For my next climb, I decided to go with healing build again and put my points into having deep pockets. Thus the name.
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Demon Party Dump File
Version 6/4/2021, Scoring Model: 5/31/2021
Dump file created at: 6/30/2021 12:35:46 AM
Summoner Deep Pockets...
was chosen by the Crown of Glory,
selected Healing as their starting element,
has earned a score of 3854,
is currently at oUr SaNcTuM1!1,
and is still alive!
--==== Main Character ====--
Name : Deep Pockets
Level: 8
MaxHP: 68
MaxSP: 125
Strength: 15
Magic : 35
Vitality: 24
Agility : 10
Cunning : 10
Resist: Body
Weak : Dark
Soul Brand:
Ri-Po (Lv.3)
Magic: +4
SP Costs: -9%
Abilities Known:
1) Heal Wounds (Type: Healing, 25 SP. 105 Power heal.)
2) Lucky Aid (Type: Healing, 0 SP. One effect chosen at random for the target: Heal 50% HP (unaffected by your Magic bonus), restores 50 SP, or removes all negative status effects. Cooldown: Luck (3))
3) Flash Heal (Type: Healing, 15 SP. 60 Power heal. Free action. Cooldown: Cantrip (3))
4) Mending (Type: Healing, 20 SP. Cannot be used on Mended targets or enemies. 150 Power heal. Applies Mended.)
5) Regenerate (Type: Healing, 25 SP. Bestows Regeneration, restoring health over time.)
6) Stellar Nova (Type: Light, 35 SP. Attenuated 40 Power attack, enemies only. Attenuated 60 Power heal, allies only.)
7) Dazzling Veil (Type: Mind, Reactive. 20% chance to Stun adjacent characters that deal damage to you, causing them to miss their next turn.)
8) Tireless (Type: None, Passive. Increases MaxSP by 25.)
Relic Upgrades:
Capacity Up IV (Grants additional storage capacity for demon allies, allowing for a total of 7 at once.)
Copy Saver (Reduces the cost of Copy Ability by 33%.)
Fast Dismiss (Changes Dismiss to a fast action: it only takes half the time most actions do.)
14 Heal stone
1 Calm card
3 Pure stone
1 Pure gem
3 Chakra stone
1 Flame glyph
2 Ghost chime
1 Guardian gem
1 Zephyr card
1 Pain glyph
1 Chakra gem
1 Mirror chime
Qu-Du-Dis (Lv.1)
Base Magic is 15 or more
Vitality: +4
Agility: +4
Wa-Po-So (Lv.2)
Is a Summoner
Magic: +7
Remove Weak: Pierce
Mi (Lv.3)
Strength: +6
Wa (Lv.3)
Remove Weak: Fire
Ri-Po (Lv.3)
Magic: +4
SP Costs: -9%
Ra-Fo (Lv.4)
4+ Electricity abilities
Speed: +13%
Ra-Vu-Dis (Lv.6)
Base Magic is 15 or more
Weak: Light
Speed: +19%
Ef-Na-Tra (Lv.6)
HP equal to MaxHP
Cunning: -3
SP per Turn: +2.3
Sa-Ri-Res-Rel (Lv.6)
No base SP cost above 5
SP equal to MaxSP
SP Costs: -29%
HP per Turn: +2.4% of MaxHP
Ra-Fr-Tir (Lv.6)
SP equal to or less than 50
Vitality: -15
Speed: +22%
Ri (Lv.6)
SP Costs: -13%
Sa-We-Em (Lv.6)
4 or less abilities
Strength: -3
HP per Turn: +2.1% of MaxHP
Current Credits: 2122
--==== Party Overview ====--
Element Users Immune Resistant Normal Weak
Slash 3 0 1 6* 1
Impact 1 0 1 6* 1
Pierce 2 0 1 6* 1
Fire 0 0 1 6* 1
Ice 1 0 1 6* 1
Electricity 0 0 1 4* 3
Body 0 2 3* 3 0
Mind 0 0 3 5* 0
Matter 0 2 1 5* 0
Light 3* 0 2 4* 2
Dark 0 0 2 3 3*
n : Number of party members counted.
