Yet another YASD thread

The tower awaits!

Re: Yet another YASD thread

Postby Troubler » Tue May 22, 2018 4:09 am

Had a pretty good run this time, but I'm still figuring out when to dump out old demons.
My party just kind of teetered out around level 10ish and cumulative maxHP damage finally did me in.
My team of Maj. Ogre, the slaver dog guy, angel, and friends were holding up pretty well until that point.

Although it didn't turn out as well as my one run where I got to level 16, I finally figured out how to handle those creepy hand things without ditching the whole level.
Managed to even recruit one but didn't get to do much with it before more powerful enemies floored me.

I'm guessing the game is pointing me toward figuring out how to work with weaknesses/resistances. Since I've just been bludgeoning things.
This seems like the next step to making progress. But at least the constant wraith deaths are probably coming to an end.
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Re: Yet another YASD thread

Postby Ferret » Tue May 22, 2018 11:13 pm

Weaknesses/resistances are definitely important. :D It's important to have a decent variety of elemental types among both your party's attacks and their resistances/immunities, and to avoid having too many with the same weakness. Be ready to adjust your usual active party based on nasty encounters that you need to focus more on weakness/resistance management with, but be especially aware of your own status on these fronts, since of course you can't unsummon yourself. :D

It sounds like you're making good progress. :D Keep it up! :D
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Re: Yet another YASD thread

Postby Troubler » Wed May 23, 2018 6:10 pm

Yeah. I kept noticing huge chunks of my party would have a weakness to lightning. That would get me in trouble a lot.
So fixing this was a priority, and no longer an issue. My own resistances were pretty simple, just pro-light and anti-dark.

Made more progress last night, and was able to handle a lot of enemies I had to run from before.
I've still been mostly neglecting resistance, even though I said I wouldn't.
It tends to be hard to justify swapping out someone for a relatively inferior demon over a resistance.
Though I have also figured out where I was being an idiot.
I had been focusing on agility for a crown buff/melee character, just to get in hits to have the buffs trigger.
This time I pumped up strength instead and had a lot easier time with things. Most of my accuracy worries were unfounded.

Got around level 15, but was sandwiched between two nasty mobs while escaping mummies I was trying to kill at range.
Death was relatively quick and painless this time around. Though it was due entirely to my hubris.
But part of it is, with strict anti-grind roguelikes, it can be hard to gauge how forgiving the developer will be for missing EXP.

The unique ogre guy really carried me through most of it. And early on I had too many uniques to know what to do with.
Started testing out some range/elemental based monsters to see what they could do.
That Cocoa dog unique did okay, but was somewhat underwhelming. And later I tried a desmas for my elemental guy.
It wasn't that useful really. Often I forgot it was there. Eventually it croaked from my neglect.

The game is deceptively time-consuming. Even with the pretty bare dungeons, I always descend much slower than I expect.
Though encounters and strategies are pretty reliable and repeatable, so it's never too hard to get back where I was.
Also I met Bahoment for the first time. Screw that guy.
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Joined: Tue May 15, 2018 11:55 pm

Re: Yet another YASD thread

Postby Ferret » Fri May 25, 2018 3:02 pm

Electricity's one of the nastier weaknesses: almost all of its attacks combine high damage with a chance to be Shocked (which leaves you unable to act or avoid attacks for a turn) Raichos exist in part as an early lesson in how ugly this can get, even on a very fragile melee-only Electricity-using enemy. :D

A little Agility can be nice, but at the moment even I admit is hard to justify going overboard on it. You'll hit things just fine for the most part if you keep adding 1 point per level, and even that can be skipped if you keep a reliable source of ACC Up or EVD Down in your active party.

Demon is built to be very forgiving for missing EXP. You'll have tough times for awhile if you miss a big chunk of it (for example, by having to bail on part of Anomaly, or getting chased off a floor), but you'll recover.

Mioachoadin (even I'm not sure I can spell it right without cheating and looking it up in the data files) is one of the best early uniques probably. :) He's especially funny when you remember Mighty Roar being Impact means it can trigger all sorts of passives that normally don't work on other breath weapons, like Venomous, Vampirism, etc.

:D What went wrong with Baphomet?
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Re: Yet another YASD thread

Postby Troubler » Sat May 26, 2018 5:58 pm

I'm glad the EXP penalties are forgiving. Being able to walk away is an important part of any roguelike.
After some post-victory spoiling, I noticed that the score is heavily based on EXP or something like that.
So that seems pretty smart, you get the best of both worlds there.

As for baphomet. He's just a jerk. He wanted me to kill half my guys and dump all my health.
I gave him the health but he wasn't giving points for it. So I bailed on negotiating with him once he started asking for sacrifices.
I think I had a ranged wraith touch or something on that run so I was able to recover from that one luckily.
Tlaloc was somewhat similar, but not as bad. I think he let me choose who to sacrifice and it was some bird thing I just caught.
I was able to dump some stones on him so that helped as well. Not sure if baphomet would have accepted them from his tone.

And thanks for all the help and clarifications earlier.
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Joined: Tue May 15, 2018 11:55 pm

Re: Yet another YASD thread

Postby Ferret » Sun May 27, 2018 2:29 pm

Re: EXP allowing recovery, It will become more important in Demon, as things go along. The difficulty's not quite where I want it yet, even in the current content. :D

Yeah, your Score is pretty much entirely based on your EXP. I couldn't find any other factors I agreed with adding. (Turn count is a popular one in other games, but I've never agreed. It seems to rather arbitrarily favor "fast" strategies and I've never understood the point of that.)

Unique negotiations can be pretty tough. :) Many uniques (and other demons, for that matter) will demand you get rid of allies that "offend" their sensibilities: having these allies in your party (active or stable) can make trying to recruit them somewhat more difficult. Any time you are asked to get rid of a specific ally rather than being asked to choose one, this is the cause. Baphomet is offended by "holy" demons, which he defines as those who possess Light or Healing abilities. He's also tends to be a stickler about it, whereas other demons can be a bit more forgiving of refusals.

No problem re: the help/clarifications. :D
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Re: Yet another YASD thread

Postby greattuna » Wed Jun 23, 2021 10:14 pm

Hey I'm back!
It's been a long time, and I'm glad to come back to this game. But I'm rusty, and it shows, and also there's a lot of new abilities I'm really not familiar with.

Anyways, I've got reports!

Code: Select all
Demon Party Dump File
Version 6/4/2021, Scoring Model: 5/31/2021
Dump file created at: 6/23/2021 3:44:53 PM

Summoner Queen Luna...
was chosen by the Crown of Glory,
selected Healing as their starting element,
has earned a score of 2678,
is currently at Anomaly:1,
and is quite dead!

--==== Main Character ====--

Name : Queen Luna
Level: 7
MaxHP: 64
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 10
Magic   : 27
Vitality: 23
Agility : 10
Cunning : 10

Resist: Body
Weak  : Dark

Soul Brand:
Ri (Lv.3)
  SP Costs: -13%

Abilities Known:
1) Heal Wounds (Type: Healing, 25 SP. 105 Power heal.)
2) Draw Wounds (Type: Healing, 0 SP. 105 Power heal. Costs HP equal to the amount healed, but cannot kill the user. Free action. Cooldown: Cantrip (1))
3) Dash (Type: None, 20 SP. Move to the target position instantly. This is a fast action: it only takes half the time most actions do. Cooldown: Charge (8))
4) Icy Hammer (Type: Impact, 5 SP. 85 Power attack split between Impact and Ice. Chills the target, reducing their accuracy, evasion, and movement speed slightly.)
5) Cleansing Aura (Type: Healing, Reactive. Each standard turn, reduce the duration of your and all visible allies' Body status effects by 0.5 turns.)
6) Lifeweaver (Type: Healing, Passive. Reduces the SP cost of Healing abilities by 5, to a minimum of 0.)
7) Vital Spells (Type: None, Passive. The lesser of 75% of your Vitality and 100% of your Magic is added to Magic to determine magical damage and healing.)
8) Vigorous (Type: None, Passive. Increases base SP regeneration by 50%.)

