And here's the change log:
- Code: Select all
Relic Preservation (Experimental)
- Summoner Relics can now undertake desperate measures to preserve a
Summoner's life, dealing temporary MaxHP damage to prevent fatal HP
- This is a fairly wrenching process: it costs 2 MaxHP damage to prevent
1 HP damage.
- MaxHP lost in this way can be recovered by all the usual methods:
defeating enemies, using Pure Stones/Gems, using MaxHP draining
Balance (Experimental)
- Increased damage and healing by about 30% across the board.
- Increased the success rate of most status effects while also reducing
their duration. Very few status effects last more than 5 turns now.
- Infection now prevents all non-drain based HP and SP recovery, rather
than reducing these by 50%.
- Guilt now recovers significantly more HP when triggered.
- Pariah now causes significantly more damage when triggered.
- Regeneration now restores significantly more HP per turn.
- Poison and Ignite now cause significantly more damage per turn.
- Control loss enchantments (Panic, Charm, Sleep, Mute, Hex, Paralyze)
no longer have randomized durations.
- Basic movement, passing a turn, and the Dash ability now only take
half a turn to execute, in effect allowing you to do two of these, or
one twice, in the time it takes to do 1 other non-free action.
- As a consequence of this, capture mechanics that utilize movement,
such as 'chase' and 'defeat X enemies' have had their durations adjusted
- Doubled base HP regeneration rate, mostly so that resting does not seem
to take twice as long with the new half turn cost of passing a turn.
- Reduced the cap on how much energy Juggernaut can provide, since
basic movement is cheaper now.
- HP regeneration, Poison damage, and Ignite damage now use your base MaxHP
for calculating their effect, rather than your current MaxHP.
- Heroic characters no longer gain a bonus to status effect application
- Heroic characters now gain a larger bonus to damage and healing.
- Heroic characters now gain a smaller bonus to defense and status effect
- Chakra Stones and Chakra Gems now attempt to give an immediate extra turn
to affected characters, provided they are not currently unable to take a
- Electricity abilities with a fixed chance to hit now have an increased
chance to apply Shock, relative to other Electricity abilities. The SP
cost for these abilities was slightly reduced as well.
- Reduced the SP cost for very short-range 'smite' attacks, such as Ghost
Bite. This also affected the various 'Spear' abilities.
- Resting with MaxHP damage will now trigger a reminder about how to recover
lost MaxHP when resting concludes.
Please post any feedback, complaints, questions, etc. to this thread, rather than usual places on the forum, since this is a weirdo experimental build. Thanks, and good luck!