* : Denotes the main character is included.
--==== Current Party ====--
Name : Homunculus
Level: 7
MaxHP: 52
MaxSP: 100
Strength: 16
Magic : 16
Vitality: 16
Agility : 16
Cunning : 16
Resist: Body Mind
Weak : Light Dark
Abilities Known:
1) Icetouch (Type: Ice, Passive. Causes your Slash, Impact, and Pierce attacks to apply Chill briefly, reducing accuracy, evasion, and movement speed slightly.)
2) Daring Cut (Type: Slash, 15 SP. 70 Power attack. Briefly increases your or a nearby ally's offense by 25%.)
3) Leadership (Type: Buff, Passive. Accelerates the next turn of a nearby ally when you use Slash, Impact, or Pierce abilities to deal damage to one or more characters.)
4) Calming Aura (Type: Healing, Reactive. Each standard turn, reduce the duration of your and all visible allies' Mind status effects (except Stun) by 0.5 turns.)
5) Bloodlust (Type: None, Passive. Restores SP per target damaged when you deal damage with Slash, Impact, or Pierce abilities. 5 SP for the first target, 4 SP for the second, etc. No further recovery after 5 targets.)
6) Cleansing Aura (Type: Healing, Reactive. Each standard turn, reduce the duration of your and all visible allies' Body status effects by 0.5 turns.)
7) Earth Break (Type: Impact, 25 SP. 70 Power attack.)
8) Bull Rush (Type: Impact, 10 SP. Must target a character. Charge to the target with a 70 Power attack. Inflicts Stun, causing the target to miss their next turn. Cooldown: Charge (6))
Name : Lifegiver Gandayah
Level: 7
MaxHP: 59
MaxSP: 125
Strength: 13
Magic : 23
Vitality: 26
Agility : 9
Cunning : 9
Resist: Electricity
Weak : Fire
Abilities Known:
1) Relief (Type: Healing, 15 SP. Removes Blind, Melting, Harden, Stone, and Held.)
2) Tireless (Type: None, Passive. Increases MaxSP by 25.)
3) Mending (Type: Healing, 20 SP. Cannot be used on Mended targets or enemies. 150 Power heal. Applies Mended.)
4) Flash Heal (Type: Healing, 15 SP. 60 Power heal. Free action. Cooldown: Cantrip (3))
5) Affection (Type: Healing, 25 SP. 60-130 Power heal, based on your remaining HP (more HP = higher Power).)
6) Regenerate (Type: Healing, 25 SP. Bestows Regeneration, restoring health over time.)
7) Cleansing Aura (Type: Healing, Reactive. Each standard turn, reduce the duration of your and all visible allies' Body status effects by 0.5 turns.)
8) Calming Aura (Type: Healing, Reactive. Each standard turn, reduce the duration of your and all visible allies' Mind status effects (except Stun) by 0.5 turns.)
Name : Echeneis
Level: 7
MaxHP: 51
MaxSP: 100
Strength: 12
Magic : 18
Vitality: 23
Agility : 16
Cunning : 11
Resist: Ice
Weak : Electricity
Abilities Known:
1) Chilling Touch (Type: Ice, 5 SP. 70 Power attack. Chills the target, reducing their accuracy, evasion, and movement speed slightly.)
2) Deep Chill (Type: Ice, Passive. Increases the duration of your Chill effects by 3 turns.)
3) Headwind (Type: Ice, Passive. Ice attacks delay the next turn of targets that moved during their previous turn.)
4) Icetouch (Type: Ice, Passive. Causes your Slash, Impact, and Pierce attacks to apply Chill briefly, reducing accuracy, evasion, and movement speed slightly.)
5) Tormentor (Type: None, Passive. Restores 5 SP when you deal damage to one or more characters that have negative status effects.)
6) Refresh (Type: Healing, 5 SP. Transfers up to 15 SP from the user to the target. Free action. Cooldown: Cantrip (1))
7) Stellar Nova (Type: Light, 35 SP. Attenuated 40 Power attack, enemies only. Attenuated 60 Power heal, allies only.)