Relic Upgrades:
Capacity Up IV (Grants additional storage capacity for demon allies, allowing for a total of 7 at once.)
Copy Saver (Reduces the cost of Copy Ability by 33%.)

3 Pure stone
4 Chakra stone
2 Chakra gem
7 Heal stone
2 Curse rune
1 Night rune
1 Pure gem
1 Calm card
1 Ghost chime
1 Wind card
2 Heal gem
1 Blizzard rune

Po-Tir-Rel (Lv.1)
  No base SP cost above 20
  SP equal to or less than 50
  Magic: +8
Wa (Lv.1)
  Remove Weak: Mind
Po-Pa (Lv.2)
  Level is 7 or higher
  Magic: +7
Wa (Lv.2)
  Remove Weak: Dark
Co-In (Lv.2)
  Max SP: +7
  SP Costs: -1
Du-We-Rel (Lv.3)
  No base SP cost above 20
  Strength: -6
  Vitality: +10
Ri (Lv.3)
  SP Costs: -13%
Ef-Ri-Ex (Lv.4)
  Max SP: -35
  SP Costs: -14%
  SP per Turn: +1.2
Ri-Ef-Ha (Lv.6)
  Speed is 105% or more
  SP per Turn: +1.0
  SP Costs: -12%
Qu-Ra-Fr-Rel (Lv.6)
  No base SP cost above 10
  Vitality: -15
  Speed: +20%
  Agility: +13
Ra-Res (Lv.6)
  SP equal to MaxSP
  Speed: +20%

Current Credits: 2066

--==== Party Overview  ====--

Element      Users      Immune     Resistant  Normal     Weak       
Slash        2          0          1          6*         1         
Impact       4*         0          1          6*         1         
Pierce       4          0          1          6*         1         
Fire         1          0          1          4*         3         
Ice          0          0          1          6*         1         
Electricity  0          0          1          5*         2         
Body         0          1          5*         2          0         
Mind         2          0          1          5*         2         
Matter       0          1          0          6*         1         
Light        1          0          2          2*         4         
Dark         0          0          3          3          2*         

n : Number of party members counted.
* : Denotes the main character is included.

--==== Current Party ====--

Name : Artificial Familiar
Level: 6
MaxHP: 52
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 15
Magic   : 15
Vitality: 15
Agility : 15
Cunning : 15

Resist: Body Mind Dark
Weak  : Light Matter

Abilities Known:
1) Mind Spike (Type: Mind, 10 SP. 40 Power attack. Cannot miss.)
2) Draw Wounds (Type: Healing, 0 SP. 105 Power heal. Costs HP equal to the amount healed, but cannot kill the user. Free action. Cooldown: Cantrip (1))
3) Refresh (Type: Healing, 5 SP. Transfers up to 15 SP from the user to the target. Free action. Cooldown: Cantrip (1))
4) Low Profile (Type: Defense, Passive. Always dodge projectiles fired by allies unless directly targeted.)
5) Diehard (Type: Defense, Passive. Stops HP from reaching 0, except by Ignite, Poison, or Melting damage. May trigger an Endure cooldown when activated (more damage = higher chance). Triggers before Relic Preservation. Cooldown: Endure (6))
6) Bask (Type: Fire, 0 SP. Can be used when Muted. Must target an Ignited enemy. No effect on the target, but triggers a 60 Power heal on and restores 10 SP for the user. Free action. Cooldown: Cantrip (3))
7) Set Alight (Type: Fire, 20 SP. 40 Power attack. Has a 100% chance to Ignite the target, causing damage over a short duration. Cannot miss.)
8) ------------

Name : Lifegiver Gandayah
Level: 6
MaxHP: 55
MaxSP: 125

Strength: 12
Magic   : 22
Vitality: 25
Agility : 8
Cunning : 8

Resist: Electricity
Weak  : Fire

Abilities Known:
1) Relief (Type: Healing, 15 SP. Removes Blind, Melting, Harden, Stone, and Held.)
2) Refresh (Type: Healing, 5 SP. Transfers up to 15 SP from the user to the target. Free action. Cooldown: Cantrip (1))
3) Tireless (Type: None, Passive. Increases MaxSP by 25.)
4) Mind Spike (Type: Mind, 10 SP. 40 Power attack. Cannot miss.)
5) Vital Spells (Type: None, Passive. The lesser of 75% of your Vitality and 100% of your Magic is added to Magic to determine magical damage and healing.)
6) Lifeweaver (Type: Healing, Passive. Reduces the SP cost of Healing abilities by 5, to a minimum of 0.)
7) Regenerate (Type: Healing, 25 SP. Bestows Regeneration, restoring health over time.)
8) Affection (Type: Healing, 25 SP. 60-130 Power heal, based on your remaining HP (more HP = higher Power).)

Name : Icy (Will o' wisp)
Level: 6
MaxHP: 35
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 12
Magic   : 12
Vitality: 12
Agility : 21
Cunning : 18

Immune: Body Matter
Resist: Slash Impact Pierce
Weak  : Electricity Light Dark

Abilities Known:
1) Ghost Pierce (Type: Pierce, 15 SP. 70 Power attack. Moves you to different, randomly selected, position adjacent to the target.)
2) Evade Step (Type: Defense, Passive. Gain a 25% chance to dodge attacks when your last action was movement or a movement ability.)
3) Souleater (Type: Dark, Reactive. Responds to a visible character's death by attacking them with a drain that heals you for 10% of their maximum HP.)
4) Bright Veil (Type: Matter, Reactive. 10% chance to Blind adjacent characters that deal damage to you, which reduces sight radius to 1 and also reduces accuracy and evasion by 50%.)
5) Stunning Blow (Type: Impact, 15 SP. 70 Power attack. Has a 35% chance to inflict Stun, causing the target to miss their next turn.)
6) Icetouch (Type: Ice, Passive. Causes your Slash, Impact, and Pierce attacks to apply Chill briefly, reducing accuracy, evasion, and movement speed slightly.)
7) Tormentor (Type: None, Passive. Restores 5 SP when you deal damage to one or more characters that have negative status effects.)
8) Headwind (Type: Ice, Passive. Ice attacks delay the next turn of targets that moved during their previous turn.)

Name : Ghoul
Level: 11
MaxHP: 60
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 26
Magic   : 8
Vitality: 20
Agility : 24
Cunning : 22

Resist: Body
Weak  : Fire Mind Light

Soul Brand:
Du-We-Rel (Lv.3)
  No base SP cost above 20
  Strength: -6
  Vitality: +10

Abilities Known:
1) Pounce (Type: Slash, 15 SP. Must target a character. Leap to the target with a 70 Power attack. Inflicts Stun, causing the target to miss their next turn. Cooldown: Charge (6))
2) Numbing Bite (Type: Pierce, 15 SP. 70 Power attack. Has a 50% chance to inflict Paralysis, causing the target to frequently miss their turns.)
3) Flesheater (Type: Body, Reactive. Responds to an adjacent character's death by attacking them with a drain that heals you for 25% of their maximum HP.)
4) Venomous (Type: Body, Passive. Provides a 35% chance for your Slash, Impact, and Pierce attacks to apply Poison, causing damage over time (can stack three times).)
5) Bloodlust (Type: None, Passive. Restores SP per target damaged when you deal damage with Slash, Impact, or Pierce abilities. 5 SP for the first target, 4 SP for the second, etc. No further recovery after 5 targets.)
6) Icetouch (Type: Ice, Passive. Causes your Slash, Impact, and Pierce attacks to apply Chill briefly, reducing accuracy, evasion, and movement speed slightly.)
7) Tormentor (Type: None, Passive. Restores 5 SP when you deal damage to one or more characters that have negative status effects.)
8) Earth Break (Type: Impact, 25 SP. 70 Power attack.)

