heart glyph
1 Night rune
1 Silver offering
1 Calm card
1 White essence

Current Credits: 20350

Codex Daemonium Completion
Personal Codex : 56 / 135 (41% complete)

--==== Party Overview  ====--

Element      Users      Immune     Resistant  Normal     Weak       
Slash        2*         0          0          4*         0         
Impact       0          0          0          3*         1         
Pierce       0          0          1          3*         0         
Fire         0          0          0          0          4*         
Ice          1*         0          3          0          1*         
Electricity  0          0          0          3          1*         
Body         0          2*         1          1          0         
Mind         1          0          1          3*         0         
Light        0          1*         0          2          1         
Dark         0          2*         0          2          0         

n : Number of party members counted.
* : Denotes the main character is included.

--==== Current Party ====--

Name : Ninkasi
Level: 27
MaxHP: 100
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 21
Magic   : 36
Vitality: 36
Agility : 46
Cunning : 46

Resist: Ice Body Mind
Weak  : Fire

Abilities Known:
1) Might (Type: Buff, 10 SP. Improves offense by 25%.)
2) Soothe (Type: Healing, 20 SP. Must target a character whose HP is more than 50% of their maximum. 105 Power heal.)
3) Alluring Gaze (Type: Mind, 20 SP. 70% chance to cause Charm, turning the target against its allies. Cooldown: Presence (4))
4) Charisma (Type: Mind, Passive. Reduces Presence cooldowns by 33% when your HP are at more than 50% of maximum.)
5) Ever Ready (Type: None, Passive. Increases SP regeneration by 200% when your SP is less than 15.)
6) Heal Wounds (Type: Healing, 25 SP. 105 Power heal.)
7) Lifeweaver (Type: Healing, Passive. Reduces the SP cost of Healing abilities by 5, to a minimum of 0.)
8) Ritualist (Type: None, Passive. Reduces the SP cost of magical abilities that cost 20 or more SP by 5 if no Cantrip abilities are on cooldown. Cooldown: Cantrip (0))

Name : Thriceslain (Turdak)
Level: 24
MaxHP: 90
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 38
Magic   : 20
Vitality: 31
Agility : 44
Cunning : 37

Immune: Body Dark
Resist: Pierce Ice
Weak  : Impact Fire Light

Abilities Known:
1) Spin Slash (Type: Slash, 15 SP. 70 Power attack. Also considered a movement ability.)
2) Slash Dance (Type: Slash, 15 SP. 70 Power attack, enemies only. Also considered a movement ability. Cooldown: Breath (2))
3) Evade Step (Type: Defense, Passive. Gain a 25% chance to dodge attacks when your last action was movement or a movement ability.)
4) Numbing (Type: Body, Passive. Provides a 20% chance for your Slash, Impact, and Pierce attacks to apply Paralysis, causing the target to frequently miss their turns.)
5) Swiftness (Type: None, Passive. Reduces the turn cost of movement and movement abilities by 20%.)
6) Bloodlust (Type: None, Passive. Restores SP per target damaged when you deal damage with Slash, Impact, or Pierce abilities. 5 SP for the first target, 4 SP for the second, etc. No further recovery after 5 targets.)
7) Crusader (Type: Light, Passive. Provides a 35% chance for your Slash, Impact, and Pierce attacks to apply Guilt, healing those who damage the target (excluding reactions).)
8) Mobility (Type: None, Passive. Reduces the turn cost of movement and movement abilities by 30% if no Charge abilities are on cooldown. Cooldown: Charge (0))

Name : RevivedIII (Lifebender Hob)
Level: 24
MaxHP: 118
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 22
Magic   : 52
Vitality: 47
Agility : 19
Cunning : 30

Resist: Ice
Weak  : Fire

Abilities Known:
1) Calm (Type: Healing, 15 SP. Removes Stun, Sleep, Panic, and Charm.)
2) Refresh (Type: Healing, 5 SP. Transfers up to 15 SP from the user to the target. Free action. Cooldown: Cantrip (1))
3) Soothe (Type: Healing, 20 SP. Must target a character whose HP is more than 50% of their maximum. 105 Power heal.)
4) Regenerate (Type: Healing, 25 SP. Bestows Regeneration, restoring health over time.)
5) Mending Aura (Type: Healing, 25 SP. Only affects wounded allies who are not Mended. 150 Power heal. Applies Mended.)
6) Lucky Aid (Type: Healing, 0 SP. One effect chosen at random for the target: Heal 50% HP (unaffected by your Magic bonus), restores 50 SP, or removes all negative status effects. Cooldown: Luck (3))
7) Cleansing Dance (Type: Healing, 15 SP. Removes Poison, Infection, and Paralysis from allies. Also considered a movement ability. Cooldown: Breath (6))
8) Ritualist (Type: None, Passive. Reduces the SP cost of magical abilities that cost 20 or more SP by 5 if no Cantrip abilities are on cooldown. Cooldown: Cantrip (0))