8) Calming Aura (Type: Healing, Reactive. Each standard turn, reduce the duration of your and all visible allies' Mind status effects (except Stun) by 0.5 turns.)
Name : Maj. Will o' wisp
Level: 7
MaxHP: 41
MaxSP: 100
Strength: 14
Magic : 10
Vitality: 14
Agility : 27
Cunning : 15
Immune: Body Matter
Resist: Slash Impact Pierce Mind
Weak : Electricity Light Dark
Abilities Known:
1) Ghost Pierce (Type: Pierce, 15 SP. 70 Power attack. Moves you to different, randomly selected, position adjacent to the target.)
2) Evade Step (Type: Defense, Passive. Gain a 25% chance to dodge attacks when your last action was movement or a movement ability.)
3) Souleater (Type: Dark, Reactive. Responds to a visible character's death by attacking them with a drain that heals you for 10% of their maximum HP.)
4) Daring Cut (Type: Slash, 15 SP. 70 Power attack. Briefly increases your or a nearby ally's offense by 25%.)
5) Leadership (Type: Buff, Passive. Accelerates the next turn of a nearby ally when you use Slash, Impact, or Pierce abilities to deal damage to one or more characters.)
6) Rabblerouser (Type: Buff, Passive. Your abilities that increase the offense, defense, accuracy, evasion, or speed of allies also accelerate their next turn.)
7) Absolving Cut (Type: Slash, 20 SP. 70 Power attack. Removes Guilt, Mute, Pariah, and Hex from you or a nearby ally.)
8) Calming Aura (Type: Healing, Reactive. Each standard turn, reduce the duration of your and all visible allies' Mind status effects (except Stun) by 0.5 turns.)
Name : Artemis
Level: 8
MaxHP: 53
MaxSP: 100
Strength: 21
Magic : 8
Vitality: 11
Agility : 28
Cunning : 17
Resist: Body Light Dark
Weak : Slash Impact Pierce
Abilities Known:
1) Arc Needle (Type: Pierce, 20 SP. 70 Power attack.)
2) Intent (Type: Buff, 5 SP. Briefly improves accuracy by 25%. Free action. Cooldown: Cantrip (3))
3) Bloodlust (Type: None, Passive. Restores SP per target damaged when you deal damage with Slash, Impact, or Pierce abilities. 5 SP for the first target, 4 SP for the second, etc. No further recovery after 5 targets.)
4) Venomous (Type: Body, Passive. Provides a 35% chance for your Slash, Impact, and Pierce attacks to apply Poison, causing damage over time (can stack three times).)
5) Tormentor (Type: None, Passive. Restores 5 SP when you deal damage to one or more characters that have negative status effects.)
6) Leadership (Type: Buff, Passive. Accelerates the next turn of a nearby ally when you use Slash, Impact, or Pierce abilities to deal damage to one or more characters.)
7) Calming Aura (Type: Healing, Reactive. Each standard turn, reduce the duration of your and all visible allies' Mind status effects (except Stun) by 0.5 turns.)
8) Icetouch (Type: Ice, Passive. Causes your Slash, Impact, and Pierce attacks to apply Chill briefly, reducing accuracy, evasion, and movement speed slightly.)
Name : Culler Kasha
Level: 6
MaxHP: 45
MaxSP: 100
Strength: 8
Magic : 17
Vitality: 18
Agility : 18
Cunning : 21
Resist: Fire Light Dark Matter
Weak : Ice
Soul Brand:
Du (Lv.6)
Vitality: +7
Abilities Known:
1) Fiery Claw (Type: Slash, 5 SP. 85 Power attack split between Slash and Fire. Has a 35% chance to Ignite the target, causing damage over a short duration.)
2) Weigh Sin (Type: Light, 15 SP. 85% chance to inflict Guilt, healing those who damage the target (excluding reactions).)
3) Tormentor (Type: None, Passive. Restores 5 SP when you deal damage to one or more characters that have negative status effects.)