Name : Blessed Zombie
Level: 6
MaxHP: 69
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 21
Magic   : 6
Vitality: 31
Agility : 10
Cunning : 7

Resist: Ice Body
Weak  : Fire Electricity Mind Light

Abilities Known:
1) Infectious Bite (Type: Pierce, 10 SP. 70 Power attack. Has a 70% chance to apply Infection, which prevents most HP and SP recovery.)
2) Flesheater (Type: Body, Reactive. Responds to an adjacent character's death by attacking them with a drain that heals you for 25% of their maximum HP.)
3) Gluttony (Type: Body, Passive. Provides a 50% increase in healing, SP restoration, and MaxHP bonuses from drains and abilities that heal based on damage dealt or restore SP based on SP drained.)
4) Infection Boost (Type: Body, Passive. Increases your chance to apply Infection by 50% of the original chance.)
5) Blessweaver (Type: Buff, Passive. Reduces the SP cost of Buff abilities by 5, to a minimum of 0.)
6) Might (Type: Buff, 10 SP. Improves offense by 25%.)
7) ------------
8) ------------

Name : Artemis
Level: 6
MaxHP: 46
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 18
Magic   : 7
Vitality: 10
Agility : 25
Cunning : 15

Resist: Body Light Dark
Weak  : Slash Impact Pierce

Abilities Known:
1) Sure Shot (Type: Pierce, 25 SP. 70 Power attack. Cannot miss.)
2) Arc Needle (Type: Pierce, 20 SP. 70 Power attack.)
3) Intent (Type: Buff, 5 SP. Briefly improves accuracy by 25%. Free action. Cooldown: Cantrip (3))
4) Expose (Type: Debuff, 15 SP. 85% chance to reduce defense by 20%.)
5) Bloodlust (Type: None, Passive. Restores SP per target damaged when you deal damage with Slash, Impact, or Pierce abilities. 5 SP for the first target, 4 SP for the second, etc. No further recovery after 5 targets.)
6) Venomous (Type: Body, Passive. Provides a 35% chance for your Slash, Impact, and Pierce attacks to apply Poison, causing damage over time (can stack three times).)
7) Crusader (Type: Light, Passive. Provides a 35% chance for your Slash, Impact, and Pierce attacks to apply Guilt, healing those who damage the target (excluding reactions).)
8) ------------

Name : Paw Patrol (Brutal Kasha)
Level: 5
MaxHP: 41
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 23
Magic   : 10
Vitality: 13
Agility : 18
Cunning : 13

Resist: Fire Light Dark
Weak  : Ice

Soul Brand:
Mi (Lv.5)
  Strength: +7

Abilities Known:
1) Fiery Claw (Type: Slash, 5 SP. 85 Power attack split between Slash and Fire. Has a 35% chance to Ignite the target, causing damage over a short duration.)
2) Fiery Veil (Type: Fire, Reactive. Responds to damage dealt to you by adjacent characters with a 20 Power attack that has a 10% chance to Ignite the target, causing damage over a short duration. Cannot miss.)
3) Weigh Sin (Type: Light, 15 SP. 85% chance to inflict Guilt, healing those who damage the target (excluding reactions).)
4) Swiftness (Type: None, Passive. Reduces the turn cost of movement and movement abilities by 20%.)
5) Clobber (Type: Impact, 5 SP. 100 Power attack. Half normal accuracy.)
6) Earth Break (Type: Impact, 25 SP. 70 Power attack.)
7) Cleansing Aura (Type: Healing, Reactive. Each standard turn, reduce the duration of your and all visible allies' Body status effects by 0.5 turns.)
8) Relieving Aura (Type: Healing, Reactive. Each standard turn, reduce the duration of your and all visible allies' Matter status effects (except Harden) by 0.5 turns.)

--==== Recent Messages ====--

 Artemis shoots the gremlin for 6.
 Artemis is refreshed for 5 SP.
 The gremlin hits you for 6.
 You feel like you will be less accurate longer!
 The nero gestures at the gremlin.
 The gremlin is healed for 12.
 The gremlin hits you for 6.
 You feel like you will be less accurate longer!
 Your zombie gestures at Artemis.
 Artemis looks more powerful!
 The gremlin is no longer stunned.
 The gremlin whispers softly at your ghoul.
 Your ghoul loses control!
 The gremlin misses your ghoul.
 Your ghoul is out of control!
 The gremlin dodges your ghoul's attack!
 Using Icy Hammer...
 Aim within the possible target area using
 movement keys. Press Enter to execute, Escape to
 You fumble around uselessly!
 Artemis shoots a needle at the gremlin.
 Artemis shoots the gremlin for 8.
 Artemis is refreshed for 5 SP.
 The gremlin is no longer chilled.
 The gremlin hits you for 6.
 You feel like you will be less accurate longer!
 The gremlin hits you for 5.
 You feel like you will be less accurate longer!
 The gremlin hits your ghoul for 6.
 Your ghoul looks less accurate!
 The nero gestures at the gremlin.
 The gremlin begins to regenerate!
 Your ghoul is out of control!
 Your ghoul bites your zombie for 10.
 Your zombie starts shivering!
 Your ghoul is refreshed for 5 SP.
 You are in danger!
 Using Icy Hammer...
 Aim within the possible target area using
 movement keys. Press Enter to execute, Escape to
 You fumble around uselessly!
 The gremlin hits you for 6.
 You feel like you will be less accurate longer!
 The gremlin hits you for 6.
 You feel like you will be less accurate longer!
 The gremlin hits your zombie for 6.
 Your zombie looks less accurate!
 Artemis shoots a needle at the gremlin.
 Artemis shoots the gremlin for 8.
 The gremlin will be poisoned longer!
 Artemis is refreshed for 5 SP.
 The nero gestures at the gremlin.
 The gremlin is healed for 12.
 The gremlin is no longer poisoned.
 The gremlin hits you for 5.
 You feel like you will be less accurate longer!
 Your ghoul is out of control!
 Your ghoul bites you for 11.
 Your relic struggles to keep you alive!
 You are paralyzed!
 You feel cold!
 Your ghoul is refreshed for 5 SP. (x2)
 The gremlin hits you for 6.
 Your relic struggles to keep you alive!
 You feel like you will be less accurate longer!
 Your zombie misses the gremlin.
 The gremlin hits you for 6.
 Your relic struggles to keep you alive!
 You calm down.
 Using Icy Hammer...
 Aim within the possible target area using
 movement keys. Press Enter to execute, Escape to
 Nevermind then.
 Using Dash...
 Aim within the possible target area using
 movement keys. Press Enter to execute, Escape to
 Nevermind then.
 Using pure stone...
 Aim within the possible target area using
 movement keys. Press Enter to execute, Escape to
 You are paralyzed and cannot move!
 Artemis concentrates briefly.
 Artemis will be more accurate longer!
 Artemis shoots a needle at the gremlin.
 Artemis shoots the gremlin for 8.
 Artemis is refreshed for 5 SP.
 Your zombie is no longer chilled.
 The gremlin hits you for 5.
 Your relic struggles to keep you alive!
 You feel like you will be less accurate longer!
 The gremlin hits you for 6.
 Your relic struggles to keep you alive!
 You feel like you will be less accurate longer!
 The gremlin hits you for 6.
 You die...

