Combat Mechanics: Power, Damage, Healing

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Re: Combat Mechanics: Power, Damage, Healing

Postby Ferret » Fri Mar 03, 2017 2:41 am

For the moment yes, the only differences in HP adjustment come from the level of the resistance, and whether or not it is physical or magical.

I hear what you're saying on not every element being equal in terms of how valuable/bad having a resistance/weakness is, and I don't disagree based on current content, but this is one of those areas where I'm reluctant to break out the fine-toothed balance comb before the game is content complete or even close.
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Re: Combat Mechanics: Power, Damage, Healing

Postby Gaswafers » Sat Mar 04, 2017 9:13 pm

What is the base HP regeneration rate? How do all the regeneration mechanics work for that matter?

This is another thing I suspect was already answered, but I can't find it.
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Re: Combat Mechanics: Power, Damage, Healing

Postby Ferret » Sun Mar 05, 2017 12:15 am

1) Base HP recovery is 0.5% of your MaxHP (including bonuses/penalties to such, and this is true for all of these) per 10 ticks. (An average character takes an action every 10 ticks.) If you are Infected, this becomes 0 instead.

2) Regeneration status gives you 3.3% of your MaxHP per 10 ticks. If you are Infected, this is reduced to 1.67% of your MaxHP per 10 ticks.

3) Ignite and levels of Poison cause 'degeneration'. Ignite, and each level of Poison, cause 4% of your MaxHP in damage per 10 ticks. This adds/subtracts with other factors. So a character with Poison 1 and Regen actually only loses a tiny bit per turn (+0.5 natural, +3.33 regen, -4 Poison = just under 0)

4) Warmth uses scary math and I don't wanna talk about it. :P Suffice it to say more is better, but each "more" is slightly less "better" than the last. :P The first target is +0.6% HP/10 ticks, and each additional Ignited target will be less helpful than that. (Remember too that Warmth also boosts SP regen, so this isn't all you get out of it anyway.)

5) Malleable will provide a 25% bonus to all positive modifiers to regeneration. So if you just have your natural 0.5%, it becomes 0.625%. If you have natural + Regen (normally 3.83%), that would become 4.78% Not much of a boost, but this isn't Malleable's main function anyway... although, notably...

6) The new Bright Blood passive triples your natural regeneration to 1.5% per 10 ticks, giving Malleable a bit more to work with. (This is in addition to Bright Blood's other effect of doubling MaxHP recovery from gaining XP.)
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Re: Combat Mechanics: Power, Damage, Healing

Postby Gaswafers » Fri Mar 10, 2017 5:34 am

I noticed that infection reduces the healing received from Draw Wounds without reducing the amount of damage the caster deals to themselves. Does Malleable increase the amount Draw Wounds heals without making the caster lose more life? Because if so, that seems kind of exploitable.
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Re: Combat Mechanics: Power, Damage, Healing

Postby Ferret » Fri Mar 10, 2017 2:01 pm

Malleable does indeed improve the healing Draw Wounds provides on the end without increasing the damage taken... but I'm not sure how it's exploitable? It does create a few HP with a spell that usually only shuffles them, but you can still only Draw Wounds once per turn per character, and Malleable's bonus isn't so high as to be a massive gain.
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Re: Combat Mechanics: Power, Damage, Healing

Postby oneeyedjoe » Thu Mar 16, 2017 5:19 pm

Does "share pain" passive affect bonus damage from mind type passives like innocence and dreamstalker ? How much mind resistance/weakness affects bonuses from those abilities (and from mind reader)?
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Re: Combat Mechanics: Power, Damage, Healing

Postby Ferret » Thu Mar 16, 2017 5:51 pm

Share Pain only affects Mind-element damage, not Mind-element bonuses to damage, so no, it has no effect on Innocence or Dreamstalker's bonus. However, it's certainly possible to be in a situation where you benefit from Share Pain at the same time as those bonuses, if all the conditions for each are met. :D

If an ability says it's bonuses are affected by a resistance type, the % modifier is the same as it usually is for damage and status effect accuracy. I'd have to double check the exact numbers when I get home though, I'm having a mental block on the exact numbers. :P But, for example, if resistance is a -50% modifier, Innocence's bonuses would be halved vs. a Mind resistant target.
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Re: Combat Mechanics: Power, Damage, Healing

Postby oneeyedjoe » Thu Mar 16, 2017 6:56 pm

4. Resistances. If the target is immune, the damage is 0. You lose, you get nothing, good day sir. :P If the target is resistant, either 50% or 75% of the damage is lost, depending on whether it is a physical resistance (50% loss) or magical resistance (75%).

Mind is a magical element, so shouldn't bonuses be only 25% of an initial innocence's bonuses then?

"But, for example, if resistance is a -50% modifier, Innocence's bonuses would be halved vs. a Mind resistant target." Or does it also depend on the damage type of my first strike? Like, if I use slash on a mind resistant target I get 50% penalty, but with ice attack I will get 75% penalty?
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Re: Combat Mechanics: Power, Damage, Healing

Postby Ferret » Thu Mar 16, 2017 7:24 pm

Ah. :D I should have known I probably had posted it on here, somewhere. Sorry, 50 was me just "what iffing" since I couldn't remember the number off the top of my head. :) Yeah, Mind is magical, so the penalty for a resistant target is 75%: indeed, Innocence would only be 25% effective in that case.

Innocence's bonuses are only affected by Mind resistance: the attack's type has no effect on what Innocence contributes.
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Re: Combat Mechanics: Power, Damage, Healing

Postby oneeyedjoe » Thu Mar 16, 2017 7:53 pm

How do defense bonuses stack? Let say I have +25% defense from Protect buff, +37,5% from Oppressor, because target is weak to dark and +25% from Juggernaut. That's +87,5% defense. Does it mean that I am almost invulnerable to demons with low HP that are weak to dark as long as I keep moving?
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