4) Daring Cut (Type: Slash, 15 SP. 70 Power attack. Briefly increases your or a nearby ally's offense by 25%.)
5) Bloodlust (Type: None, Passive. Restores SP per target damaged when you deal damage with Slash, Impact, or Pierce abilities. 5 SP for the first target, 4 SP for the second, etc. No further recovery after 5 targets.)
6) Calming Aura (Type: Healing, Reactive. Each standard turn, reduce the duration of your and all visible allies' Mind status effects (except Stun) by 0.5 turns.)
7) Cleansing Aura (Type: Healing, Reactive. Each standard turn, reduce the duration of your and all visible allies' Body status effects by 0.5 turns.)
8) Leadership (Type: Buff, Passive. Accelerates the next turn of a nearby ally when you use Slash, Impact, or Pierce abilities to deal damage to one or more characters.)
Name : Blessed Ruhin
Level: 9
MaxHP: 52
MaxSP: 100
Strength: 7
Magic : 14
Vitality: 18
Agility : 24
Cunning : 27
Immune: Body Matter
Resist: Mind
Weak : Electricity
Soul Brand:
Ri (Lv.6)
SP Costs: -13%
Abilities Known:
1) Focus (Type: Buff, 10 SP. Improves accuracy by 25%.)
2) Alert (Type: Buff, 10 SP. Improves evasion by 25%.)
3) Calm (Type: Healing, 15 SP. Removes Stun, Sleep, Panic, and Charm.)
4) Blessweaver (Type: Buff, Passive. Reduces the SP cost of Buff abilities by 5, to a minimum of 0.)
5) Protect (Type: Buff, 10 SP. Improves defense by 25%.)
6) Rousing Cry (Type: Buff, 5 SP. Accelerates the next turn of all nearby allies. Cooldown: Presence (4))
7) Refresh (Type: Healing, 5 SP. Transfers up to 15 SP from the user to the target. Free action. Cooldown: Cantrip (1))
8) Calming Aura (Type: Healing, Reactive. Each standard turn, reduce the duration of your and all visible allies' Mind status effects (except Stun) by 0.5 turns.)
--==== Recent Messages ====--
Your kasha is refreshed for 5 SP.
You feel energized!
The aithir gestures at your kasha.
Your kasha slows down!
The chaos drains your kasha for 8.
The chaos is healed for 4.
Your ruhin shouts a rousing cry.
You leap into action!
Your kasha leaps into action!
You are in danger!
Using Regenerate...
Aim within the possible target area using
movement keys. Press Enter to execute, Escape to
You gesture at yourself.
You begin to regenerate!
Your kasha claws the chaos for 4.
Your kasha sears the chaos for 4.
The chaos will be burning longer!
Your kasha is refreshed for 5 SP.
You feel energized!
The glitch stares at your ruhin.
Your ruhin resists.
The glitch hits your kasha for 7.
The aithir gestures at the aithir.
The aithir is refreshed for 50 SP.
One of your allies is in danger!
Using Summon...
Aim within the possible target area using
movement keys. Press Enter to execute, Escape to
You summon your will o' wisp!
The aithir gestures at your will o' wisp.
Your will o' wisp slows down!
The chaos drains your kasha for 9.
The chaos is healed for 5.
Your homunculus' power returns to normal.
Your gandayah is no longer charmed.
Your echeneis is no longer charmed.
Artemis is no longer charmed.
The aithir throws a shining dart at your will o'
The aithir smites your will o' wisp for 11.
It's super effective!
The glitch edits your kasha for 6.
The chaos can be mended again.
Your ruhin gestures at you.
You feel more evasive!
Your kasha claws the chaos for 5.
Your kasha sears the chaos for 5.
The chaos will be burning longer!
Your kasha is refreshed for 5 SP.
Your ruhin looks energized!
The aithir gestures at the chaos.
The chaos is healed for 17.
Using Flash Heal...
Aim within the possible target area using
movement keys. Press Enter to execute, Escape to
You gesture at your kasha.