My journey back through the Tower started with crowns, glory, and dying. After three attempts I realized that I probably should play to the Crown's strengths and actually build up an army of demons before hoarding abilities for myself. With healing and an SP-reducing brand I was pretty set to command my demons to victory!

I was enjoying Vital Spells and healing boost from OFF Up. It took me some time and a bit of experimenting to realize that they do indeed boost my magic, but once I figured out I started throwing cheap, effective heals. Draw Wounds + Heal is a great combo to bring someone back into fight quickly!

Then I got panicked by gremlins and died. Not proud of this one, since I was a healer, and I charged head-first into a crowd, trying to hammer.

Sidenote: I do have a soft spot for auras. One day I'll make an aura build. Or maybe an aura army. I wonder how well would that work...

Anyway, after that I decided to turn it around and instead of making an army with Crown of Glory I went for Titan's Fist and power for myself.

Code: Select all
Demon Party Dump File
Version 6/4/2021, Scoring Model: 5/31/2021
Dump file created at: 6/24/2021 12:28:14 AM

Summoner Rawr...
was chosen by the Titan's Fist,
selected Slash as their starting element,
has earned a score of 12228,
is currently at Tower:10,
and is still alive!

--==== Main Character ====--

Name : Rawr
Level: 15
MaxHP: 78
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 66
Magic   : 10
Vitality: 10
Agility : 24
Cunning : 10

Resist: Body
Weak  : Ice

Soul Brand:
Co-Ef-Al (Lv.2)
  1 or less visible allies
  SP per Turn: +2.1
  SP Costs: -4

Abilities Known:
1) Daring Cut (Type: Slash, 15 SP. 70 Power attack. Briefly increases your or a nearby ally's offense by 25%.)
2) Reshape (Type: Healing, 0 SP. Removes all negative status effects, then applies a 130 Power heal. Free action. Cooldown: Endure (3))
3) Earth Break (Type: Impact, 25 SP. 70 Power attack.)
4) Snipe Shot (Type: Pierce, 25 SP. 130 Power attack, if the damage would be fatal. Otherwise, 70 Power attack.)
5) Swiftness (Type: None, Passive. Reduces the turn cost of movement and movement abilities by 20%.)
6) Tormentor (Type: None, Passive. Restores 5 SP when you deal damage to one or more characters that have negative status effects.)
7) Icetouch (Type: Ice, Passive. Causes your Slash, Impact, and Pierce attacks to apply Chill briefly, reducing accuracy, evasion, and movement speed slightly.)
8) Leadership (Type: Buff, Passive. Accelerates the next turn of a nearby ally when you use Slash, Impact, or Pierce abilities to deal damage to one or more characters.)

Relic Upgrades:
Aux Guard I (When you have 2 or less demons summoned, reduces incoming damage and increases status resistance by 20%, for both you and your summoned demons. The bonus does not apply to Heroic targets.)
Aux Guard II (When you have 1 or less demons summoned, reduces incoming damage and increases status resistance by 20%, for both you and your summoned demons. Stacks with Aux Guard I. The bonus does not apply to Heroic targets.)
Aux Power I (When you have 2 or less demons summoned, increases damage dealt by 20% and reduces SP costs and cooldowns by 20%, for both you and your summoned demons. The bonus does not apply to Heroic targets.)
Aux Power II (When you have 1 or less demons summoned, increases damage dealt by 35% and reduces SP costs and cooldowns by 20%, for both you and your summoned demons. Stacks with Aux Power I. The bonus does not apply to Heroic targets.)
Enemy Lure (Unlocks the Enemy Lure transmutation, which allows you to reveal hidden demons in your surroundings. Some demons are very hard to find without this technique, but using it is not without risk...)

1 Zephyr card
1 Night rune
6 Heal gem
4 Pure gem
11 Heal stone
3 Calm card
3 Chakra gem
7 Pure stone
2 Heart glyph
1 Mirror chime
2 Trouble chime
1 Tempest rune
1 Chakra stone
1 Wind card

Ra (Lv.2)
  Speed: +10%
Co-Ef-Al (Lv.2)
  1 or less visible allies
  SP per Turn: +2.1
  SP Costs: -4
Co-Wa-Na (Lv.4)
  Cunning: -6
  Remove Weak: Dark
  SP Costs: -2
Ra-Im (Lv.4)
  Magic: -13
  Speed: +16%
Ri (Lv.5)
  SP Costs: -13%
Qu-Ef-Ex (Lv.6)
  Max SP: -35
  SP per Turn: +1.2
  Agility: +7
Po-Wa-Al-So (Lv.6)
  Is a Demon
  2 or less visible allies
  Resist: Mind
  Magic: +12
Sa (Lv.7)
  HP per Turn: +1.1% of MaxHP
Ra-Mi-Lim-So (Lv.10)
  Is a Unique Demon
  SP Costs: +40%
  Strength: +17
  Speed: +21%
Sa-Le-Fl-Rel (Lv.11)
  No base SP cost above 15
  Last Used: Slash
  Speed: -30%
  HP per Turn: +5.1% of MaxHP
Sa-We (Lv.12)
  Strength: -10
  HP per Turn: +1.7% of MaxHP
Qu-Sa-Im-Fre-So (Lv.13)
  Is an Unmodified Demon
  SP above 50
  Magic: -5
  HP per Turn: +2.4% of MaxHP
  Agility: +21

Current Credits: 11436

--==== Party Overview  ====--

Element      Users      Immune     Resistant  Normal     Weak       
Slash        2*         0          1          3*         0         
Impact       2*         0          2          2*         0         
Pierce       2*         0          1          3*         0         
Fire         1          0          1          1*         2         
Ice          0          0          0          1          3*         
Electricity  1          0          1          3*         0         
Body         0          0          3*         0          1         
Mind         0          0          1          3*         0         
Matter       1          0          0          2*         2         
Light        1          0          0          4*         0         
Dark         0          0          0          4*         0         

n : Number of party members counted.
* : Denotes the main character is included.

--==== Current Party ====--

Name : Fiery Kitsune
Level: 15
MaxHP: 71
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 8
Magic   : 37
Vitality: 15
Agility : 30
Cunning : 30

Resist: Fire Mind
Weak  : Body

Soul Brand:
Sa (Lv.3)
  HP per Turn: +1.0% of MaxHP

Abilities Known:
1) Shock Dart (Type: Electricity, 15 SP. 70 Power attack. Has a 10% chance to inflict Shock, causing the target to miss their next turn.)
2) Ember Burst (Type: Fire, 20 SP. 70% chance to Ignite the targets for an unusually long duration, causing damage over time.)
3) Inner Fire (Type: Fire, 0 SP. Can be used while Muted. 60 Power heal. Restores 10 SP. Free action. Cooldown: Heat (4))
4) Firestarter (Type: Fire, Passive. Increases your chance to apply Ignite by 50% of the original chance.)
5) Bask (Type: Fire, 0 SP. Can be used when Muted. Must target an Ignited enemy. No effect on the target, but triggers a 60 Power heal on and restores 10 SP for the user. Free action. Cooldown: Cantrip (1))
6) Last Defense (Type: Defense, Passive. Increases defense by 100% when your health is at 25% or less of maximum.)
7) Bloodthirst (Type: Body, Passive. Heals you for 25% of the damage you deal with Slash, Impact, or Pierce abilities (affected by Body resistance). Does not work with MaxHP damage.)
8) Ignore Pain (Type: Healing, Reactive. Responds to damage dealt to you with a 20 Power heal. Only works when the attack leaves you with HP greater than 50% of your maximum.)