--==== Recent Messages ====--

 The jotunn hits your charun.
 The jotunn freezes your charun.
 The charun scourges your charun.
 It isn't very effective.
 Your charun scourges the jotunn. (x3)
 Your charun scourges the charun.
 It isn't very effective.
 The jotunn smashes your charun.
 The jotunn freezes your charun.
 Your charun will be shivering longer!
 The jotunn smashes your charun.
 The jotunn freezes your charun.
 Your charun slams the jotunn.
 The jotunn smashes your charun.
 The jotunn freezes your charun.
 Your charun will be shivering longer!
 The jotunn smashes your charun.
 The jotunn freezes your charun.
 The jotunn kills your charun!!
 You fail to link with your charun!
 You are no longer heroic.
 You leap into action!
 Word of your failure spreads!
 You pick up the small cache.
 Your relic absorbs 181 C.
 You have spotted an enemy!
 The jotunn charges you.
 You block the jotunn's attack!
 Using Summon...
 Nevermind then.
 There is a shimmering portal to Victory
 here. Press 'p', '<', or '>' to change
 Really win the game and start a new cycle?
 (Y or N)
 You have not used Enemy Lure yet. Do you
 still wish to leave the level? (Y or N)
 Alright then.
 Using Enemy Lure...
 Enemy Lure attempts to draw out hidden
 Additional enemy presence detected!
 The archangel appears out of nowhere! (x4)
 The virtue appears out of nowhere! (x2)
 The jotunn smashes you.
 The jotunn freezes you.
 It's super effective! You feel cold!
 Really win the game and start a new cycle?
 (Y or N)
 You win!

--==== Recently Slain Allies ====--

Name : Imbued Mananangal
Level: 21
MaxHP: 86
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 12
Magic   : 44
Vitality: 15
Agility : 40
Cunning : 44

Immune: Dark
Resist: Mind
Weak  : Body Light

Abilities Known:
1) Slow (Type: Debuff, 25 SP. 70% chance to reduce speed by 33%.)
2) Weaken Host (Type: Debuff, 25 SP. 85% chance to reduce offense by 20%.)
3) Blight (Type: Dark, 30 SP. Only affects enemies with one or more negative status effects. 62 Power attack, plus 8 Power per negative status effect on the target. Cannot miss. Cooldown: Dark (6))
4) Witch's Mien (Type: Dark, Passive. Your Light and Dark attacks may apply Ignite, Poison, Charm, Hex, and Pariah at random to targets who have a negative status effect.)
5) Alert (Type: Buff, 10 SP. Improves evasion by 25%.)
6) Battle Cry (Type: Buff, 15 SP. Briefly improves offense by 25% for you and your allies. Cooldown: Presence (3))
7) ------------
8) ------------

Name : Baleful Kitsune
Level: 23
MaxHP: 93
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 10
Magic   : 48
Vitality: 21
Agility : 35
Cunning : 51

Immune: Dark
Resist: Mind
Weak  : Body

Abilities Known:
1) Shock Dart (Type: Electricity, 15 SP. 70 Power attack. Has a 10% chance to inflict Shock, causing the target to miss their next turn.)
2) Thunderous (Type: Electricity, Passive. Shocking a target also has a 70% chance to delay the next turn of nearby enemies.)
3) Distract (Type: Debuff, 15 SP. 85% chance to reduce accuracy by 20%.)
4) Fade (Type: Buff, 5 SP. Briefly improves evasion by 25%. Free action. Cooldown: Cantrip (3))
5) Emit Void (Type: Dark, 10 SP. 70 Power attack. Cannot miss. Cooldown: Dark (1))
6) Emit Null (Type: Dark, 10 SP. 85 Power attack. Cannot miss. Cooldown: Dark (2))
7) Grand Cleave (Type: Slash, 20 SP. 85 Power attack.)
8) ------------

Name : Shisa
Level: 16
MaxHP: 73
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 37
Magic   : 29
Vitality: 29
Agility : 20
Cunning : 15

Resist: Light Dark
Weak  : Fire

Abilities Known:
1) Leap Attack (Type: Slash, 20 SP. Must target a character. Leap to the target with an 85 Power attack. Inflicts Stun, causing the target to miss their next turn. Cooldown: Charge (8))
2) Holy Word (Type: Light, 20 SP. Attenuated 0-85 Power attack, based on the user's SP (max SP = 85 Power). Cooldown: Breath (4))
3) Focusing Cry (Type: Buff, 15 SP. Briefly improves accuracy by 25% for you and your allies. Cooldown: Presence (3))
4) Cursebreak Cut (Type: Slash, 20 SP. 70 Power attack. Removes Offense Down, Defense Down, Accuracy Down, Evasion Down, and Speed Down from you or a nearby ally.)
5) Exorcist's Mien (Type: Light, Passive. Your Light and Dark attacks deal 20% more damage to targets weak to Light.)
6) ------------
7) ------------
8) ------------