Your kasha is healed for 7.
Using Focus Fire...
Aim within the possible target area using
movement keys. Press Enter to execute, Escape to
You shout and point at the chaos.
Your kasha accepts your order!
Your will o' wisp glares defiantly!
Using Lucky Aid...
Aim within the possible target area using
movement keys. Press Enter to execute, Escape to
Nevermind then.
Using heal stone...
Aim within the possible target area using
movement keys. Press Enter to execute, Escape to
You use the heal stone.
Your kasha is healed for 23.
The chaos drains your kasha for 8.
The chaos is healed for 4.
Your homunculus is no longer melting.
The aithir hits your will o' wisp for 2.
It isn't very effective.
Your kasha's power returns to normal.
Your homunculus' speed returns to normal.
The glitch edits your will o' wisp for 8.
Your will o' wisp looks less evasive!
Your will o' wisp is no longer charmed.
Your will o' wisp slashes the aithir for 7.
Your kasha looks more powerful!
Your kasha looks energized! (x2)
Your kasha claws the chaos for 4.
Your kasha sears the chaos for 5.
Your kasha is refreshed for 5 SP.
Your ruhin leaps into action!
Your ruhin hits the aithir for 5.
The aithir gestures at itself.
The aithir is healed for 18.
One of your allies is in danger!
The results, I'd say, are very mixed. I had a run of bad luck trying to find any good passives that'd boost my healing or reduce SP costs. I did get stellar nova, which is really neat, but it's very taxing on my SP. And I need that for more focused healing.
Heals are really nice, but I have to stretch them out if I want to win a battle, and even then they're not always enough. With my lack of resistances, plus being in front by virtue of being a summoner, it's all too easy to shut the healer down. I probably need some sort of other sustain on my demons to back the heals. Something like guilt, or a passive, or maybe a materia siphon? Hmmm...
I've played around with lucky aid, because between mending, healing and flash healing, I've got all the bases covered already. Lucky Aid is... fun, but risky, best used after the fight's already broken out, but not falling apart yet. Unfortunately, that line is thin and blurry, and oftentimes lucky aid just did nothing. Right now I'm waiting for a good passive to swap it out with. I've considered Calm, but that's what the auras are for, right?
I also played with auras. They're not that strong, but I like that they work all the time, and there's something satisfying in running the clock on statuses 2.5 times faster. (If I survive this dang fight) I'll keep sticking both cleansing and calming auras into any demon I recruit.
The run went decently okay, I got a team of physical attackers backed by bloodlust and leadership, with the idea that they'll slash to boost their offensive, and then tear through the enemy with deep pockets of SP and extra turns. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't, it was strong, but brittle. I also recruited a fish (echeneis) to steal icetouch and maybe use it as a mage of sorts.
I did have a few close calls, with my stamina running out too quickly and me not being able to support my team when it happens. I also found out that I'm just not great at this. I keep applying Regen to ignited\melting demons, for example.
It started falling apart in anomaly though. Enemies do a lot of damage, I don't, any my demons are kinda on the fragile side. I also almost died to aerasi, just like the old good times! They had Mighty Spells to rub the salt in my shocked wound, too. They got a lucky streak and shocked me twice in 3 turns, forcing me and my demons into preservation. I pulled back via wind card, and had to use a second healer, blessed ruhin which I found and a fish (echeneis). Surprisingly that worked better than trying to go quick and hit hard.
Right now I'm fighting a group of lifegivers backed by a glitch. They have mending and... three Lucky Aids... I get one of them wounded, out goes the mending. I almost kill a chaos, it regains 50% of health. They're out of SP, until they're not. Statuses are right out. All the while, the glitch is messing with my relic and killing my buffs.
I almost died to them, too. Well-timed Disconnect and a well-placed kill on Artemis made me very vulnerable, and I was reduced to 1/2 HP, alone. But then, Deep Pockets pulled a pure stone from their pocket and ate it, giving them a second chance!
And now I'm stuck. Ugh. I don't want to pull out of sanctum, but I don't see a way of winning this.