Name : Python
Level: 14
MaxHP: 88
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 30
Magic   : 9
Vitality: 40
Agility : 13
Cunning : 23

Resist: Slash Impact Electricity Body
Weak  : Fire Ice Matter

Soul Brand:
Sa (Lv.7)
  HP per Turn: +1.1% of MaxHP

Abilities Known:
1) Earth Break (Type: Impact, 25 SP. 70 Power attack.)
2) Tangler (Type: Matter, Passive. Provides a 35% chance for your Slash, Impact, and Pierce attacks to inflict Held, which reduces accuracy, evasion, and movement speed (can stack three times.))
3) Bloodlust (Type: None, Passive. Restores SP per target damaged when you deal damage with Slash, Impact, or Pierce abilities. 5 SP for the first target, 4 SP for the second, etc. No further recovery after 5 targets.)
4) Snipe Shot (Type: Pierce, 25 SP. 130 Power attack, if the damage would be fatal. Otherwise, 70 Power attack.)
5) Icetouch (Type: Ice, Passive. Causes your Slash, Impact, and Pierce attacks to apply Chill briefly, reducing accuracy, evasion, and movement speed slightly.)
6) Crusader (Type: Light, Passive. Provides a 35% chance for your Slash, Impact, and Pierce attacks to apply Guilt, healing those who damage the target (excluding reactions).)
7) Last Defense (Type: Defense, Passive. Increases defense by 100% when your health is at 25% or less of maximum.)
8) Witch Cut (Type: Slash, 15 SP. 70 Power attack. Has a 50% chance to apply Hex, which reduces physical resistances (not immunity) by one level, and reduces physical damage dealt by 50%.)

Name : Ooze
Level: 22
MaxHP: 57
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 12
Magic   : 62
Vitality: 12
Agility : 41
Cunning : 40

Resist: Impact Pierce Body
Weak  : Fire Ice Matter

Soul Brand:
Po-Wa-Al-So (Lv.6)
  Is a Demon
  2 or less visible allies
  Resist: Mind
  Magic: +12

Abilities Known:
1) Liquefying Touch (Type: Matter, 10 SP. 70 Power attack. Has a 70% chance to inflict Melting, causing damage over time.)
2) Consuming Touch (Type: Matter, 10 SP. 70 Power attack, +45 Power if the target is Melting. Heals the user for 66% of the damage dealt.)
3) Acidic Veil (Type: Matter, Reactive. 35% chance to Melt adjacent characters that deal damage to you, causing damage over time.)
4) Corrosive Vapor (Type: Debuff, Passive. Attempts to inflict Melting on non-immune targets also have a 50% chance to briefly reduce defense by 20%.)
5) Mending (Type: Healing, 20 SP. Cannot be used on Mended targets or enemies. 150 Power heal. Applies Mended.)
6) Sanction (Type: Light, 15 SP. Only affects enemies whose last action was a magical ability. 85 Power attack. Cannot miss. Cooldown: Light (2))
7) Punish (Type: Light, 15 SP. Only affects enemies whose last action was a damaging ability. 85 Power attack. Cannot miss. Cooldown: Light (2))
8) Regenerate (Type: Healing, 25 SP. Bestows Regeneration, restoring health over time.)

--==== Recent Messages ====--

 You are refreshed for 5 SP.
 The aitvaras siphons the soul of the aitvaras for
 It isn't very effective.
 The aitvaras is healed for 6.
 Your ooze leaps into action!
 Your ooze sanctions the aitvaras for 26.
 It's super effective!
 Your ooze sanctions the druj nasu for 26.
 It's super effective!
 The aitvaras smites your ooze for 5.
 The druj nasu gestures ominously.
 Your ooze will be badly poisoned longer!
 One of your allies is in danger!
 Using Snipe Shot...
 Aim within the possible target area using
 movement keys. Press Enter to execute, Escape to
 You shoot a needle at the aitvaras.
 You miss the aitvaras.
 Your ooze drains the druj nasu for 21.
 Your ooze is healed for 14.
 The aitvaras smites your ooze for 5.
 Your ooze touches the druj nasu for 21.
 The druj nasu begins to melt!
 The druj nasu looks vulnerable!
 The druj nasu gestures at your ooze.
 Your ooze will be infected longer!
 Using Dismiss...
 Nevermind then.
 Using Snipe Shot...
 Aim within the possible target area using
 movement keys. Press Enter to execute, Escape to
 You shoot a needle at the aitvaras.
 You snipe the aitvaras for 42.
 You kill the aitvaras!!
 Your ooze looks energized!
 Your ooze drains the druj nasu for 43.
 Your ooze kills the druj nasu!!
 Your ooze is healed for 28.
 A record of your current party has been saved.
 File name:
 You begin resting.
 Your ooze is no longer badly poisoned.
 Your ooze is no longer infected.
 Your ooze gestures at itself.
 Your ooze is healed for 24.
 Your ooze's power returns to normal.
 Your ooze gestures at itself.
 Your ooze begins to regenerate!
 Your ooze can be mended again.
 Your ooze is no longer regenerating.
 Rest complete, but you must defeat enemies to
 restore your allies' missing Maximum HP.
 You pick up the chakra gem.
 This level is now fully explored.
 Your relic scans the level for any remaining
 This level has been fully explored. Press 'o' to
 revisit points of interest and portals, or Shift
 + 'p' to travel to a specific destination.
 There is a corpse here. You can press 'g' to
 search the corpse.
 You search the corpse...
 You find an item on the corpse!
 You pick up the small cache.
 Your relic absorbs 118 C.
 There is a corpse here. You can press 'g' to
 search the corpse.
 You search the corpse...
 You find an item on the corpse!
 You pick up the wind card.
 There is a corpse here. You can press 'g' to
 search the corpse.
 You search the corpse...
 You find an item on the corpse!
 You pick up the pure stone.
 There is a corpse here. You can press 'g' to
 search the corpse.
 You search the corpse...
 You find an item on the corpse!
 You pick up the small cache.
 Your relic absorbs 153 C.
 There is a warp to Tower:11 here. Press 'p', '<',
 or '>' to change levels.
 Using Enemy Lure...
 This action will summon hostile enemies nearby.
 Proceed? (Y or N)
 Enemy Lure attempts to draw out hidden enemies...
 You feel a chill...
 A foreign relic wraith appears!
 Queefer appears out of nowhere!
 Queefer summons the akateko!
 Queefer summons the nokken!
 Queefer summons the mummy!
 The akateko swaps places with Queefer.

And by god, is it fun! I lucked out with Snipe Shot early on and used it often and on everyone. Got Daring Cut from Headless to boost it further, Earth Break for area-of-effect damage, and some passives to help me maintain myself and manage the action economy.

Then, on Anomaly I used my Bronze Offering to get an Ooze. It turned out to be a lot more practical to use than I expected, and I decided to throw on some regen for good measure. It's fast, and it deals a lot of damage between matter abilities, melting, and a few light-based area attacks that I got from fusing.

Code: Select all
 You shoot a needle at the aitvaras.
 You snipe the aitvaras for 42.
 You kill the aitvaras!!
 Your ooze looks energized!
 Your ooze drains the druj nasu for 43.
 Your ooze kills the druj nasu!!
 Your ooze is healed for 28.

I like big numbers. And I used to dread druj nasu so much before, but now they were just... gone, reduced to atoms.

Though it still hurts to not have a dedicated healer, and with so few slots I'm not sure I can afford one...

Small capacity is very much a problem when I want to grab all the nice abilities. Sometimes it means that some demons will have to carry abilities they can't use, and sometimes I'll need to ditch something I really like. On the other hand, unlike crown run I don't need to copy abilities a lot, so I can get away with having a big wallet of credits to use.

So now I'm at a decision point. First 10 relic points were obvious - enemy lure, always gotta have enemy lure - but what's next? Revelation, so I could fish for abilities I want? More capacity, so I could actually have space for those abilities? Or maybe fast dismissal? Or saving those points for something entirely else? Decisions, decisions...