Name : Sainted Tlaloc
Level: 28
MaxHP: 114
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 21
Magic   : 74
Vitality: 37
Agility : 21
Cunning : 37

Immune: Ice Electricity Light Dark
Weak  : Fire

Abilities Known:
1) Snowstorm (Type: Ice, 40 SP. Attenuated 85 Power attack. Chills the targets, reducing their accuracy, evasion, and movement speed by 12%.)
2) Storm Strike (Type: Electricity, 20 SP. 85 Power attack. Has a 20% chance to inflict Shock, causing the targets to miss their next turn. 70% chance to hit, unaffected by accuracy and evasion.)
3) Cleansing Rain (Type: Healing, 25 SP. Removes Poison, Infection, and Paralysis.)
4) Healing Rain (Type: Healing, 35 SP. 105 Power heal.)
5) Meditate (Type: Healing, 0 SP. Restores 10 SP. Cooldown: Cantrip (0))
6) Vengeful (Type: None, Passive. Responds to damage dealt to you by enemies by restoring 3 SP.)
7) Ritualist (Type: None, Passive. Reduces the SP cost of magical abilities that cost 20 or more SP by 5 if no Cantrip abilities are on cooldown. Cooldown: Cantrip (0))
8) Wrath (Type: Light, 15 SP. 70 Power attack. Cannot miss. Cooldown: Light (2))

Name : Gold (Phoenix)
Level: 28
MaxHP: 105
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 26
Magic   : 42
Vitality: 26
Agility : 54
Cunning : 42

Immune: Fire
Resist: Ice Light
Weak  : Dark

Abilities Known:
1) Burning Claw (Type: Slash, 10 SP. 100 Power attack split between Slash and Fire. Has a 35% chance to Ignite the target, causing damage over a short duration.)
2) Burning Scythe (Type: Slash, 20 SP. 100 Power attack, split between Slash and Fire. Has a 35% chance to Ignite the target, causing damage over a short duration.)
3) Crusader (Type: Light, Passive. Provides a 35% chance for your Slash, Impact, and Pierce attacks to apply Guilt, healing those who damage the target (excluding reactions).)
4) Warmth (Type: Fire, Passive. Increases HP and SP regeneration based on the number of Ignited characters you can see (more characters = larger bonus, with diminishing returns.))
5) Mobility (Type: None, Passive. Reduces the turn cost of movement and movement abilities by 30% if no Charge abilities are on cooldown. Cooldown: Charge (0))
6) Eternal Glory (Type: Healing, Passive. Fully restores MaxHP and then HP when HP reaches 0. Cooldown: Soul (90))
7) Fiery Veil (Type: Fire, Reactive. Responds to damage dealt to you by adjacent characters with a 20 Power attack that has a 10% chance to Ignite the target, causing damage over a short duration. Cannot miss.)
8) ------------

Name : Pele
Level: 26
MaxHP: 108
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 21
Magic   : 70
Vitality: 32
Agility : 32
Cunning : 25

Immune: Fire
Resist: Electricity
Weak  : Ice

Abilities Known:
1) Flame Arrow (Type: Fire, 20 SP. 85 Power attack. Has a 35% chance to Ignite the target, causing damage over a short duration.)
2) Rain of Fire (Type: Fire, 35 SP. Attenuated 85 Power attack. Has a 35% chance to Ignite the targets, causing damage over a short duration.)
3) Firestarter (Type: Fire, Passive. Increases your chance to apply Ignite by 50% of the original chance.)
4) Warmth (Type: Fire, Passive. Increases HP and SP regeneration based on the number of Ignited characters you can see (more characters = larger bonus, with diminishing returns.))
5) Alluring Veil (Type: Mind, Reactive. 20% chance to Charm adjacent characters that deal damage to you, turning them against their allies.)
6) Vigorous (Type: None, Passive. Increases SP regeneration by 50%.)
7) Innocence (Type: Mind, Passive. Increases offense, defense, accuracy, and evasion by 33%, and status accuracy and status resistance by 16%, versus opponents at full HP. (Bonuses are affected by Mind resistance.))
8) Pink Whisper (Type: Mind, 25 SP. 70% chance to cause Charm, turning the target against its allies. Free action. Cooldown: Presence (6))

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Joined: Tue Oct 27, 2015 5:31 pm


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