Sidenote: I think it's the only time I'm going to get snipe shot, barring transposion and the like. I've only seen it once so far.

Edit: I died to buff Onis just three floors deeper. As in, the Onis had Imbued modifier and boosted their accuracy and damage. Add one well-placed stun and it resulted in my poor summoner dying.
Posts: 44
Joined: Wed Mar 01, 2017 5:30 pm

Re: Yet another YASD thread

Postby Ferret » Thu Jun 24, 2021 9:47 pm

Hey, welcome back. :D

Auras are great fun, at least for me. My test run of the most recent builds was centered around Fearsome Aura and Delay Boost. I slapped them on everyone I could in the party to maximize the turn delays. :D They're even more fun now that I think I finally fixed the performance issues related to resting/exploring with Auras in the party.

Snipe Shot is a very fun ability on Fist. :D It is pretty rare, but part of the fun is sometimes getting weird/rare abilities and getting to go to town with them. (The Fearsome Aura part of the build I mentioned just a bit ago was also a rare, random fluke find that I decided to build around.)

Fist does force some tough choices due to the low capacity early on. Raising Capacity is relatively cheap when you don't have much of it, so it doesn't usually hurt to pick up another. I should also add a reminder: with Fist, it is sometimes still worth it to summon 2 or even 3 allies temporarily. You lose some or all of the Aux bonuses, but in certain situations it can be worth it. For example, pulling out a second demon for a few turns of additional healing/buffing before putting them back up.

Sounds like you had tough luck with the Onis, but still a decent pair of runs. :) Thank you for the reports, and good luck on your next climb. :D
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Posts: 1786
Joined: Tue Sep 16, 2014 3:18 pm

Re: Yet another YASD thread

Postby greattuna » Tue Jun 29, 2021 10:34 pm

For my next climb, I decided to go with healing build again and put my points into having deep pockets. Thus the name.

Code: Select all
Demon Party Dump File
Version 6/4/2021, Scoring Model: 5/31/2021
Dump file created at: 6/30/2021 12:35:46 AM

Summoner Deep Pockets...
was chosen by the Crown of Glory,
selected Healing as their starting element,
has earned a score of 3854,
is currently at oUr SaNcTuM1!1,
and is still alive!

--==== Main Character ====--

Name : Deep Pockets
Level: 8
MaxHP: 68
MaxSP: 125

Strength: 15
Magic   : 35
Vitality: 24
Agility : 10
Cunning : 10

Resist: Body
Weak  : Dark

Soul Brand:
Ri-Po (Lv.3)
  Magic: +4
  SP Costs: -9%

Abilities Known:
1) Heal Wounds (Type: Healing, 25 SP. 105 Power heal.)
2) Lucky Aid (Type: Healing, 0 SP. One effect chosen at random for the target: Heal 50% HP (unaffected by your Magic bonus), restores 50 SP, or removes all negative status effects. Cooldown: Luck (3))
3) Flash Heal (Type: Healing, 15 SP. 60 Power heal. Free action. Cooldown: Cantrip (3))
4) Mending (Type: Healing, 20 SP. Cannot be used on Mended targets or enemies. 150 Power heal. Applies Mended.)
5) Regenerate (Type: Healing, 25 SP. Bestows Regeneration, restoring health over time.)
6) Stellar Nova (Type: Light, 35 SP. Attenuated 40 Power attack, enemies only. Attenuated 60 Power heal, allies only.)
7) Dazzling Veil (Type: Mind, Reactive. 20% chance to Stun adjacent characters that deal damage to you, causing them to miss their next turn.)
8) Tireless (Type: None, Passive. Increases MaxSP by 25.)

Relic Upgrades:
Capacity Up IV (Grants additional storage capacity for demon allies, allowing for a total of 7 at once.)
Copy Saver (Reduces the cost of Copy Ability by 33%.)
Fast Dismiss (Changes Dismiss to a fast action: it only takes half the time most actions do.)

14 Heal stone
1 Calm card
3 Pure stone
1 Pure gem
3 Chakra stone
1 Flame glyph
2 Ghost chime
1 Guardian gem
1 Zephyr card
1 Pain glyph
1 Chakra gem
1 Mirror chime

Qu-Du-Dis (Lv.1)
  Base Magic is 15 or more
  Vitality: +4
  Agility: +4
Wa-Po-So (Lv.2)
  Is a Summoner
  Magic: +7
  Remove Weak: Pierce
Mi (Lv.3)
  Strength: +6
Wa (Lv.3)
  Remove Weak: Fire
Ri-Po (Lv.3)
  Magic: +4
  SP Costs: -9%
Ra-Fo (Lv.4)
  4+ Electricity abilities
  Speed: +13%
Ra-Vu-Dis (Lv.6)
  Base Magic is 15 or more
  Weak: Light
  Speed: +19%
Ef-Na-Tra (Lv.6)
  HP equal to MaxHP
  Cunning: -3
  SP per Turn: +2.3
Sa-Ri-Res-Rel (Lv.6)
  No base SP cost above 5
  SP equal to MaxSP
  SP Costs: -29%
  HP per Turn: +2.4% of MaxHP
Ra-Fr-Tir (Lv.6)
  SP equal to or less than 50
  Vitality: -15
  Speed: +22%
Ri (Lv.6)
  SP Costs: -13%
Sa-We-Em (Lv.6)
  4 or less abilities
  Strength: -3
  HP per Turn: +2.1% of MaxHP

Current Credits: 2122

--==== Party Overview  ====--

Element      Users      Immune     Resistant  Normal     Weak       
Slash        3          0          1          6*         1         
Impact       1          0          1          6*         1         
Pierce       2          0          1          6*         1         
Fire         0          0          1          6*         1         
Ice          1          0          1          6*         1         
Electricity  0          0          1          4*         3         
Body         0          2          3*         3          0         
Mind         0          0          3          5*         0         
Matter       0          2          1          5*         0         
Light        3*         0          2          4*         2         
Dark         0          0          2          3          3*         

n : Number of party members counted.
* : Denotes the main character is included.

--==== Current Party ====--

Name : Homunculus
Level: 7
MaxHP: 52
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 16
Magic   : 16
Vitality: 16
Agility : 16
Cunning : 16

Resist: Body Mind
Weak  : Light Dark

Abilities Known:
1) Icetouch (Type: Ice, Passive. Causes your Slash, Impact, and Pierce attacks to apply Chill briefly, reducing accuracy, evasion, and movement speed slightly.)
2) Daring Cut (Type: Slash, 15 SP. 70 Power attack. Briefly increases your or a nearby ally's offense by 25%.)
3) Leadership (Type: Buff, Passive. Accelerates the next turn of a nearby ally when you use Slash, Impact, or Pierce abilities to deal damage to one or more characters.)
4) Calming Aura (Type: Healing, Reactive. Each standard turn, reduce the duration of your and all visible allies' Mind status effects (except Stun) by 0.5 turns.)
5) Bloodlust (Type: None, Passive. Restores SP per target damaged when you deal damage with Slash, Impact, or Pierce abilities. 5 SP for the first target, 4 SP for the second, etc. No further recovery after 5 targets.)
6) Cleansing Aura (Type: Healing, Reactive. Each standard turn, reduce the duration of your and all visible allies' Body status effects by 0.5 turns.)
7) Earth Break (Type: Impact, 25 SP. 70 Power attack.)
8) Bull Rush (Type: Impact, 10 SP. Must target a character. Charge to the target with a 70 Power attack. Inflicts Stun, causing the target to miss their next turn. Cooldown: Charge (6))

Name : Lifegiver Gandayah
Level: 7
MaxHP: 59
MaxSP: 125

Strength: 13
Magic   : 23
Vitality: 26
Agility : 9
Cunning : 9

Resist: Electricity
Weak  : Fire

Abilities Known:
1) Relief (Type: Healing, 15 SP. Removes Blind, Melting, Harden, Stone, and Held.)
2) Tireless (Type: None, Passive. Increases MaxSP by 25.)
3) Mending (Type: Healing, 20 SP. Cannot be used on Mended targets or enemies. 150 Power heal. Applies Mended.)
4) Flash Heal (Type: Healing, 15 SP. 60 Power heal. Free action. Cooldown: Cantrip (3))
5) Affection (Type: Healing, 25 SP. 60-130 Power heal, based on your remaining HP (more HP = higher Power).)
6) Regenerate (Type: Healing, 25 SP. Bestows Regeneration, restoring health over time.)
7) Cleansing Aura (Type: Healing, Reactive. Each standard turn, reduce the duration of your and all visible allies' Body status effects by 0.5 turns.)
8) Calming Aura (Type: Healing, Reactive. Each standard turn, reduce the duration of your and all visible allies' Mind status effects (except Stun) by 0.5 turns.)

Name : Echeneis
Level: 7
MaxHP: 51
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 12
Magic   : 18
Vitality: 23
Agility : 16
Cunning : 11

Resist: Ice
Weak  : Electricity

Abilities Known:
1) Chilling Touch (Type: Ice, 5 SP. 70 Power attack. Chills the target, reducing their accuracy, evasion, and movement speed slightly.)
2) Deep Chill (Type: Ice, Passive. Increases the duration of your Chill effects by 3 turns.)
3) Headwind (Type: Ice, Passive. Ice attacks delay the next turn of targets that moved during their previous turn.)
4) Icetouch (Type: Ice, Passive. Causes your Slash, Impact, and Pierce attacks to apply Chill briefly, reducing accuracy, evasion, and movement speed slightly.)
5) Tormentor (Type: None, Passive. Restores 5 SP when you deal damage to one or more characters that have negative status effects.)
6) Refresh (Type: Healing, 5 SP. Transfers up to 15 SP from the user to the target. Free action. Cooldown: Cantrip (1))
7) Stellar Nova (Type: Light, 35 SP. Attenuated 40 Power attack, enemies only. Attenuated 60 Power heal, allies only.)
8) Calming Aura (Type: Healing, Reactive. Each standard turn, reduce the duration of your and all visible allies' Mind status effects (except Stun) by 0.5 turns.)

Name : Maj. Will o' wisp
Level: 7
MaxHP: 41
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 14
Magic   : 10
Vitality: 14
Agility : 27
Cunning : 15

Immune: Body Matter
Resist: Slash Impact Pierce Mind
Weak  : Electricity Light Dark

Abilities Known:
1) Ghost Pierce (Type: Pierce, 15 SP. 70 Power attack. Moves you to different, randomly selected, position adjacent to the target.)
2) Evade Step (Type: Defense, Passive. Gain a 25% chance to dodge attacks when your last action was movement or a movement ability.)
3) Souleater (Type: Dark, Reactive. Responds to a visible character's death by attacking them with a drain that heals you for 10% of their maximum HP.)
4) Daring Cut (Type: Slash, 15 SP. 70 Power attack. Briefly increases your or a nearby ally's offense by 25%.)
5) Leadership (Type: Buff, Passive. Accelerates the next turn of a nearby ally when you use Slash, Impact, or Pierce abilities to deal damage to one or more characters.)
6) Rabblerouser (Type: Buff, Passive. Your abilities that increase the offense, defense, accuracy, evasion, or speed of allies also accelerate their next turn.)
7) Absolving Cut (Type: Slash, 20 SP. 70 Power attack. Removes Guilt, Mute, Pariah, and Hex from you or a nearby ally.)
8) Calming Aura (Type: Healing, Reactive. Each standard turn, reduce the duration of your and all visible allies' Mind status effects (except Stun) by 0.5 turns.)

Name : Artemis
Level: 8
MaxHP: 53
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 21
Magic   : 8
Vitality: 11
Agility : 28
Cunning : 17

Resist: Body Light Dark
Weak  : Slash Impact Pierce

Abilities Known:
1) Arc Needle (Type: Pierce, 20 SP. 70 Power attack.)
2) Intent (Type: Buff, 5 SP. Briefly improves accuracy by 25%. Free action. Cooldown: Cantrip (3))
3) Bloodlust (Type: None, Passive. Restores SP per target damaged when you deal damage with Slash, Impact, or Pierce abilities. 5 SP for the first target, 4 SP for the second, etc. No further recovery after 5 targets.)
4) Venomous (Type: Body, Passive. Provides a 35% chance for your Slash, Impact, and Pierce attacks to apply Poison, causing damage over time (can stack three times).)
5) Tormentor (Type: None, Passive. Restores 5 SP when you deal damage to one or more characters that have negative status effects.)
6) Leadership (Type: Buff, Passive. Accelerates the next turn of a nearby ally when you use Slash, Impact, or Pierce abilities to deal damage to one or more characters.)
7) Calming Aura (Type: Healing, Reactive. Each standard turn, reduce the duration of your and all visible allies' Mind status effects (except Stun) by 0.5 turns.)
8) Icetouch (Type: Ice, Passive. Causes your Slash, Impact, and Pierce attacks to apply Chill briefly, reducing accuracy, evasion, and movement speed slightly.)

Name : Culler Kasha
Level: 6
MaxHP: 45
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 8
Magic   : 17
Vitality: 18
Agility : 18
Cunning : 21

Resist: Fire Light Dark Matter
Weak  : Ice

Soul Brand:
Du (Lv.6)
  Vitality: +7

Abilities Known:
1) Fiery Claw (Type: Slash, 5 SP. 85 Power attack split between Slash and Fire. Has a 35% chance to Ignite the target, causing damage over a short duration.)
2) Weigh Sin (Type: Light, 15 SP. 85% chance to inflict Guilt, healing those who damage the target (excluding reactions).)
3) Tormentor (Type: None, Passive. Restores 5 SP when you deal damage to one or more characters that have negative status effects.)
4) Daring Cut (Type: Slash, 15 SP. 70 Power attack. Briefly increases your or a nearby ally's offense by 25%.)
5) Bloodlust (Type: None, Passive. Restores SP per target damaged when you deal damage with Slash, Impact, or Pierce abilities. 5 SP for the first target, 4 SP for the second, etc. No further recovery after 5 targets.)
6) Calming Aura (Type: Healing, Reactive. Each standard turn, reduce the duration of your and all visible allies' Mind status effects (except Stun) by 0.5 turns.)
7) Cleansing Aura (Type: Healing, Reactive. Each standard turn, reduce the duration of your and all visible allies' Body status effects by 0.5 turns.)
8) Leadership (Type: Buff, Passive. Accelerates the next turn of a nearby ally when you use Slash, Impact, or Pierce abilities to deal damage to one or more characters.)

Name : Blessed Ruhin
Level: 9
MaxHP: 52
MaxSP: 100

Strength: 7
Magic   : 14
Vitality: 18
Agility : 24
Cunning : 27

Immune: Body Matter
Resist: Mind
Weak  : Electricity

Soul Brand:
Ri (Lv.6)
  SP Costs: -13%

Abilities Known:
1) Focus (Type: Buff, 10 SP. Improves accuracy by 25%.)
2) Alert (Type: Buff, 10 SP. Improves evasion by 25%.)
3) Calm (Type: Healing, 15 SP. Removes Stun, Sleep, Panic, and Charm.)
4) Blessweaver (Type: Buff, Passive. Reduces the SP cost of Buff abilities by 5, to a minimum of 0.)
5) Protect (Type: Buff, 10 SP. Improves defense by 25%.)
6) Rousing Cry (Type: Buff, 5 SP. Accelerates the next turn of all nearby allies. Cooldown: Presence (4))
7) Refresh (Type: Healing, 5 SP. Transfers up to 15 SP from the user to the target. Free action. Cooldown: Cantrip (1))
8) Calming Aura (Type: Healing, Reactive. Each standard turn, reduce the duration of your and all visible allies' Mind status effects (except Stun) by 0.5 turns.)

--==== Recent Messages ====--

 Your kasha is refreshed for 5 SP.
 You feel energized!
 The aithir gestures at your kasha.
 Your kasha slows down!
 The chaos drains your kasha for 8.
 The chaos is healed for 4.
 Your ruhin shouts a rousing cry.
 You leap into action!
 Your kasha leaps into action!
 You are in danger!
 Using Regenerate...
 Aim within the possible target area using
 movement keys. Press Enter to execute, Escape to
 You gesture at yourself.
 You begin to regenerate!
 Your kasha claws the chaos for 4.
 Your kasha sears the chaos for 4.
 The chaos will be burning longer!
 Your kasha is refreshed for 5 SP.
 You feel energized!
 The glitch stares at your ruhin.
 Your ruhin resists.
 The glitch hits your kasha for 7.
 The aithir gestures at the aithir.
 The aithir is refreshed for 50 SP.
 One of your allies is in danger!
 Using Summon...
 Aim within the possible target area using
 movement keys. Press Enter to execute, Escape to
 You summon your will o' wisp!
 The aithir gestures at your will o' wisp.
 Your will o' wisp slows down!
 The chaos drains your kasha for 9.
 The chaos is healed for 5.
 Your homunculus' power returns to normal.
 Your gandayah is no longer charmed.
 Your echeneis is no longer charmed.
 Artemis is no longer charmed.
 The aithir throws a shining dart at your will o'
 The aithir smites your will o' wisp for 11.
 It's super effective!
 The glitch edits your kasha for 6.
 The chaos can be mended again.
 Your ruhin gestures at you.
 You feel more evasive!
 Your kasha claws the chaos for 5.
 Your kasha sears the chaos for 5.
 The chaos will be burning longer!
 Your kasha is refreshed for 5 SP.
 Your ruhin looks energized!
 The aithir gestures at the chaos.
 The chaos is healed for 17.
 Using Flash Heal...
 Aim within the possible target area using
 movement keys. Press Enter to execute, Escape to
 You gesture at your kasha.
 Your kasha is healed for 7.
 Using Focus Fire...
 Aim within the possible target area using
 movement keys. Press Enter to execute, Escape to
 You shout and point at the chaos.
 Your kasha accepts your order!
 Your will o' wisp glares defiantly!
 Using Lucky Aid...
 Aim within the possible target area using
 movement keys. Press Enter to execute, Escape to
 Nevermind then.
 Using heal stone...
 Aim within the possible target area using
 movement keys. Press Enter to execute, Escape to
 You use the heal stone.
 Your kasha is healed for 23.
 The chaos drains your kasha for 8.
 The chaos is healed for 4.
 Your homunculus is no longer melting.
 The aithir hits your will o' wisp for 2.
 It isn't very effective.
 Your kasha's power returns to normal.
 Your homunculus' speed returns to normal.
 The glitch edits your will o' wisp for 8.
 Your will o' wisp looks less evasive!
 Your will o' wisp is no longer charmed.
 Your will o' wisp slashes the aithir for 7.
 Your kasha looks more powerful!
 Your kasha looks energized! (x2)
 Your kasha claws the chaos for 4.
 Your kasha sears the chaos for 5.
 Your kasha is refreshed for 5 SP.
 Your ruhin leaps into action!
 Your ruhin hits the aithir for 5.
 The aithir gestures at itself.
 The aithir is healed for 18.
 One of your allies is in danger!

The results, I'd say, are very mixed. I had a run of bad luck trying to find any good passives that'd boost my healing or reduce SP costs. I did get stellar nova, which is really neat, but it's very taxing on my SP. And I need that for more focused healing.
Heals are really nice, but I have to stretch them out if I want to win a battle, and even then they're not always enough. With my lack of resistances, plus being in front by virtue of being a summoner, it's all too easy to shut the healer down. I probably need some sort of other sustain on my demons to back the heals. Something like guilt, or a passive, or maybe a materia siphon? Hmmm...

I've played around with lucky aid, because between mending, healing and flash healing, I've got all the bases covered already. Lucky Aid is... fun, but risky, best used after the fight's already broken out, but not falling apart yet. Unfortunately, that line is thin and blurry, and oftentimes lucky aid just did nothing. Right now I'm waiting for a good passive to swap it out with. I've considered Calm, but that's what the auras are for, right?

I also played with auras. They're not that strong, but I like that they work all the time, and there's something satisfying in running the clock on statuses 2.5 times faster. (If I survive this dang fight) I'll keep sticking both cleansing and calming auras into any demon I recruit.

The run went decently okay, I got a team of physical attackers backed by bloodlust and leadership, with the idea that they'll slash to boost their offensive, and then tear through the enemy with deep pockets of SP and extra turns. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't, it was strong, but brittle. I also recruited a fish (echeneis) to steal icetouch and maybe use it as a mage of sorts.

I did have a few close calls, with my stamina running out too quickly and me not being able to support my team when it happens. I also found out that I'm just not great at this. I keep applying Regen to ignited\melting demons, for example.

It started falling apart in anomaly though. Enemies do a lot of damage, I don't, any my demons are kinda on the fragile side. I also almost died to aerasi, just like the old good times! They had Mighty Spells to rub the salt in my shocked wound, too. They got a lucky streak and shocked me twice in 3 turns, forcing me and my demons into preservation. I pulled back via wind card, and had to use a second healer, blessed ruhin which I found and a fish (echeneis). Surprisingly that worked better than trying to go quick and hit hard.

Right now I'm fighting a group of lifegivers backed by a glitch. They have mending and... three Lucky Aids... I get one of them wounded, out goes the mending. I almost kill a chaos, it regains 50% of health. They're out of SP, until they're not. Statuses are right out. All the while, the glitch is messing with my relic and killing my buffs.

I almost died to them, too. Well-timed Disconnect and a well-placed kill on Artemis made me very vulnerable, and I was reduced to 1/2 HP, alone. But then, Deep Pockets pulled a pure stone from their pocket and ate it, giving them a second chance!

And now I'm stuck. Ugh. I don't want to pull out of sanctum, but I don't see a way of winning this.
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Joined: Wed Mar 01, 2017 5:30 pm

Re: Yet another YASD thread

Postby Ferret » Wed Jun 30, 2021 10:57 am

Hmm.. out of curiosity, what're your feelings about Draw Wounds? I'm usually fond of it on heavy healers: it can be amazing at times when you need to heal two targets at once, or when you need to really, really heal a single target. The 0 SP cost means it can do all that without directly impacting your SP flow, and can even be used when no other heals can. Of course, the big downside of you taking the damage yourself is present, but the advantages are many. Flash Heal has some of the same advantages, but the 15 SP cost and 3 turn delay can be heavy burdens of their own.

Lucky Aid is a funny one: There are players who swear it is the best heal in the game, and then there are ones whose experiences are more like yours. The AI is definitely a believer in it though: any AI with it tends to use it early and often (and usually with distressingly good results. :P )

There's no shame in backing out of an ugly branch. :D Knowing when and what to not fight is pretty important. If you're already had a close call and lost some resources and MaxHP just escaping, it may be better to back out and find other more winnable battles.

Good luck on the next part of your run, and thank you for the report. :D
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